
platonic legislations
quantum magnetism, spin waves, and o...
regulation of commercial space transport
astrobiology on the international sp...
landwirtschaftliche und gartenbaulic...
externally heated valve engine
ultrafast strong field dynamics in d...
neuroscientific basis of successful ...
collaborative construction informati...
adhd in lebanese schools
reconstruction of macroscopic maxwel...
handbook of positive youth development
humans in space
space exploration 2008
economics of wildfire management
elements of statistical learning
complex hamiltonian dynamics
deterministic abelian sandpile model...
user-centric ultra-dense networks for 5g
spotlight on china
observability of power-distribution ...
orbital motion in strongly perturbed...
thermochemical heat storage system f...
monte carlo
superconductivity and electromagnetism
arnheim, gestalt and media
end of european security institutions?
gleichungen, umformungen, terme
application of wavelets in speech pr...
business cycles in the run of history
dynamic spectrum access for wireless...
how free cationic polymer chains pro...
rediscovering the world
perception-action cycle
mobile information retrieval
composing fisher kernels from deep n...
limit shape problem for ensembles of...
impact of melting ice on the ecosyst...
god and mental causation
long-range dependence and sea level ...
high-efficiency solar cells
web data management
graphical heritage
learning to embed sustainability in ...
large deviations and asymptotic meth...
concise introduction to decentralize...
technologies for deep space exploration
national sovereignty in the european...
fundamentals of differential beamforming
governance and performance of water ...
emotional intelligence in education
sertoli cell metabolism and spermato...
differential equations and dynamical...
mathematical financial economics
handbuch filmsoziologie
teachers' participation in professio...
semantic 3d object maps for everyday...
youth experience gap
thinking, drawing, modelling
airbreathing propulsion
social media management
covered karsts
from environmental to comprehensive ...
dynamics of disasters
global business in local culture
excitation spectra of square lattice...
metallic butterfly wing scales
policing in russia
geometric and numerical optimal control
robotics and cognitive approaches to...
defect evolution in cosmology and co...
gas-phase photoprocesses
mathematical tapas.
how to reliably test for gmos
electronic devices for analog signal...
smartphone-based indoor map construction
research handbook on childhoodnature
towards mesoscience
geodynamic evolution of the southern...
harmonics in offshore wind power plants
recent trends in materials science a...
high order difference methods for ti...
cloud manufacturing
suizhou meteorite
potato food processing technology
developments in international bridge...
computer simulations of space societies
analysis of quantised vortex tangle
air traffic control automated systems
mindfulness among students
elements of cloud computing security
sustaining river ecosystems and wate...
with string theory to the big bang
chief information officer role effec...
deep time analysis
artificial intelligence for a better...
challenges for sustainable solid was...
festivalisation of urban spaces
handbook of financial engineering
summary of scientific method
geometric and numerical foundations ...
atomic and molecular radiative processes
terahertz techniques
electric vehicle design and development
modeling and optimization in space e...
euclidean distance geometry
china's road ahead
high jet multiplicity physics at the lhc
geometric complex analysis
introduction to frustrated magnetism
topics in nonlinear mechanics and ph...
mercury pollution in minamata
fractal zeta functions and fractal drums
dam breach modelling and risk disposal
optical imaging and microscopy
nonlinear photonics and novel optica...
primer on quantum fluids
statistical learning from a regressi...
lock-in thermography
effects of non-locality in gravity a...
memristive nonlinear electronic circuits
from opinion mining to financial arg...
anthropogenic aquifer recharge
ferroelectric crystals for photonic ...
quantum dots for dna biosensing
therapeutic farms
absolute galois group of a semi-loca...
advances in bioethanol
spectrum trading in multi-hop cognit...
magnetic microscopy of layered struc...
self-organized morphology in nanostr...
on orbit and beyond
transport and safety
mekong delta system
canadian space program
spectral evolution in blazars
internet video data streaming
risk management of education systems
algorithmic foundations of robotics xiv
nonlinear analysis - theory and methods
sustainable and environmentally frie...
fine scale characterization of shale...
sourcebook in the history of philoso...
single-photon imaging
metal clusters at surfaces
dignity in the 21st century
stochastische folgen
handbuch berufsbildung
snakes of italy
inflammation: natural resources and ...
disorder-free localization
speech processing in the auditory system
from natural numbers to quaternions
topics in applied statistics
computational intelligence and big d...
spatio-temporal data streams
gene therapy for cartilage and bone ...
geophysical fluid dynamics ii
asymptotic safety and black holes
interacting dark energy and the expa...
fractional-order modeling and contro...
klinische grundlagen fürs physikum
networks of dissipative systems
social commerce
nanozymes: next wave of artificial e...
accomplishing permanency
semiconductor lasers ii
stakeholder theory
personalised health care
novel functional magnetic materials
will to drill - mining in arctic com...
statistical analysis of network data
system dynamics
toeplitz operators on kähler manifolds
supersymmetry and noncommutative geo...
algorithmic foundations of robotics x
sustainability valuation of business
robotics research
pädiatrische rheumatologie
atmospheric and space sciences: neut...
calculus of life
springer handbook of science and tec...
handbook of optimization in complex ...
algorithms for solving common fixed ...
weimar publics/weimar subjects
statistics for bioengineering sciences
approximation of stochastic invarian...
morton deutsch
modeling the fate of chemicals in pr...
computational aesthetics
computational glioscience
regional energy demand and energy ef...
automotive transmissions
key statistical concepts in clinical...
mind genomics
fluorescent tools for imaging oxidat...
innovation and product management
numerical modelling of astrophysical...
handbuch erwachsenenbildung/weiterbi...
advances in water pollution monitori...
dual-process theories of numerical c...
nonlinear vibrations and the wave eq...
agent-based semantic web service com...
role of state agencies in translatio...
