
modern power systems control and ope...
vlsi for artificial intelligence
nonlinear digital filters
optimal vlsi architectural synthesis
analog cmos filters for very high fr...
silicon-on-insulator technology
energy function analysis for pwoer s...
digital speech processing
design of communicating systems
vlsi for artificial intelligence
business research for decision making
symbolic analysis in analog integrat...
wireless communications
real-time database systems
automatic learning techniques in pow...
hard real-time computing systems
index data structures in object-orie...
rule-based programming
indexing techniques for advances dat...
human interaction with complex systems
wireless personal communciations
visual communication
field orientation principle in contr...
fault-tolerant parallel computation
functional treatment of parsing
adaptive filtering
time-constrained transaction management
mining very large databases with par...
interleaving planning and execution ...
digital signal processing for commun...
intelligent image databases
data management for mobile computing
networking security and standards
object orientation with parallelism ...
object-oriented behavorial specifica...
space-time processing for cdma mobil...
handbook of control systems engineering
introduction to physical modeling wi...
mutation testing for the new century
stream processor architecture
software architectures and component...
practical performance modeling
modeling from reality
stable adaptive neural network control
knowledge discovery and measures of ...
error coding for engineers
3d synthetic environment reconstruction
network management in wired and wire...
cmos data coverters for communications
information-statistical data mining
an introduction to protein informatics
multimedia signals and systems
fundamentals of codes, graphs, and i...
data mining and decision support
video mining
high performance computing systems a...
software engineering with computatio...
machine learning
image and video compression standards
image technology design
transporting compressed digital video
cmos cellular receiver front-ends
introduction to vlsi siliton devices
efficient parsing for natural language
自信, 肯定自我, 邁向成功i'm no.1
sigmund freud
social capital
michel foucault
moral panics
key concepts in cultural theory
understanding teaching excellence in...
cognitive psychology
close relationships
key concepts in the philosophy of ed...
grey systems
developing your teaching
designing learning
language and ethnicity
grading student achievement in highe...
enhancing learning through formative...
knowledge management and risk strategies
food and society in classical antiquity
christianity and roman society
academic citizen
advanced methods for inconsistent kn...
finite element analysis of electrica...
yes, i can!加油,我可以!
analysis of composite structures
alternative breast imaging
qos in packet networks
inside text
spaces, spatiality and technology
multimodal video characterization an...
sinkholes and subsidence
matching properties of deep sub-micr...
design of wireless autonomous datalo...
artificial oxygen carrier
organ microcirculation
clashes of knowledge
adaptive filtering
low power analog cmos for cardiac pa...
low-voltage cmos log companding anal...
symbolic construction of community /
high speed a/d converters :
typography of advertisements that pay :
圖解看財經新聞 解讀經濟現象
gas, gasoline, and oil engines (1914) /
advances in strength of materials :
progress in high temperature ceramics :
menopausal transition
attention-deficit hyperactivity diso...
cultural memories
researches in physical optics.
on rousseau
圖解不再嫌惡統計學 /
select collection of old english plays /
children's stories in english litera...
children's stories in english litera...
children's library :
圖解貨幣學 :
圖解身體教我的營養法則 :
圖解生化學 :
leisure /
圖解看懂現代經濟 :
一鉤就愛不釋手の22件星型鉤織小物 :
最後島嶼紀實 :
圖解科學史 :
圖解原來金融商品是這樣設計出來 /
維基解密臺灣 =
inclusion and diversity
philosophy of education
幽談 /
信仰本能 :
knowledge economy and lifelong learning
teacher learning and power in the kn...
model engineering in mixed-signal ci...
cmos current amplifiers
systematic design for optimisation o...
cmos fractional-n synthesizers
3d face processing
information security dictionary
jr programming language
palmprint authentication
progress on cryptography
web caching and its applications
integrated image and graphics techno...
operational amplifier speed and accu...
speech and human-machine dialog
video coding with superimposed motio...
flexible neuro-fuzzy systems
mathematical modelling :
milieus of creativity
一起走過。消失與重生 :
大小問題全搞定!天天騎單車沒煩惱!自行車維修diy全圖解 /
clause structure /
neural nets wirn09
diversities in quantum computation a...
frontiers in quantum information res...
quantum information and quantum comp...
topological library.
topological library
new covenant bound
oilfield trash
on tact, & the made up world
china and the shaping of indonesia, ...
crawfish bottom
displacing the state
jewish studies
voices from the peace corps
arab and jewish women in kentucky
questioning modernity in indonesia a...
space and place in jewish studies
violence against women and mental health
圖解大人的心理學 :
managing cultural landscapes /
圖解化學 :
兒童毛衣創意編織 /
intelligent unmanned ground vehicles :
sol-gel optics :
new developments in online marketing /
paradoxes /
43件送給貝比の衣服x玩具x配件小物 /
圖解木構造 :
english proficiency booster :
english proficiency booster :
kant on human dignity
cultural diversity, heritage and hum...
future of the post-massified univers...
learning organizations
chemical risk analysis
clays and clay minerals of japan
dirichlet forms and markov processes
enterprise directory and security im...
unitary representations and harmonic...
on the marketisation and marketing o...
