Springer - Verlag


Problem book for first year calculcs
George W . Bluman
Advanced electronic circuits
Schenk, Ch
Principles of phase cinjugation
B. Ya . Zel'dovich
by: B. Ya . Zel'dovich
Applied mathematical science ; 1
John, Fritz
Semiconductor physics
Seeger, Karlheinz
by: Seeger, Karlheinz
General topolgy
Dixmier, Jacques
by: Dixmier, Jacques
Springer series in solid - state sci...
Slichter, C. P
Vlsi engineering
Tosiyasu H . Kunii
by: Tosiyasu H . Kunii
Stability theory and the existence o...
Yoshizawa, T
Advanced on computer graphics
Enderle, G
Specification of a CAD *I neutral fi...
Artificial intelligence in design
Gero, J. S
Advanced topics artificial intelligence
Nossum, Rolf T
Advanced on computer graphics
Enderle, G
Topics in multiplicative number theory
Montogmery, Hugh L
Tables of spectral data for structur...
Pretsch, Erno
Stochastic optimal control theory wi...
Hunt, K. J
Surface studies with lasers
Aussenegg, F. R
by: Aussenegg, F. R
Atomic and quantum physics
Wolf, H. C
Prepartive organic photochemistry
Margaretha, P
Advanced on computer graphics
Enderle, G
Applied functional analysis
Balakrisnan, A. V
by: Balakrisnan, A. V
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