Mcgraw - Hill


Computer - Aided Problem Solving For...
Jayaraman, Sundaresan
Basic electromagnetic theory
Hurd, F. Kenneth
by: Hurd, F. Kenneth
Emergency response to chemical accidents
James T . O'reilly
Basic heat transfer
Ozisik, Necati M
by: Ozisik, Necati M
Basic electrical engineering
Higginbotham, Davud B
by: Higginbotham, Davud B
Introduction to probability and stat...
J . S . Arnold
Handbook of applied thermal design
Brownell, David L
The Properties of gass and liquids
Robert C . Reid
Power integrated circuits
Antognetti, Paolo
by: Antognetti, Paolo
Fundamentals of transport phenomena
Ray W . Fahien
Internal combustion engine fundamentals
John B . Heywood
Schaum's outline of theory and probl...
Spiegel, Murray R
The Byte guide to CP/M-86
Dahmke, Mark
Advanced mathematical methods for sc...
Orszag, Steven A
Lawrence S . Lerner
by: Lawrence S . Lerner
The 8086 book
Rector, Russell
by: Rector, Russell
Basic heat transfer
Necati M . Ozisik
by: Necati M . Ozisik
Standard handbook of consulting engi...
Jerome F . Mueller