手編 帽子、手套&圍巾 =
圖解建築設備 :
簡單. 時尚. 好好穿! :
圖解建築材料 :
圖解建築 /
圖解住宅植栽 :
comorbidity of mental and physical d...
advances in knowledge management
mass higher education development in...
smart sensors for health and environ...
greece's horizons
knowledge and the economy
volunteer work, informal learning an...
圖解自然材料 :
圖解家具設計 /
圖解日式茶室設計 :
圖解商品陳列的技術 :
圖解聚焦東協 :
極美訂製 時尚棒針花樣典藏集260款 =
dark passage /
asian american students in higher ed...
contract law
english legal system
eu law
funktionen der freiheit
moral hazard in health insurance
theory and applications of smart cameras
ethnic and cultural dimensions of kn...
trends and challenges in science and...
learning across contexts in the know...
phasor power electronics
corporate knowledge discovery and or...
key terms in second language acquisi...
children, childhood and cultural her...
managing cultural landscapes
what is the human being?
heritage and tourism
analysing sociolinguistic variation /
company law
modernism keywords
philosophy of language
mathematics of harmony
invention of enterprise
special educational needs
teaching thinking skills
key terms in second language acquisition
cloud broker and cloudlet for workfl...
computational studies on cultural va...
contemporary collaborative consumption
knowledge and institutions
geographies of the university
automobile industry supply chain in ...
cutting the distance
doctoral education for the knowledge...
geospatial technologies in geography...
religious education
new trends in children's literature ...
knowledge management and industry 4.0 :
morphological analysis of cultural dna
knowledge and action
mobilities of knowledge
knowledge and networks
social knowledge management in action
knowledge and project management
priorisierung in der medizin
familiäre erziehung aus kindersicht
kunst und öffentlichkeit
männlichkeit und reproduktion
rechtsfragen der individualisierten ...
schriften zur soziologie
politisierung der kunst
kinderschutz und öffentlichkeit
advances in knowledge management
mass higher education development in...
david hilbert
regierung des konsums
mehr schein als sein?
kinder und differenz
vulnerable kinder
mit dem glauben berge versetzen?
entwicklung der gewaltkriminalität i...
albert einstein, boris podolsky, nat...
übergänge konstruktiv gestalten
rechtsfragen des medizintourismus
smart sensors for health and environ...
geographies of knowledge and power
rudolf virchow und gustav adolph spiess
sammler und museen
wissen und reflexion
protestantische ethik und der "geist...
corporate knowledge discovery and or...
inleiding in de gerontologie en geri...
ethnographie - pädagogik - geschlecht
in-store mobile marketing-kommunikation
kinderschutz in institutionellen arr...
phasor power electronics
soziologie der renaissance und weite...
gottfried wilhelm leibniz
ethnic and cultural dimensions of kn...
thematisierungsweisen guter arbeit
netzwerke in kulturpolitischen verän...
partizipation von kindern und jugend...
zur entwicklung des mengen- und zahl...
learning across contexts in the know...
theory and applications of smart cameras
ästhetische praxis
flucht vor der zivilisation
trends and challenges in science and...
diagnostiek van alledaagse klachten
kind im mittelpunkt
leerboek epidemiologie
knowledge management in the sharing ...
monetäre anreize in kundenkartenprog...
automobile industry supply chain in ...
cutting the distance
doctoral education for the knowledge...
gestaltungskompetenzen für gesundes ...
empirische theorien im kontext der m...
gesellschaftsbild des arbeiters
shopping in china
geographies of the university
gesprächsführung in technischen berufen
netzwerkpoetiken in der gegenwartsli...
alter und geschlecht
computational studies on cultural va...
multiperspektivische verbraucherfors...
kleist-jahrbuch 2018
grenzen der dinge
marcel beyer
doing junior uni
knowledge and institutions
contemporary collaborative consumption
antiautoritäre erziehung in der kind...
kunst der innovationsgesellschaft
modernität des kapitalismus
social franchising
demokratie und soziale arbeit
gottlob frege
zwischen institution und familie
robert koch
janusz korczaks 'schöpferisches nich...