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (cte)
vibration problems icovp 2011
algebraic and analytic microlocal an...
intraoperative beta−probe for cancer...
child street life
proteomics in human reproduction
theoretical frontiers in black holes...
digital resources for learning
design and control of hybrid active ...
niklas luhmann
search for extraterrestrials
support vector machines and perceptrons
spectrum sharing between radars and ...
rational number theory in the 20th c...
numerik 3x9
strategic innovative marketing
non-equilibrium phenomena near vapor...
sustainable c(sp3)-h bond functional...
responsible innovation
mathematical logic
handbuch vergleichende politikwissen...
particle confinement in penning traps
vertebrate sound production and acou...
crime and justice in contemporary japan
structures and dynamics of interfaci...
dijet angular distributions in proto...
transnational marketing and transnat...
recent advances in kinetic equations...
chest surgery
urban infrastructure research
multifunctional gold nanostars for c...
natural disasters and climate change
wood additive technologies
virtual turning points
advances in south american micropale...
heritage stone conservation in urban...
stochastic analysis of offshore stee...
systems biomechanics of the cell
implementing integrated reporting
algebra, complex analysis, and pluri...
narrowband single photons for light-...
carbon fibers
electricity grid in indonesia
intelligent assistive robots
plasmonics :
molecular recognition of dna double ...
youth criminal justice policy in canada
chronic regulatory focus and financi...
spin glasses
nanoporous alumina
interdisciplinary bayesian statistics
rock me baby!搖滾我吧,寶貝!
development of novel hydrogen-bond d...
scf and apc e3 ubiquitin ligases in ...
indigenous geographies in the yucatan
quantum-limit spectroscopy
nonlinear dynamics: materials, theor...
adiabatic logic
micromachining with nanostructured c...
geometry of special relativity - a c...
cellular therapy for stroke and cns ...
from dust to stars
parallel-in-time integration methods
culture negative orthopedic biofilm ...
future city architecture for optimal...
innovation in sustainable management...
landscape analysis and planning
intelligent scheduling of robotic fl...
dams, displacement and development
co-creation and learning
design of shape memory alloy (sma) a...
problem-based language learning and ...
aerospace engineering on the back of...
visual guidance of unmanned aerial m...
operator theory and harmonic analysis
kompendium internistische onkologie
novel (trans)dermal drug delivery st...
complexity in financial markets
structure formation in modified grav...
violence in southern sport and culture
linked democracy
measure and integration
heat kernel and theta inversion on s...
successful transposition of lesson study
introduction to space systems :
structure and stability of persisten...
handbook of social justice intervent...
cognitive underwater acoustic networ...
postcolonial reconstruction
nonconvex optimal control and variat...
distant connections: the memory basi...
materials that move
security-aware cooperation in cognit...
land use changes in the czech republ...
electronic visualisation in arts and...
arts of transitional justice
human-robot interaction
hybrid high-order methods
intensified land and water use
towards green lubrication in machining
super el nino
strike the rock and there shall come...
understanding the myth of high growt...
applications of the input-output fra...
statistical decision theory
homomorphic signature schemes
solid base catalysis
statistical learning from a regressi...
advanced modelling in mathematical f...
understanding family firms
lectures on categorical data analysis
sport-loving society
array processing
probe suppression in conformal phase...
zinc/bromine flow battery
biomaterials and their applications
field guide to spectroscopy /
graphs in perturbation theory
real spinorial groups
applications of blockchain technolog...
targeted learning in data science
applications of nonlinear analysis
polynomial rings and affine algebrai...
solid-state laser engineering
模式識別 :
international handbook of english la...
architectured materials in nature an...
moon first and mars second
understanding markov chains
energy and sustainable futures
autophagy at the cell, tissue and or...
causal overdetermination and context...
medical and mental health during chi...
space weather monitoring by groundba...
statistics with julia
negative frequency at the horizon
climate change and coastal resources...
collaborative mathematics and statis...
bürgerliches recht
computed tomography :
practical urology
how green are electric or hydrogen-p...
farmers’ participation in india’s fu...
outer magnetospheric boundaries: clu...
science education in theory and practice
virtual turning points
rise of a new superpower
proof theory for description logics
counterfeiting and piracy
macroeconomics of corruption
building trust in information
inference for functional data with a...
software systems for astronomy
smart city and the co-creation of value
asset sales
bayesian methods in the search for mh370
chemistry of co2 and tio2
emerging issues in internal displace...
nanoseparation using density gradien...
monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo me...
guantanamo and other cases of enforc...
nico bloembergen
mathematical legacy of leon ehrenpreis
european dimension of metropolitan p...
non-hermitian hamiltonians in quantu...
mathematical research for blockchain...
efficiency in business and economics
study of double parton scattering us...
from the outer heliosphere to the lo...
nonlinear super-resolution nano-opti...
skill of end-of-life communication f...
analyzing contemporary fertility
mathematical analysis and applications
friction and wear
advanced materials
combinatorics and finite geometry
biology of happiness
recent trends in computational photonics
handbuch gesundheitssoziologie
evolution, development and complexity
soft computing and medical bioinform...
neuromechanical modeling of posture ...
time series analysis using sas enter...
emergency response decision support ...
flp microsatellite platform
defects at oxide surfaces
mapping urban practices through mobi...
physicochemical theory of effective ...
physical oceanography of the baltic sea
narrow plasmon resonances in hybrid ...
klinische neurologie
building secure defenses against cod...
microphysics of magnetic reconnectio...
trying to measure globalization
health care systems engineering
communicating, networking, interacting
well-being over the life course
metallocorroles for attenuation of a...
local drivers for improvement capacity
supercomputing for molecular dynamic...
logic of logistics
mechanics of localized slippage in t...
stochastic processes and calculus
artificial intelligence versus human...
cognitive science and health bioinfo...
socrates on the life of philosophica...
reinventing liberalism
advances in solar power generation a...
application of management theories f...
higher education landscape 2030
theory choice in the history of chem...
stimulation and recording electrodes...
little book about big chemistry
photonic hook
writing for publication
bionanomaterials for skin regeneration
stable isotope geochemistry
advances in fuzzy group decision making
time series econometrics
czech women philosophers and scientists
description of situations
enterprise risk management models
optical signal processing by silicon...
demand flexibility in supply chain p...
handbuch organisationssoziologie
risk-pooling essentials
solid-state random lasers
affine, vertex and w-algebras
dietary supplement regulation in the...
innovative business development—a gl...
debris-flow hazards and related phen...
mathematical image processing
fundamentals of boundary-layer meteo...
social crime prevention in the devel...
atlas of climate change
data mining techniques in sensor net...
essential partial differential equations
autoimmune disease
fourier-malliavin volatility estimation
near-space remote sensing
xxii dae high energy physics symposium
apollo mission control
euclidean matching problem
enterprise risk management models
handbuch kommunitarismus
processing and characterization of m...
machine learning in elite volleyball
nonlinear fokker-planck equations
strategic innovative marketing
separable optimization
sustainable wireless networks
economics of talent
psychology of scientific inquiry
automotive nvh technology
practical guide to handling laser di...
supply chain management of tourism t...
groundwater of south asia
evolution, development and complexity
simulation-driven modeling and optim...
