International series of


introduction to the theory of ferrom...
statistical mechanics
separation of flow
nonlinear smoothing and multiresolut...
electronic and optical properties of...
electromagnetic scattering from rand...
equations of motion in general relat...
theory of molecular fluids.
advanced ferroelectricity
principles of electron tunneling spe...
mathematical optimization of water n...
inequalities and applications 2010
inequalities and applications
electronic and optical properties of...
layered superconductors
novel superfluids
quantum gravity
stellar magnetism
superconducting state
new trends in shape optimization
nonlinear partial differential equat...
control and optimization with pde co...
partial differential equations
shape optimization, homogenization a...
asymptotic methods in mechanics of s...
new trends in shape optimization
shape optimization, homogenization a...
nonsmooth optimization and its appli...
model reduction of complex dynamical...