Cambridge studies in


topics in metric fixed point theory
transport in nanostructures
finite group theory
tolerance and coercion in islam
defending literature in early modern...
from modernism to postmodernism
social movements and organization theory
law and globalization from below
international organizations before n...
security, identity and interests
international law in antiquity
non-governmental organisations in in...
conflict of norms in public internat...
peer relationships in cultural context
constitution for europe
theatre and empowerment
presidentialism, parliamentarism, an...
european convention on human rights
nonlinear analysis and semilinear el...
common law theory of judicial review
post-broadcast democracy
democracy and legal change
london literature, 1300-1380
culture and conquest in mongol eurasia
byron and romanticism
rhetoric of the body from ovid to sh...
literature and material culture from...
race, citizenship, and law in americ...
international protection of internal...
contesting global governance
social processes in children's learning
european conquest and the rights of ...
rightful resistance in rural china
evolutionary ethics and contemporary...
subjects and universal grammar
catholicism and community in early m...
law and nature
expressionism and modernism in the a...
goodness and justice
morphology and lexical semantics
developmental contexts in middle chi...
parenting representations
social theory of international politics.
constructivism in international rela...
dostoevsky and the christian tradition.
romanticism, aesthetics, and nationa...
romanticism and the rise of the mass...
limits of eroticism in post-petrarch...
romantic national tale and the quest...
literary magazines and british roman...
nonlinear analysis and semilinear el...
paradise, death and doomsday in angl...
byron, poetics and history.
eavesdropping in the novel from aust...
beginnings of medieval romance :
michel leiris :
fictions of identity in medieval france.
anti-jacobin novel :
reading the french enlightenment :
european parliament and supranationa...
marketing of rebellion :
proust, the body and literary form.
stealth democracy :
british romanticism and the science ...
tone sandhi :
early history of greed :
alliteration and sound change in ear...
rhetoric of the body from ovid to sh...
advertising and satirical culture in...
lexical strata in english :
real analysis and probability.
romanticism and the gothic :
gender, race, and the writing of emp...
imperial visions :
morphological productivity.
victorian honeymoons :
romantic poets and the culture of po...
wordsworth's philosophic song.
power of power politics :
emergence of private authority in gl...
reading heinrich heine.
lake poets and professional identity.
literature, technology and magical t...
conditionals and prediction :
author's pen and actor's voice :
comparative primate socioecology.
nathalie sarraute, fiction and theory :
cultural contestation in ethnic conf...
romanticism and the human sciences :
new transnational activism.
feminist international relations :
money laundering :
george eliot and the british empire.
crisis of literature in the 1790s :
human paleobiology.
romantic atheism :
states in the global economy :
why women protest :
monkeys of the tai forest :
state in society :
reduplication :
children's discourse :
biological delay systems :
constructivism in international rela...
romantic national tale and the quest...
emergence of private authority in gl...
human paleobiology.
how the weak win wars
arabic administration in norman sicily
fictions of justice
private and public enterprise in europe
derivations in minimalism
catastrophe and contention in rural ...
dynastic state and the army under lo...
politics of truth and reconciliation...
science of the struggle for existence
international security in practice
decision space
understanding phenomenal consciousness
companies, international trade and h...
marking time in the golden state
fu ssu-nien
court and politics in papal rome, 14...
theology and the dialogue of religions
overcoming intolerance in south africa
physicalist manifesto
consent to sexual relations
law, violence and sovereignty among ...
kingship and politics in the late ni...
understanding police use of force
shock, memory and the unconscious in...
mind, brain and education in reading...
oliver wendell holmes and the cultur...
embryology, epigenesis and evolution
transboundary damage in internationa...
cultural products and the world trad...
legal personality in international law
remythologizing theology
moral conditions of economic efficiency
white-collar crime and criminal careers
from the ballot to the blackboard
central banking as global governance
natural law in jurisprudence and pol...
reason and religion in the english r...
race, work, and desire in american l...
