MIT Press


Genetic programming II : automatic d...
Koza, John R
Web campaigning
Foot, Kirsten A.
by: Foot, Kirsten A.
Advanced topics in types and program...
Pierce, Benjamin C
Advances in kernel methods : support...
Burges, Christopher J. C
Reinforcement learning : an introduction
Sutton, Richard S
Computational finance 1999
Abu-Mostafa, Yaser S (1957)
by: Abu-Mostafa, Yaser S (1957)
Cornucopia Limited : Design and Diss...
Coyne, Richard
Urban Place : Reconnecting with the ...
Barlett, Peggy F (1947)
Half-Real : Video Games Between Real...
Juul, Jesper
Unit operations : an approach to vid...
Bogost, Ian
Handbook of mobile communication studies
Katz, James Everett.
Robotics : science and systems III
Burgard, Wolfram.
The new comparative economic history...
Williamson, Jeffrey G. (1935-)
System modeling in cellular biology ...
Stelling, Jorg.
New directions in statistical signal...
Haykin, Simon S. (1931-)
Elements of argumentation
Besnard, Philippe (1958-)
by: Besnard, Philippe (1958-)
Specificity and the macroeconomics o...
Caballero, Ricardo J.
Fundamental tax reform : issues, cho...
Zodrow, George R.
Essentials of programming languages
Wand, Mitchell.
A semantic Web primer
Van Harmelen, Frank.
by: Van Harmelen, Frank.
Economics And Psychology : a promisi...
Stutzer, Alois.
Robotics : Science and Systems II
Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (2006)
by: Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (2006)
Macroeconomics : an integrated approach
Kotlikoff, Laurence J
Bioinformatics : the machine learnin...
Brunak, Sren
An introduction to bioinformatics al...
Pevzner, Pavel
Introduction to machine learning
Alpaydin, Ethem
Advances in Neural Information Proce...
Bottou, Leon
Learning with kernels : support vect...
Smola, Alexander J
The Game Design Reader : A Rules of ...
Salen, Katie
Advances in large margin classifiers
Smola, Alexander J
Circuit design with VHDL
Pedroni, Volnei A
by: Pedroni, Volnei A
First Person : New Media as Story, P...
Wardrip-Fruin, Noah
Introduction to industrial organization
Cabral, Luis M. B
The marginal cost of public funds : ...
Dahlby, B.
Incentives and choice in health care
Sloan, Frank A.
Money, interest, and policy : dynami...
Benassy, Jean-Pascal.
Second person : role-playing and sto...
Wardrip-Fruin, Noah
Pension strategies in Europe and the...
Pestieau, Pierre (1943-)
New tech, new ties : how mobile comm...
Ling, Richard Seyler.
The elements of computing systems : ...
Schocken, Shimon.
The working landscape : founding, pr...
Cannavo, Peter F.
Exchange rates under the East Asian ...
McKinnon, Ronald I
Market discipline across countries a...
Borio, C. E. V
Reclaiming the environmental debate ...
Hofrichter, Richard
Ant colony optimization
Stutzle, Thomas
by: Stutzle, Thomas
Genetic programming : on the program...
Koza, John R
Dynamic Economics : Quantitative Met...
Adda, Jerome
Lectures on international trade
Srinivasan, T. N (1933)
by: Srinivasan, T. N (1933)
Group cognition : computer support f...
Stahl, Gerry
Microeconomics of banking
Rochet, Jean-Charles.
by: Rochet, Jean-Charles.
Semi-supervised learning
Chapelle, Olivier
by: Chapelle, Olivier
The Soar papers : research on integr...
Newell, Allen
Learning and soft computing : suppor...
Kecman, V
Virtual Art : From Illusion to Immersion
Grau, Oliver
Introduction to statistical decision...
Pratt, John W. (1931-)
Thoughtful interaction design : a de...
Lowgren, Jonas.
Processing : a programming handbook ...
Fry, Ben.
Innovation and Incentives
Scotchmer, Suzanne
by: Scotchmer, Suzanne
Econometric analysis of cross sectio...
Wooldridge, Jeffrey M
Analog VLSI : Circuits and principles
Liu, Shih-Chii
Money, crises, and transition : = es...
Velasco, Andrés.
Robotics : = science and systems IV /
Brock, Oliver.
The ethics of computer games /
Sicart, Miguel, (1978-)
by: Sicart, Miguel, (1978-)
Human information retrieval /
Warner, Julian, (1955-)
by: Warner, Julian, (1955-)
Living with complexity /
Norman, Donald A.
by: Norman, Donald A.
by: Moggridge, Bill.
Information design /
Jacobson, Robert E., (1948-)
by: Jacobson, Robert E., (1948-)
Imagining MIT : designing a campus f...
Mitchell, William J
Growing smarter : achieving livable ...
Bullard, Robert D (1946)
Artificial life X : proceedings of t...
International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (2006)
by: International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (2006)
Biological emergences : evolution by...
Reid, Robert G. B