Mathematics in science and engineering


fuzzy sets and systems
non-standard and improperly posed pr...
l-system fractals
fractional differential equations
algorithms, graphs, and computers
optimization techniques
rational finite element basis
adaptation and learning in automatic...
adaptive processes in economic systems
adaptive, learning, and pattern reco...
algebraic linguistics
algebraic theory for multivariable l...
transversal theory
introduction to applied optimal control
introduction to group representation...
introduction to nonlinear boundary v...
approximate methods in engineering d...
approximation of nonlinear evolution...
automaton theory and modeling of bio...
bäcklund transformations and their ...
bilinear control processes
bilinear transformation method
causality and dispersion relations
convex structures and economic theory
computational methods in optimization
computer-oriented approaches to patt...
concepts from tensor analysis and di...
decentralized control of complex systems
decision and control in uncertain re...
diakoptics and networks
differential and integral inequalities
differential equations and mathemati...
differential equations
differential equations in abstract s...
differential forms
differential geometry and the calcul...
differential-difference equations
discrete and continuous boundary pro...
discrete numerical methods in physic...
dynamic programming and its applicat...
dynamic programming and partial diff...
dynamic programming and stochastic c...
dynamic programming and the calculus...
dynamic programming
dynamic stochastic models from empir...
dynamic system identification
equilibrium models and variational i...
factorization methods for discrete s...
first order elliptic systems
flows in transportation networks
formulations of classical and quantu...
foundations of the theory of learnin...
functional analysis and linear contr...
functional analysis and time optimal...
functional analysis in modern applie...
fuzzy sets and systems
general dynamical processes
generalized functions
graph theory in modern engineering
graphs, dynamic programming, and fin...
integer programming
initial value methods for boundary v...
integer and mixed programming
integral equations and stability of ...
introduction to algebraic system theory
introduction to operations research
introduction to stochastic control t...
invariant variational principles
lectures on functional equations and...
lie theory and special functions
linear dynamical systems
linear systems of ordinary different...
logic, automata, and algorithms
l-system fractals
lyapunov matrix equation in system s...
markov processes and learning models
mathematical theories of traffic flow.
linear and quasilinear elliptic equa...
multiparameter eigenvalue problems
maximum principles and their applica...
methods of intermediate problems for...
methods of matrix algebra
network flow, transportation, and sc...
nonlinear autonomous oscillations
nonlinear equations in the applied s...
nonlinear processes in engineering
nonlinear two point boundary value p...
non-linear wave propagation
nonserial dynamic programming
non-standard and improperly posed pr...
numerical solution of ordinary diffe...
observers for linear systems
on measures of information and their...
operator inequalities
optimal adaptive control systems
optimal control systems
optimal economic operation of electr...
optimal shutdown control of nuclear ...
optimization of stochastic systems
optimum design of digital control sy...
plastic flow and fracture in solids
principles of combinatorics
priority queues
pursuit games
quadratic form theory and differenti...
qualitative analysis of large scale ...
quantitative and qualitative games
quantum detection and estimation theory
quasilinearization and invariant imb...
random differential equations in sci...
random differential inequalities
random processes in nonlinear contro...
realizability theory for continuous ...
regression and the moore-penrose pse...
riccati differential equations
search games
sequence transformations and their a...
singular and degenerate cauchy problems
singular optimal control problems
sparse matrices
stability and time-optimal control o...
stability by liapunov's direct method
stability of functional differential...
stability of linear systems :
stability of motion
stability of nonlinear control systems
stochastic optimal control
stochastic stability and control
stochastic systems
syntactic methods in pattern recognition
system identification
system identification
art and theory of dynamic programming
computation and theory of optimal co...
fractional calculus
method of weighted residuals and var...
optimal design of chemical reactors
padé approximant in theoretical physics
stability of input-output dynamical ...
theory of splines and their applications
vector-valued maximin
theory of difference equations
theory of hierarchical, multilevel, ...
theory of optimal search
theory of partial differential equations
time-lag control systems
topics in optimization
variable phase approach to potential...
variational methods in nonconservati...
variational methods in optimum contr...
vector-valued optimization problems ...
volterra integral and differential e...
equilibrium problems and applications
algebraic and combinatorial computat...
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