reliability and statistical computing
quantitative psychology
quantum opto-mechanics with micromirrors
helmut schmidt
essential topology
essentials of stochastic processes
parametric approach to nonparametric...
seismic structural health monitoring
complex numbers
ultrasonic synthesis of functional m...
complex analysis and geometry
advancing parametric optimization
automatic malware analysis
theoretical concepts of x-ray nanosc...
management and valuation of heritage...
bayesian and high-dimensional global...
introduction to harmony search optim...
titration calorimetry
biophysics of insect flight
housing policy and vulnerable famili...
pore structure in food
curating the digital
engine coolants, cooling system mate...
introduction to quality and reliabil...
parallel and distributed map merging...
ethics and science education
marine and industrial biofouling
catalogue of meteorites from south a...
tourism, culture and heritage in a s...
wireless virtualization
pyomo — optimization modeling in python
finance for academics
hr governance
education level and police use of force
stochastic processes and long range ...
computational analysis
optimal control with aerospace appli...
high-mountain atmospheric research
advances in national brand and priva...
thermodynamics and fluctuations far ...
earth system modelling.
vehicle and occupant kinematics:simu...
muleskinner and the stars
voting procedures for electing a sin...
clean hydrogen production methods
political ethics and european consti...
beamforming antennas in wireless net...
lean enterprise
naturally based biomaterials and the...
earth system modelling.
physics of stocks and flows of energ...
charles sanders peirce
environmental management of river ba...
synergy of community policing and te...
rabindranath tagore
stalking the wild sweetgrass
from particle systems to partial dif...
light-sheet microscopy
american league franchises
introduction to mine hydrogeology
time-reversal symmetry
nonlinear optics and solid-state lasers
contemporary trends and challenges i...
software fault detection and correction
infrared non-local modifications of ...
computational biomechanics of the wr...
archaeological heritage in a modern ...
multi-wavelength studies of pulsars ...
approximation methods for polynomial...
singular solutions in plasticity
dyke swarms of the world: a modern p...
politische system der europäischen union
using historical maps in scientific ...
macroscopic limits of quantum systems
earth science satellite applications
methods for appearance-based loop cl...
cable-driven parallel robots
microbially induced corrosion and it...
integrative study of the mean sea le...
mapping antarctica
on the edge of magnetic fusion devices
influence of psychological factors o...
life and death decisions in the clin...
aerodynamic noise :
earth's lower mantle
inkjet-configurable gate array
synthesis of three dimensional hapti...
mounting optics in optical instruments
regression modeling strategies
from cave man to cave martian
voip and pbx security and forensics
unique urbanity?
cooperative interactions in lattices...
methods of the alignment-relay techn...
data dissemination and query in mobi...
infrared fibers and their applications
field guide to physical optics /
modern problems of stochastic analys...
integrative understanding of shale g...
electronic transitions of molecular ...
eta products and theta series identities
fundamentals and frontiers of the jo...
handbuch kultursoziologie
design and engineering of curiosity
interfirm relationships and trade cr...
ecological footprint as a sustainabi...
practical mathematical optimization
image processing in diabetic related...
mobility in germany
variational analysis and aerospace e...
policies and practices in italian we...
wind science and engineering
recent developments in data science ...
advanced studies in ocean physics
thread and data mapping for multicor...
chiral nanophotonics
modern approach to regression with r
target detection and tracking by bio...
affective feedback in intelligent tu...
wilhelm conrad röntgen
multifunctional polycrystalline ferr...
optimization in medicine
violence in animal cruelty offenders
two bit circus and the future of ent...
mapping the archaeological continuum
history of abstract algebra
tropical rainforest responses to cli...
chronos in aristotle’s physics
violence in schools
kolmogorov-obukhov theory of turbulence
quality systems in the food industry
portfolio analytics
quantum computation with topological...
reassessing riemann's paper
combustion and flow diagnostics
mobile robots in rough terrain
operational research in business and...
cross-cultural computing
introduction to formal philosophy
effect of surface wettability on the...
hydropolitics, interest groups and g...
nonlinear optics in the filamentatio...
investitionsrechnung und investition...
strategic innovative marketing
linear programming
practical guide to surface metrology
inside solid state drives (ssds)
twenty-first century commercial spac...
perceptual image coding with discret...
querying moving objects detected by ...
opengeosys tutorial
peptide-mediated biomineralization
carbon emissions in china
structure and regularity of group ac...
angle and spin resolved auger emission
field guide to geometrical optics
introduction to process control
design and control of swarm dynamics
therapeutic perspectives in type-1 d...
concentrated solar thermal energy te...
mechanics of soccer heading and prot...
algebra, complex analysis, and pluri...
handbuch fundraising
human paleoneurology
non-equilibrium dynamics beyond deph...
passion for space
spions as nano-theranostics agents
dynamic games for network security
adapting approaches and methods to t...
underwater acoustic networking techn...
hair cell regeneration, repair, and ...
against the hypothesis of the end of...
safety cultures, safety models
dynamics, games and science ii
luxury fashion retail management
green buildings and sustainable engi...
executor of integrated marketing com...
entire slice regular functions
global atmospheric phenomena involvi...
battered women and their families
spatial interaction models
usability, accessibility and ambient...
bio- and nanosorbents from natural r...
apocarotenoids of crocus sativus l
electrical fluctuations in polyelect...
amenable banach algebras
hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscop...
springer handbook of enzymes
unifying themes in complex systems.
internet of things and personalized ...
prestate societies of the north cent...
actuarial sciences and quantitative ...
agent-based simulation of vulnerabil...
electromagnetic and optical pulse pr...
elements of the general theory of op...
chaotic flows
teaching english reading in the chin...
applied reliability and quality
zeptosecond dynamics of transfer-tri...
lanthanide luminescence
multiple criteria decision aid
macroscopic limits of quantum systems
accelerating e-mobility in germany
detectors, reference frames, and time
monitoring and modeling of global ch...
geology and paleontology of the quat...
seismic structural health monitoring
complex networks ix
coherent light microscopy
electrically assisted forming
violence in the balkans
atom probe microscopy /
ethics of information and communicat...
evidence-based counterterrorism policy
zika virus infection
symbols and the image of the state i...
china's urban pattern
information technologies in the rese...
drivers of climate change in urban india
electron mass and calcium isotope shifts
business relationship management and...
flexible and stretchable electronic ...
convexity and discrete geometry incl...
biotechnology and bioforensics
teaching at-risk students to read
noncovalent functionalization of car...
