The MIT Press


An Introduction to composials
Hull, Derek
Discrete multivariate analysis : the...
Yvonne M. M. Bishop
Computational models of cognition an...
Rumelhart, David D
Robot motion : planning and control
Brady, Michael
Aircraft engines and gas turbines
Kerrebrock, Jack L
A Robot ping-pong player
Andersson, Russell L
by: Andersson, Russell L
Convolutional codes
Piret, Ph
by: Piret, Ph
An introduction to genetic algorithms
Mitchell, Melanie
What can be automated ? The computer...
Arden, Bruce W
Statistical fluid mechanics , mechan...
Yaglon, A. M
Robotics research
Roth, Bernard
by: Roth, Bernard
Logic programming
Hentenryck, Pascal Van
by: Hentenryck, Pascal Van
Coordinating the Internet
Keller, James H
by: Keller, James H
Computational models of cognition an...
Rumelhart, David D
An introduction to neural networks
Anderson, James
Logic-based knowledge representation
Jackson, Peter
Lectures on Macroeconomics
Fischer, Stanley
by: Fischer, Stanley
Robot vision
Horn, Berthold Klaus Paul
by: Horn, Berthold Klaus Paul
Parallel distributed processing : ex...
McClelland, james L
Great ideas in computer science : a ...
Biermann, Alan W
On the foundations of combinatorial ...
Crapo, Henry H
Reasoning about change
Shoham, Yoav
by: Shoham, Yoav
A first course in turbulence
Tennekes, H