humanitarian occupation
principle of sufficient reason
vital accounts
traumatic pasts
american puritan elegy
world's newest profession
lawyers and regulation
thought and world
marriage law and practice in the lon...
drama, theatre, and identity in the ...
adaptationism and optimality
states, parties, and social movements
changing family size in england and ...
legal principles in wto disputes
emotion, development, and self-organ...
prophecy and discernment
violent crime
god, the mind's desire
making the market
reconstructing the state
women and marriage in german medieva...
imitative mind
objectivity in law and morals
control as movement
global capital and national governments
meaning, expression and thought
governing from below
writing to the king
decline of life
third party policing
justifying ballistic missile defence
ritual of rights in japan
criminality and violence among the m...
crime drop in america
legal foundations of inequality
crime, gender and social order in ea...
conducting law and society research
yransition to a colonial economy
is there a right of freedom of expre...
constituting democracy
unemployment and government
acquiring phonology
coordination in syntax
on civil procedure
judiciaries within europe
transforming english rural society
remedies against international organ...
manslaughter, markets, and moral economy
autonomy and ethnicity
market services and the productivity...
chromatic transformations in ninetee...
world trade organization knowledge a...
defiled trades and social outcasts
controlling governments
science, politics, and evolution
money, markets, and the state
shelley and the revolutionary sublime
history and geography in late antiquity
corporate crime, law, and social control
devil and demonism in early modern e...
at the gate of christendom
state and market in european union law
police innovation
natural history of pragmatism
restoration and reform, 1153–1165
informal institutions and citizenshi...
making agreements in medieval catalonia
common sense
challenge of child labour in interna...
unquiet lives
politics of exile in renaissance italy
politics and diplomacy in early mode...
shiites of lebanon under ottoman rul...
on clear and confused ideas
mind, reason and imagination
emergence of the eastern powers, 175...
ecology of high-altitude infancy
uneasy virtue
secured credit under english and ame...
darwinism in philosophy, social scie...
ghost-seers, detectives, and spiritu...
war, diplomacy and the rise of savoy...
understanding ethical failures in le...
edward said and the religious effect...
european civil code
contrastive hierarchy in phonology
fracture and fragmentation in britis...
functional categories
theory of the global state
three modes of perception in mozart
law, anthropology, and the constitut...
enforcing obligations erga omnes in ...
marriage, money and divorce in medie...
national law in wto law
medieval english conveyances
english in rome, 1362–1420
early humiliati
making of racial sentiment
poe and the printed word
empire and elites after the muslim c...
voting for policy, not parties
practical rules
poverty of the linnaean hierarchy
perception, knowledge and belief
great powers and outlaw states
defining the jacobean church
invention of evening
reading hmanitarian intervention
culture under cross-examination
voting for autocracy
scotland and the fictions of geography
demography of victorian england and ...
death and memory in early medieval b...
understanding crime statistics
unemployment in the new europe
gospel and henry viii
necessity, proportionality and the u...
politics of welfare state reform in ...
private power and global authority
romance, diaspora, and black atlanti...
philosophy of experimental biology
plato's lysis
punishment, compensation, and law
judges beyond politics in democracy ...
physical causation
ethics and power in medieval english...
virtual prison
judicial review and bureaucratic impact
theology and the drama of history
taxation, wage bargaining, and unemp...
when opera meets film
religion, class coalitions, and welf...
mercy and authority in the tudor state
vessel-source marine pollution
creativity of god
making of gratian's decretum
brittany and the angevins
child pornography and sexual grooming
protection of cultural property in a...
victors and the vanquished
cosmology and political culture in e...
canon law and the letters of ivo of ...
horror film and psychoanalysis
wagner's ring cycle and the greeks
creation of lancastrian kingship
making of the slavs
kings, barons and justices
sharing transboundary resources
private trustee in victorian england
delinquent-prone communities
european union's fight against corru...
wole soyinka
aliens in medieval law
criminal career
old icelandic literature and society
firms, networks and business values
mirrors and microparameters
mind and supermind
feminist views on the english stage
global brands
american literature and the free mar...