scattering cross section of unequal ...
nature of science in general chemist...
economic growth and development
approximation by multivariate singul...
international adoption and clinical ...
data science for social good
statistical physics of nanoparticles...
roy bhaskar
oxide materials at the two-dimension...
critical overview of biological func...
parallel computing hits the power wall
natural quasicrystals
mathematical challenges of zero-rang...
engineering optics
xxii dae high energy physics symposium
three lectures on complexity and bla...
smart city networks
surface plasmon resonance sensors
basic physics of functionalized graphite
autonomous child
ethical research with sex workers
rethinking energy security in asia
energy transfer and dissipation in p...
semiconductor materials for solar ph...
to orbit and back again
handbuch unternehmensrestrukturierung
madhesi upsurge and the contested id...
computational methods for fluid flow
thermal energy storage using phase c...
kinetic simulations of ion transport...
space debris and other threats from ...
real algebraic varieties
complex binary number system
natural risk management and engineering
leadership for the north
financial economics
launching space objects :
it's a nonlinear world
crystallization of nanoscaled colloids /
nonlinear analysis and boundary valu...
inverse problems and applications
floating strip micromegas detector
atlas of shear zone structures in me...
moral systems and the evolution of h...
fertility control in a risk society
time-delayed chaotic dynamical systems
spectroscopy of complex oxide interfaces
magnetic flux structures in supercon...
into the nano era
modeling and optimization in space e...
numerical simulation of water waves
structural stability and vibration
crystalline cellulose and derivatives
natural nanogold
piecewise deterministic processes in...
physical play and children’s digital...
mathematical modeling
mathematics in the 21st century
klinische neurologie
performance measurement with the bal...
uranium and plant metabolism
recent advances in multi-state syste...
semiparametric and nonparametric met...
real and the complex
selected papers on optical microscopy /
demographics of the cold universe wi...
erp systems and organisational change
molecular dynamics simulations of di...
introduction to echo analysis
stochastic discounted cash flow
coastal risk assessment
optimisation of production under unc...
european missions to the internation...
origin of potassium-rich silica-defi...
industrial engineering and operation...
r.j. rummel
search for dark matter with atlas
statistics and data analysis for fin...
sustainable leadership for entrepren...
impact of climate change on water re...
reliability assessment of safety and...
remaking transitional justice in the...
pde models for multi-agent phenomena
physics of organic superconductors a...
deformation processes in trip/twip s...
land degradation in india
understanding child neglect
current issues in transitional justice
nmr for chemists and biologists
high-conductivity channels in space
white sea
cybersecurity in israel
keratin as a protein biopolymer
ethics in culture
drift of sea ice
optical metamaterials by block copol...
tuberculosis in adults and children
introduction to the analytic hierarc...
spinoza, the epicurean
unsaturated soils: numerical and the...
ecosystem services and management st...
politics and quality of life
thermal performance modeling of cros...
open problems in optimization and da...
food waste at consumer level
neutrino mass
3d microelectronic packaging
robot fish
measuring intra-party democracy
theory and design of cnc systems
impacts of land-use change on ecosys...
internationalization within higher e...
nature-inspired computing for smart ...
analytical corporate finance
selected papers on near-field optics /
prior processes and their applications
algebra for applications
history of abstract algebra
kawaii engineering
mortality and its risk factors among...
many-body approach to electronic exc...
dissipative quantum chaos and decohe...
photoptics 2015
doped-ceria electrolytes
william shockley: the will to think
fluorescent organic nanoparticles
closed loop management in mineral re...
temporal quantum correlations and hi...
coherent states and their applications
discovering the cosmos with small sp...
channel strategies and marketing mix...
loess landform inheritance: modeling...
sustaining tomorrow
sport clubs in europe
real options illustrated
human factors in automotive design
digital image processing: practical ...
innovation from information systems
monitoring of harmful algae blooms
theoretical and practical reason in ...
optimization, simulation, and control
sport of kings and the kings of crime
abstract algebra
carbon-based nanosensor technology
economics and computation
synthetic nitrogen industry in world...
metal-hydrogen system
signal processing of airborne radar ...
piezo-active composites
quantum statistics of nonideal plasmas
wireless rechargeable sensor networks
contemporary trends and challenges i...
sustainable technologies for nearly ...
advances in spectroscopy: molecules ...
applied multidimensional scaling and...
electronic control fires
ascorbic acid in plants
video processing in the cloud
political twittersphere in india
inorganic nanoarchitectures by organ...
convolution copula econometrics
learning to embed sustainability in ...
moon bound
international business management
advances in nanotheranostics ii
knots, low-dimensional topology and ...
experimental robotics
local cosmopolitanism
monsoons and climate change
robotic exploration of the solar system.
carbon fibers
alternative types of roundabouts
context-aware collaborative prediction
women spacefarers
development and applications of nega...
large-scale quantum-mechanical enzym...
shallow water waves on the rotating ...
cuteness engineering
mobile phone security and forensics
controversy over marine protected areas
graphs in perturbation theory
drift, deformation, and fracture of ...
janusz korczak
emergence in interactive art
multicomponent polymeric materials
ancillary benefits of climate policy
risk communication for the future
handbuch verantwortung
dendritic cells
optimization methods in electromagne...
galois theory through exercises
temporal modelling of customer behaviour
politics and perils of space exploration
alternative fuels for compression ig...
social simulation for a digital society
community-based disaster risk manage...
chinese urban planning and construction
machine scheduling to minimize weigh...
engineering mathematics ii
searches for dijet resonances
research handbook on childhoodnature
ni-cu-(pge) aguablanca ore deposit (...
ethics of energy sustainability
china's energy efficiency and conser...
regional development in rural areas
soil security for ecosystem management
story of space station mir
monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo me...
set operads in combinatorics and com...
senticnet sentiment lexicon
introduction to electronic commerce ...
differential equations and numerical...
plasma turbulence in the solar system
cellulose derivatives
partial identification of probabilit...
algebraic and computational aspects ...
toward 5g software defined radio rec...
america's leaning ivory tower
orbital relative motion and terminal...
aquatic biopolymers
qcm-d studies on polymer behavior at...
shoaling with fish
geodynamics of the indian plate
advanced methods in the fractional c...
crystallization of nanoscaled colloids
supercritical fluid biorefining
school funding and student achievement
word formation in parallel architecture
markov models for handwriting recogn...
satellite aerosol remote sensing ove...
functional analysis in interdiscipli...
jugendliche im spannungsfeld von sch...
random matrices and iterated random ...
