傑克曼 ((Jackman, Hugh))
Works: | 4 works in 6 publications in 3 languages |
遇上塔羅牌情人 = Scoop
傑克曼 ((Jackman, Hugh)); Jackman, Hugh; Allen, Woody; McShane, Ian; 麥西恩 ((McShane, Ian)); 艾倫 ((Allen, Woody))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
凡赫辛 = Van helsing
Beckinsale, Kate; Jackman, Hugh; 傑克曼 ((Jackman, Hugh)); 索默斯 ((Sommers, Stephen)); Sommers, Stephen; 貝琴薩 ((Beckinsale, Kate))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
快樂腳 = Happy feet
Daily, E. G; 威廉斯 ((Williams, Robin)); 米勒 ((Miller, Bill)); 基嫚 ((Kidman, Nicole, 1967- )); 戴利 ((Daily, E. G.)); 米勒 ((Miller, George, 1945 Mar. 3- )); Animal Logic Film; Kennedy Miller (Firm); Weaving, Hugo (1960-); 威文 ((Weaving, Hugo, 1960- )); 馬戈萊斯 ((Margolyes, Miriam)); Mitchell, Doug; Williams, Robin; Irwin, Steve; LaPaglia, Anthony; 華納兄弟電影公司; George Miller (Firm); Szubanski, Magda; 蘇班斯 ((Szubanski, Magda)); 傑克曼 ((Jackman, Hugh)); Jackman, Hugh; Murphy, Brittany; 爾文 ((Irwin, Steve)); 密歇爾 ((Mitchell, Doug)); Village Roadshow Pictures; Wood, Elijah (1981-); Miller, George (1945 Mar. 3-); Kidman, Nicole (1967-); 拉帕里亞 ((LaPaglia, Anthony)); Warner Bros. Pictures (1969- ); Margolyes, Miriam; 墨菲 ((Murphy, Brittany)); Miller, Bill; 伍德 ((Wood, Elijah, 1981- ))
(Projected and video material)
, [配音]
遇上塔羅牌情人 = Scoop
Allen, Woody; 麥西恩 ((McShane, Ian)); McShane, Ian; 艾倫 ((Allen, Woody)); Jackman, Hugh; 傑克曼 ((Jackman, Hugh))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]