Advanced series in
bombay lectures on highest weight re...
bombay lectures on highest weight representations of infinite dimensional
advanced series in electrrical and c...
advanced series in electrrical and computer engineering
active network analysis
active network analysis
introduction to control systems
introduction to control systems
feedback networks
feedback networks
an introductory text to bioengineering
an introductory text to bioengineering
semiconductor manufacturing technology
semiconductor manufacturing technology
optical microcavities /
optical microcavities /
principles of artificial neural networks
principles of artificial neural networks
autopoiesis in organization theory a...
autopoiesis in organization theory and practice
relational practices, participative organizing
conical intersections
conical intersections
electronic hrm in theory and practice
commercial diplomacy and internation...
commercial diplomacy and international business
time reversability, computer simulat...
time reversability, computer simulation, algorithms, chaos
dark matter and cosmic web story /
dark matter and cosmic web story /
(dis)honesty in management
(dis)honesty in management
social media in strategic management
social media in strategic management
social media in human resources mana...
social media in human resources management
human resource management, social in...
human resource management, social innovation and technology
shared services as a new organizatio...
shared services as a new organizational form
bombay lectures on highest weight re...
bombay lectures on highest weight representations of infinite dimensional lie algebras
broadband matching :
broadband matching :
principles of artificial neural networks
principles of artificial neural networks
active network analysis
active network analysis
dead firms
dead firms
computational methods with applicati...
computational methods with applications in bioinformatics analysis
principles of artificial neural networks
principles of artificial neural networks
application of omics, ai and blockch...
application of omics, ai and blockchain in bioinformatics research