fractional order darwinian particle ...
electronic conduction in oxides
applications of cuckoo search algori...
linear mixed-effects models using r
analytical corporate finance
basiswissen medizin des alterns und ...
l² approaches in several complex var...
structure of scientific examination ...
ethnobotany for beginners
kaleidoscopic view of graph colorings
pumps as turbines
fundamentals of fiber lasers and fib...
optimal impulsive control for cancer...
parametric x-ray radiation in crystals
balancing the budget is a progressiv...
politics and perils of space exploration
practical mathematical optimization
management of additive manufacturing
photonic analog-to-digital conversion
neoendogenous development in europea...
reconciling islam, christianity and ...
police integrity in the developing world
web of violence
ultimate performance analysis tool (...
analytics for smart energy management
algebra for applications
electroweak physics at the lhc
monotone complete c*-algebras and ge...
mathematics of medical imaging
stochastic models with power-law tails
contemporary thinking on transdiscip...
new methods for measuring and analyz...
ecosystem biogeochemistry
grid parity and carbon footprint
social media management
resilient wireless sensor networks
sexually harmful youth
schuldrecht besonderer teil
computational cancer biology
neuronal noise
sharing economy
detection and signal processing
advanced maintenance policies for sh...
game theoretic analysis of congestio...
illegal trade of medicines on social...
atex--explosive atmospheres
actuarial aspects of long term care
numerische lineare algebra
market research
finite element method for netting
ion tracks in apatite and quartz
studies on urban vehicular ad-hoc ne...
measuring youth quality of life in s...
immune system in space
breathing on the roof of the world
eurosceptic contagion
cosmology, quantum vacuum and zeta f...
search techniques in intelligent cla...
quickstart python
human rights-based approaches to cli...
rule of law in an era of change
structural reliability and time-depe...
statistical analysis and data display
operational research in the digital ...
place and health as complex systems
differential equations
twitter data analytics
towards service robots for everyday ...
electromagnetic and optical pulse pr...
crystallization and growth of colloi...
cemaf as a census method
elastic/plastic discs under plane st...
optical fiber sensors for lot and sm...
africa on the move
demand-driven associative classification
quality of water resources in poland
outbreak in the village
group cell architecture for cooperat...
symmetries in atomic nuclei
local image descriptor
high performance soft magnetic materials
development of the action principle
field and service robotics
material selections by a hybrid mult...
s.m.a.r.t. circle overview
soil erosion and sediment flux in no...
unitals in projective planes
our beautiful moon and its mysteriou...
computation and the humanities
emerging health technology
screen-printing electrochemical arch...
regression modeling strategies
mobile data mining
statistical estimation for truncated...
environment in economics and development
defining the limits of outer space f...
violence and mental illness
small satellites and sustainable dev...
statistical decision problems
rocketing into the future
telegraph processes and option pricing
strafrecht besonderer teil 2
risks of harm from psychopathic indi...
planning london for the post-war era...
quantitative psychology
machine learning at the belle ii exp...
photonic microresonator research and...
quality and reliability management a...
optics, photonics and laser technolo...
a-z of the phd trajectory
principles of geotourism
climate change in southeast asia and...
insurance economics
innovation and product management
non-equilibrium dynamics of one-dime...
economic foundations for finance
energy in agriculture under climate ...
integrated ring resonators
gene prioritization
selected models of the mesostructure...
fundamentals of space medicine
dissent, revolution and liberty beyo...
new models for sustainable logistics
nonlinear, tunable and active metama...
gps stochastic modelling
integrated silicon optoelectronics
mathematical analysis in interdiscip...
topological structures in ferroic ma...
algorithmic foundations of robotics xiii
restorative justice in china
air lasing
ethik im gesundheitswesen
economic growth and development
structural mechanics of anti-sandwiches
climate change, energy use, and sust...
aurora 7
light-emitting diodes
symmetric discontinuous galerkin met...
heusler alloys
open and distance education theory r...
time use in domestic settings throug...
meaning of liberty beyond earth
tree climbing robot
condition monitoring algorithms in m...
heterogeneous vehicular networks
immune system in space: are we prepared?
generalized jeffrey conditionalization
cognitive wireless networks
second international handbook of lif...
computational and analytical mathematics
structural performance of masonry el...
dgim innere medizin
space mining and its regulation
planet mercury
water quality management
understanding problems of practice
domain-specific knowledge graph cons...
extremophilic cyanobacteria for nove...
kinetics of complex plasmas
processing of polymer-based nanocomp...
private sport sector in europe
spa - screening psychischer arbeitsb...
case management and care coordination
improving software testing
monitoring volcanoes in the north pa...
neurips '18 competition
high-energy charged particles
tidal disruption of stars by superma...
rule of law in china
knowledge management for school educ...
visualizing the data city
shear strengthening of t-beam with gfrp
planning for ecosystem services in c...
space systems failures
indian textile and clothing industry
statistics in clinical and observati...
computational neuroscience of drug a...
business modelling in the dynamic di...
city networks
nmr for chemists and biologists /
ion correlations at electrified soft...
supervising child protection practice
automated machine learning
optics, photonics and laser technology
medical and mental health during chi...
inventory management with alternativ...
very large floating structures
multi-layer pavement system under bl...
making of resistance
topology in magnetism
image processing and computer vision...
macroeconomic policy
manned spaceflight log ii - 2006-2012
pragmatism in philosophical inquiry
making sense of learning
ethics of energy sustainability
electronic commerce 2018
dawn angiosperms
automated nanohandling by microrobots
applied inverse problems
graph theory applications to deregul...
smart polymer nanocomposites
grantsmanship for new investigators
political theory of armed groups
circular cylinders and pressure vessels
theory of quantum transport at nanoscale
museum experience design
acid mine drainage in south africa
mathematical fluid dynamics, present...
origin of potassium-rich silica-defi...
introduction to laplace transforms a...
invitation to alexandrov geometry
rapid serial visual presentation
deep reinforcement learning for wire...
nanostructured lead, cadmium, and si...
search for scalar top quarks and hig...
brain-computer interface research
lexis in demography
pulling g
aviation systems
advances in nanostructured cellulose...
recent advances in harmonic analysis...
solidarity economy and social business
examinatorium privatversicherungsrecht
green development in china
modern piezoelectric energy-harvesti...
nonlinear mathematical physics and n...
learning technologies and globalization
saturation of the f-mode instability...