policing gangs in america
gangs and delinquency in development...
kierkegaard and the treachery of love
moral limit and possibility in world...
rethinking homicide
biodiversity and environmental philo...
developmental psychology and social ...
building transnational networks
political mobilization of the europe...
syntax of agreement and concord
medieval march of wales
problem of animal generation in earl...
narrating the new predictive genetics
searching for sustainability
church in an age of danger
making moral sense
between culture and biology
missionary writing and empire, 1800–1860
selected works of michael wallerstein
putting skeptics in their place
natural kinds and conceptual change
moral disagreement
politics of personalised medicine
london and the restoration, 1659–1683
value of knowledge and the pursuit o...
truth and truthmakers
priests, witches and power
path of the law and its influence
correspondence theory of truth
cognitive developmental change
new england's crises and cultural memory
pharmaceutical reason
information and meaning in evolution...
corporate reporting and company law
worship as meaning
intellectual trust in oneself and others
parliamentary sovereignty
correspondence and american literatu...
law courts and lawyers in the city o...
philosophy and biodiversity
race and policing in america
royal prerogative and the learning o...
philosophy and the law of torts
fee tail and the common recovery in ...
reasoning in biological discoveries
immigrants at the margins
democracy, minorities and internatio...
making sense of heritability
politics of religion in the age of m...
schizophrenia, culture, and subjectivity
henry james and the father question
treason and the state
facts, values, and norms
delinquent networks
situational prison control
philosophy and politics in the thoug...
concept of the gene in development a...
moral movements and foreign policy
ngugi wa thiong'o
diversity and self-determination in ...
brute rationality
consumerism and american girls' lite...
bound to sin
cultures of legality
theatre, society and the nation
emotional reason
ethics of deference
other prussia
knowledge and inquiry
state and society in the early middl...
fiscal governance in europe
what works in corrections
international law of environmental i...
political theology of nature
political topographies of the africa...
florentine tuscany
multinationals and corporate social ...
morpheme order and semantic scope
law in times of crisis
truth about romanticism
seeing and being seen in the later m...
living and working with the new medi...
ethics and the a priori
drug-crime connections
naples in the eighteenth century
what functions explain
theory of contract law
local remedies in international law
edith wharton and the politics of race
politics and power in early medieval...
royal court theatre and the modern stage
immobilized cells :
alien rule
political geography of inequality
verdi, opera, women
geometric analysis
before george eliot
late poetry of the lake poets
uniform central limit theorems
substantive protection under investm...
universal structure of categories
course in finite group representatio...
differential topology
lectures on k3 surfaces
representation theory
representations of the infinite symm...
special functions and orthogonal pol...
ethics of influence
hidden rules of race
relics of death in victorian literat...
underground history of early victori...
laws and economics of confucianism
poetics of insecurity
algebraic groups
modality in syntax, semantics and pr...
children's literature and the rise o...
hunter-gatherer adaptation and resil...
mixed categories :
relative clauses :
international organizations before n...
rhetoric of the body from ovid to sh...
defending literature in early modern...
literature and material culture from...
contesting global governance
social processes in children's learning
alliteration and sound change in ear...
security, identity, and interests
children's discourse
race, citizenship, and law in americ...
international law in antiquity
culture and conquest in mongol eurasia
byron and romanticism
tolerance and coercion in islam
conflict of norms in public internat...
european conquest and the rights of ...
law and nature
international protection of internal...
london literature, 1300-1380
immigrants at the margins
social movements and organization theory
law and globalization from below
non-governmental organisations in in...
expressionism and modernism in the a...
from modernism to postmodernism
peer relationships in cultural context
constitution for europe
archaeology, society and identity in...
goodness and justice
rightful resistance in rural china
theatre and empowerment
morphology and lexical semantics
evolutionary ethics and contemporary...
subjects and universal grammar
presidentialism, parliamentarism, an...
crimes against humanity
nonlinear analysis and semilinear el...
common law theory of judicial review
democracy and legal change
catholicism and community in early m...