vernetztes kompetenzmanagement
personalauswahl in der sozialen arbeit
polnische kulturplakate im sozialismus
große gesellschaft in kleiner gruppe
lebensphasen und kompetenzmanagement
emanzipation in der kinderladenbewegung
kindheiten zwischen familie und kind...
lebensgeschichtliche bedeutung des k...
mathematikfortbildungen professional...
alltagspraktiken in kindertageseinri...
gkv-unterstützung bei behandlungsfeh...
emergent knowledge strategies
kindheit herstellen
gesellschaftsepochen und ihre kunstw...
nachbarschaft und kriminalitätsfurcht
kindheiten in europäischen migration...
redefining a philosophy for world go...
geospatial challenges in the 21st ce...
geographies of schooling
japan study as a public good in asia
frank witzel
preispolitik im kulturbetrieb
punkkultur – ordnungen radikalen and...
geospatial technologies in geography...
modern notions of civilization and c...
modernität des kapitalismus
academic collaborations in the globa...
dichte interpretation
welt als bühne mit doppeltem boden
cognitieve gedragstherapie bij (lvb-...
probleme beim übergang von arithmeti...
max wertheimer
arztpraxis in der insolvenz
medizinische standard
chancen und herausforderungen des di...
beschreiben und erklären beim lernen...
connecting adult learning and knowle...
evaluation im kulturbetrieb
innovation in developing countries
fotografische annäherungen an kindheit
civil law reforms in post-colonial asia
knowledge management, arts, and huma...
kunst- und kulturmanagement
kleist-jahrbuch 2019
terminologie : epochen – schwerpunkt...
krisis des bürgerlichen menschen
absurde angst - narrationen der sich...
law and development
schriften zur soziologie
christian krachts ästhetik
harmonism as an alternative
symbolisch prekär
konsum der gesellschaft
zukunftstechnologien und kompetenzbe...
redefining chinese literature and art
frontier making in the amazon
überzeugung im werden
übergänge verkörpern
grenzüberschreitungen im kompetenzma...
socialization in higher education an...
gesundheit und selbstbestimmung
wilhelm conrad röntgen
betriebliches kompetenzmanagement im...
smart geography
verbraucherpolitik von unten
legal responses to vacant houses
statistische untersuchungen planen
mathematikdidaktik in rekonstruktionen
mijn slaap plan
rede von bildung
narrative der deponie
which customers pay?
measuring teachers’ beliefs quantita...
devianz und subkulturen
angst in kultur und politik der gege...
kinderleben in der welt des leistung...
rechtsfragen der systemmedizin
virtual trade and comparative advantage
janusz korczak, der brückenbauer
knowledge management and industry 4.0
kleist-jahrbuch 2020
zhong and zhongyong in confucian cla...
identifikation, begehren, gewalt
materialitäten der kindheit
key concepts in min - intracerebral ...
pop und tod
mathematikdidaktik in rekonstruktionen
knowledge for governance
sociophonetics /
language as symbolic power /
behandeling van trauma bij kinderen ...
bedwing je dwang
economic analysis of korea–eu fta an...
good relationships in schools
reparieren, selbermachen und kreisla...
kleist-jahrbuch 2021
lehrinnovationen in der hochschulmat...
monetary policies in the age of unce...
pfade und berge
local tax benefits at a distance
wilhelm ostwald
privatization of public city gas uti...
risks and regulation of new technologies
kindheit in der kindheitsforschung
entdecken und begründen im mathemati...
politische partizipation
wahrnehmen als soziale praxis
esg investment in the global economy
new perspective of cultural dna
pädagogisch arbeiten in traumatische...
electromagnetic compatibility of ele...
kinderschutzbezogene zusammenarbeit
geschichte der soziologie 2
geschichte der soziologie 1
mathematiklernen mit digitalen medie...
frauen im feld kommunaler politik
soul of creation (shensi)
understanding knowledge-intensive bu...
experimentieren und begründen
ocean literacy: understanding the ocean
hidden geographies
justus von liebig
r.h. lotze
build back better
kindertagesstätte als bildungsort
schriften der frühzeit
ärztlich geschuldete leistung in der...
carl remigius fresenius
kleist-jahrbuch 2021
werner kofler intermedial
bildung und kompetenz in konkurrenz?
hermann von helmholtz
verbrechen als „bild der zeit“
attitude reports /
key concepts in the philosophy of ed...
michel foucault
sigmund freud
close relationships :
social identity
food and society in classical antiquity
moral panics
after postmodernism
key concepts in cultural theory
cybernetic intelligence
understanding teaching excellence in...
cybernetics and public administration
developing your teaching
assessing skills and practice
language and ethnicity /
christianity and roman society
grey systems
knowledge management and risk strategies
grading practices in higher education
changing identities in higher education
theory and practice in kant and kier...
designing learning
philosophy of language