file for divorce in new york
challenges of religious literacy
management innovation
chinese handwriting recognition
pathways to demographic adaptation
low voltage power mosfets
analytics in healthcare
grundkurs theoretische physik 4/1
basisdiagnostik in der inneren medizin
morphology and dynamics of bottlebru...
managing the continuum :
additive manufacturing of metals
introduction to silent speech interfaces
stochastic partial differential equa...
advances in artificial pancreas systems
optimization theory and methods
arithmetically cohen-macaulay sets o...
f. r. leavis
future spacecraft propulsion systems
studies in theoretical and applied s...
growth of populism in the political ...
nanoscale imaging and characterisati...
constraining supersymmetric models
search for tt̄h production in the h ...
siamese-twin porphyrin and its coppe...
long-term modeled projections of the...
biofuels from algae :
fundamentals of space law and policy
sustainability through service
economics of art and culture
study on climate change in southwest...
strategic innovative marketing and t...
algebra for applications
statistical physics of synchronization
human development and human life
microbial styrene degradation
gold nanostars
human color vision
endometrial stem cells and its poten...
cloud based 5g wireless networks
humor, laughter and human flourishing
creating new medical ontologies for ...
fundamentals of semiconductor lasers
monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo me...
perceptions of community crime in fe...
cities and sustainability
new trends in emission control in th...
intelligent document retrieval
consensus building versus irreconcil...
dna replication control in microbial...
tool for determining e-learning read...
transnational actors in internationa...
hyper-lattice algebraic model for da...
handbuch karriere und laufbahnmanagement
density matrix theory and applications
integrative understanding of shale g...
functionalized conjugated polyelectr...
boundaries of a complex world
towards healthy and sustainable diets
biopatent law
narrative development of school children
enhancing hubble's vision
proceedings of eccs 2014
intelligent document retrieval
direct methods in the theory of elli...
dynamical systems
constructive nonsmooth analysis and ...
insights from comparative hearing re...
exploring the strategy space of nego...
evolution and senses
economics for environmental studies
chaos, complexity and leadership 2013
europäisches zivilverfahrensrecht
preparing for earthquakes: lessons f...
stochastic models, statistics and th...
advances in hypercomplex analysis
generalized connectivity of graphs
competing on supply chain quality
interworking of wireless lans and ce...
investment valuation and appraisal :
progress in nano-electro-optics.
radio navigation systems for airport...
digital shutdowns and social media
yellow alkaline noodles
elementare zahlentheorie
single trapped rydberg ion
topological dynamics and topological...
quantum plasmas
complementary resources for tomorrow
cmos/ccd sensors and camera systems /
physics with photons using the atlas...
birational geometry and moduli spaces
numerical methods for optimal contro...
impacts of land-use change on ecosys...
gravitational biology i
rule of law in an era of change
particle damping technology based st...
family, work and well-being
risk and reliability analysis
elderly health services and remote h...
learning and community approaches fo...
piezo-particulate composites
handbuch online-kommunikation
applied computer science for ggos ob...
global supply chain and operations m...
money and mathematics
socioeconomic evolution of the europ...
international finance and open-econo...
chemistry and hygiene of food additives
vehicle lighting and driver visibili...
course in derivative securities
stimulation and recording electrodes...
computational plasticity for finite ...
theory of fermi-liquids in metals
cultural intelligence in the world o...
applied mathematics
information technology in environmen...
mobile crowd sensing: incentive mech...
fundamental aspects of plasma chemic...
metrology for fire experiments in ou...
understanding other-oriented hope
reliance on foreign markets
risk management of non-renewable ene...
multiple criteria decision aid
pancyclic and bipancyclic graphs
recent progress on the donaldson–tho...
non-archimedean operator theory
spies in the sky
understanding auctions
evolution of smart grids
nonlinear optics and solid-state las...
stopped random walks
design of canals
conjugated conducting polymers /
laser-assisted fabrication of materials
spatiotemporal processes of plant ph...
houses in transformation
bismuth-ferrite-based electrochemica...
handbuch methoden der politikwissens...
imaging heat and mass transfer processes
functions of sports clubs in europea...
theory, numerics and applications of...
progress in nano-electro-optics vi
new approaches to natural anticancer...
mathematics education in east africa
hydrology in a changing world
person-centered methods
tackling the inverse problem for non...
workbook for small business management
counterterrorism in areas of politic...
anomalous x-ray scattering for mater...
total synthesis of (+-)-maoecrystal v
model validation for power system fr...
accounting, cash flow and value rele...
micromechanisms of friction and wear
introduction to central banking
parallel scientific computing and op...
rocket ranch
process mining in healthcare
phonon thermal transport in silicon-...
coordinate metrology
periods in quantum field theory and ...
introduction to statistical learning
verifying calculations - forty years on
aerosol optics
transient radio sky
differential equations and numerical...
fractals and universal spaces in dim...
functional data analysis
topological matter
genetic theory for cubic graphs
emerging domain of cooperating objects
coordinate metrology
stochastic models with power-law tails
energy generation using reverse elec...
natural products from marine algae :
elektrische bahnen
nanotechnology for energy and water
searching speech databases
classical statistical mechanics with...
mass and serial murder in america
external thermal insulation composit...
simulating spacecraft systems
real options and strategic technolog...
priority rule violations and pervers...
climate variability and sunspot activity
applications of the input-output fra...
transnational evaluation of constitu...
where is the godel-point hiding
collective rights and digital content
production yield of muon-induced neu...
green gold
role of biofilms in device-related i...
state of the universe 2008
supersymmetric gravity and black holes
dynamics of complex autonomous boole...
philosophical foundation of human rights
contagion! systemic risk in financia...
differential equations
3d robotic mapping :
correlations in low-dimensional quan...
teaching methodologies in structural...
middle ear
device-to-device communications in c...
liquidity risk management in banks
danilo dolci
essential statistical inference
stakeholder theory
mathematical analysis and applicatio...
recent developments in stochastic me...
self-induced fault of a hydraulic se...
bilevel optimization
arctic sea ice ecology
fluid mechanics applied to medicine
model of the response function of cu...
medizinische psychologie und soziologie
formal and analytic solutions of dif...
margaret mead
introduction to modern mathematical ...
challenges of academic incivility
music and human-computer interaction
history of research on chemical peri...
wastewater technologies and environm...
climate engineering as an instance o...
cybersecurity in china
simulations of dark energy cosmologies
model averaging
new foundations for information theory
price of fixed income market volatility
numerical analysis and optimization
handbook of school-based mental heal...
portfolio analytics
recent advances in system reliability
global change
differential privacy for dynamic data
digital peripheries
brain dynamics
strategic thinking in a hospital setting
statistics and data analysis for fin...
indian pharmaceutical industry
synchrotron radiation science and ap...
urban infrastructure research
role of topology in materials
relationship between fdi and the nat...
computational materials science
physics of the solar corona
measurement-based care in mental dis...
foundations for paramedic education
lower gastrointestinal tract surgery.
tourism and culture in the age of in...
optical properties of metallic nanop...
digital transformation now!
chaos, complexity and leadership 2018
interferomtry by holography
data assessment for electrical surge...
asia and the arctic
equations involving malliavin calcul...
faith 7
assessment of mine legacies and how ...
renewable and sustainable materials ...
computational intelligence in medica...
aswan high dam resettlement of egypt...
advances in national brand and priva...
global optimization
logic of logistics
stability of functional equations in...
safety and risk modeling and its app...
biaxial fatigue of metals
global supply chain and operations m...
science for ecosystem-based management
spectroscopic ellipsometry for photo...
cmos circuits for piezoelectric ener...
biometric identification, law and ethics
elliptic differential operators and ...
visualization of hydrogen-bond dynamics
p-laplace equation in the heisenberg...
introduction to printed electronics
digital galactic complex
control theory tutorial
fractal symmetry of protein interior
drilling of polymer-matrix composites
differential and difference equation...
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (e...
sport and the media
responses of fruit trees to global c...
mentoring processes in higher education
handbuch schlüsselkonzepte im coaching
interferometry by holography
exploring the marine ecology from space
advances in national brand and priva...
meaning-making for living
modern marine internal combustion en...
revitalising rural communities
optical characterization of plasmoni...
polyoxomolybdates as green catalysts...
inpainting and denoising challenges
advances in metal forming
therapeutic perspectives in type-1 d...
water policy in canada
structured singular light fields
flocking and rendezvous in distribut...
springer handbook of systematic musi...
economics of aquatic sports
mathematical modeling and computatio...
atomic diffusion in glasses studied ...
young-type interferences with electrons
neo-thinking on ganges-brahmaputra b...
perception, design and ecology of th...
sharing by design
thermal performance modeling of cros...
anthocyanins and human health
digital transformation of collaboration
springer series in light scattering
efficiency evaluation of energy systems
photoinduced molecular dynamics in s...
excursions in ill-condensed quantum ...
tempered stable distributions
instruments for health surveys in ch...
fundamentals of fiber lasers and fib...
dielectric breakdown in gigascale el...
financial access of the urban poor i...
calcium handling in hipsc-derived ca...
place and health as complex systems
active protective coatings
wavefront shaping and pupil engineering
symmetries in atomic nuclei
stochastic processes and long range ...
剛性泡沫 =
environmental management
hamiltonian group actions and equiva...
fluorescence studies of polymer cont...
neighborhood disorganization and soc...
temporary work agencies in italy
ghost cities of australia
measurement of nonlinear ultrasonic ...
three-dimensional computer vision
biophysics of cell membranes
very large floating structures
from smart city to smart region
rural retirement migration
green technologies for wastewater tr...
perspectives on design and digital c...
growth curve and structural equation...
coulombic fluids
introduction to inverse limits with ...
helium ion microscopy
double chooz and reactor neutrino os...
international handbook of philosophy...
plasma and spot phenomena in electri...
cp violation in {b_s}^0 -> j/psi.phi...
transforming through processes
mobile authentication
magnetic monopole noise
selected special functions for funda...
magnetic microscopy of layered struc...
field and service robotics
brain-computer interface research
learning from data streams in dynami...
from industry 4.0 to business model 4.0
tourism and culture in the age of in...
computational neuroscience
transport of energetic electrons in ...
cultural policy in jordan
invariants of behavior
contextualism, factivity and closure
on china's trade surplus
nasa's first space shuttle astronaut...
pädiatrische hämatologie und onkologie
topics in gallai-ramsey theory
psychological and social measurement
bell's theorem and quantum realism
mathematical sciences with multidisc...
primary auditory neurons of the mamm...
time-fractional differential equations
economic recovery after covid-19
statistical physics of nanoparticles...
infrared photodetectors based on low...
ultrafast dynamics driven by intense...
experimentalphysik 1
transportation and information
applied holography
untranslated gene regions and other ...
advanced materials
mechanotransduction of the hair cell
plasma catalysis
gigaseal formation in patch clamping
springer handbook of enzymes.
contemporary trends and challenges i...
functionalization of carborane via c...
theory and applications of multi-tet...
intelligent motorized spindle technology
structural processing for wireless c...
schrödinger operators, spectral anal...
heritage management, tourism, and go...
after diagnosis: family caregiving w...
understanding test and exam results ...
essence and measurement of organizat...
robotics research
large scale hierarchical classificat...
chiral and topological nature of mag...
searches for dijet resonances
ultimate enhancement of morality
frontier applications of nature insp...
random matrix theory with an externa...
optimization and management in manuf...
phase response curves in neuroscience
social banking and social finance
musical robots and interactive multi...
ecological liberation theology
new trends in finance and accounting
critical heat flux in flow boiling i...
study of double parton scattering us...
wireless health
metal response in cupriavidus metall...
space regulation in canada: past, pr...
private equity targets
criminalisation of migration in europe
sol to gel transition
seismic design of rc buildings
greenspace-oriented development
reconstructing human-landscape inter...
optimal guidance and its application...
charged particle traps ii
environmental finance and investments
iii-nitride ultraviolet emitters
streptococcal superantigens
great east japan earthquake and its ...
advent of universal protection of hu...
innovation policy
algorithms for sparsity-constrained ...
energy optimization and prediction i...
self-organized quantum dots for memories
short-channel organic thin-film tran...
corporate environmental strategies a...
art and science of seismic interpret...
attraction in numerical minimization
stereoselective syntheses of tetrahy...
three body dynamics and its applicat...
depression as a cultural phenomenon ...
multi-objective optimization problems
european-russian space cooperation
physics and engineering of new materials
synthetic data for deep learning
people and culture in construction
analysis and numerics of partial dif...
spain's photovoltaic revolution
combined data and power management i...
advanced lasers :
modeling and optimization: theory an...
continuous-time asset pricing theory
domination games played on graphs
geographical sciences during 1986-2015
copper and bacteria
arctic marine sustainability
corporate financial distress
nonlinear optics and laser emission ...
transition-metal defects in silicon
restructuring and innovation in banking
piezo-active composites
advances in national brand and priva...
water, food and welfare
si combustion.
modeling and optimization
introduction to climate change manag...
cryptology and error correction
victims of obtrusive violence
perspectives on fluorescence
biomimetics in materials science
theory of algebraic surfaces
international handbook of philosophy...
design principles and methodologies
geodetic boundary value problem
economics of accounting.
variation-aware advanced cmos device...
proofs and confirmations :
environmental management of river ba...
mathematical models and methods for ...
differential geometry and continuum ...
oceanographic and biological aspects...
scientific integrity and ethics in t...
reinforcement learning of bimanual r...
optical properties of photonic crystals
multi-hop routing in wireless sensor...
hereditary retinopathies
reference data on atomic physics and...
selected papers on fundamental techn...
non-ergodic nature of internal conve...
from particle systems to partial dif...
light scattering reviews 9
power scaling of enhancement cavitie...
celestial sleuth
man-elephant conflict
discovery of single top quark production
heritage stone conservation in urban...
satisfying safety goals by probabili...
adaptation to coastal storms in atla...
when trucks stop running
quantum mechanics in the geometry of...
crosstalk in modern on-chip intercon...
neuroeconomic and behavioral aspects...
future solar energy devices
los angeles and the summer olympic games
simulations as scaffolds in science ...
signal and image processing in medic...
interplanetary outpost
american shale energy and the global...
blended cognition
communicating space exploration
safety factor profile control in a t...
cusped shell-like structures
hysteresis phenomena in biology
serotonin and anxiety
lunar and interplanetary trajectories
command transitions in public admini...
understanding auctions
rational positive parenting program
quantum interference and coherence
introduction to formal philosophy
complex networks viii
from human attention to computationa...
science of golf putting
tragedy and triumph in orbit
stochastic global optimization
theory, analysis and design of rf in...
prävention und gesundheitsförderung
129 xe relaxation and rabi oscillations
automated software and service compo...
ferroelectric crystals for photonic ...
link prediction in social networks
ellipsometry of functional organic s...
mesoscopic quantum hall effect
science investigation
building dialogue pomdps from expert...
water, food and welfare
super-resolved imaging
stability to the incompressible navi...
foundations of micropolar mechanics
selected papers on subwavelength dif...
nonparametric statistics
fractal geometry of the brain
statistical models and methods for f...
cooperating robots for flexible manu...
iitaka conjecture
privately and publicly verifiable co...
maximum principles and geometric app...
disc winds matter
extremal polynomials and riemann sur...
light scattering reviews, volume 11
protecting built heritage in hong kong
cooperative networking in a heteroge...
semiclassical dynamics and relaxation
advanced fluorescence reporters in c...
photoptics 2015
energy efficiency clauses in charter...
quantum confined excitons in 2-dimen...
distributed autonomous robotic systems
integrated framework for energy-econ...
planetary exploration and science
processing of polymer-based nanocomp...
mathematical paradigms of climate sc...
modern developments in x-ray and neu...
high-energy charged particles
induced pluripotent stem cells in br...
spatial autoregression (sar) model
einführung in die stochastik
modeling conflict dynamics with spat...
energy law: an introduction
shadow of black holes
single piles in liquefiable ground
extraterrestrial influence on climat...
handbook of big data analytics
wireless sensor networks for structu...
introduction to r for quantitative e...
advances in control of articulated a...
russia's cosmonauts
observation of vu-->ve oscillation i...
wissenschaftliches arbeiten 4.0
sustainable web ecosystem design
microalgae as a feedstock for biofuels
coverings of discrete quasiperiodic sets
psychologie der persönlichkeit
transferring human impedance regulat...
towards autonomous soft matter systems
topological quantum matter
great american biotic interchange
advanced bimanual manipulation
flexible spacecraft dynamics, contro...
microwave cavities and detectors for...
magnetically activated and guided is...
stability of linear delay differenti...
child sexual abuse
smart tourism as a driver for cultur...
connecting analytical thinking and i...
advanced cad modeling
weathering and the riverine denudati...
size-dependent continuum mechanics a...
model averaging
meaning and value of spaceflight
police brutality, misconduct, and co...
elliptic–hyperbolic partial differen...
hydropolitics, interest groups and g...
fluorescent proteins ii
laser drilling
analysis i
surface plasmon resonance sensors
computational intelligence in medica...
e-therapy for substance abuse and co...
grundkurs theoretische physik 5/2
creating reusable learning objects
c and a-theorems and the local renor...
tempered stable distributions
deformation microstructures in rocks
switchpoints for the future of logistics
advances in environment engineering ...
quantitative psychology
personalizing haptics
turbulent impinging jets into porous...
survey of core research in informati...
sport governance
land rights and expropriation in eth...
corporal punishment in rural schools
la popa basin, nuevo león and coahui...
tissue optics :
physical layer security in random ce...
kinetic theory of a dilute ionized p...
geocomputation and public health
statistics in food science and nutrition
two studies in gas-phase ion spectro...
phosphate phosphors for solid-state ...
practical guide to handling laser di...
how to do science with models
4g femtocells
modeling approaches to natural conve...
wiederholungs- und vertiefungskurs s...
flax-trm composite systems for stren...
behavioral economics
thread and data mapping for multicor...
drinfeld moduli schemes and automorp...
sigma 7
zinc/bromine flow battery
environmentally friendly machining
china’s new urbanization
finance and sustainability
emotion recognition using speech fea...
electro-hydraulic actuation systems
biosurfactants in food
portfolio analytics
cyber security
immersive multimodal interactive pre...
female prisoners, aids, and peer pro...
basic relativity
developing biomedical devices
design of observational studies
adhd as a model of brain-behavior re...
handbuch karl popper
micro and nano technologies in bioan...
lectures on the nearest neighbor method
fire-resistant geopolymers
underwater robots
bumpy road
laser-assisted fabrication of materi...
basic optics for the astronomical sc...
beyond λcdm
national basketball association stra...
geoenergy modeling ii
electric potential in toroidal plasmas
sustainable supply chains
linear algebra for economists
damage tolerance of metallic aircraf...
springer handbook of global navigati...
modern classification theory of supe...
fire science
internet resource pricing models
handbook of technology education
industrielle kostenrechnung
praktische krankenhaushygiene und um...
elektromagnetische felder
psychological requirements analysis ...
deliberative public engagement with ...
carbon nanofiber reinforced polymer ...
challenges of a rechargeable magnesi...
elements of plasma technology
magnetic field effects in low-dimens...
progress in ultrafast intense laser ...
people, personal data and the built ...
kinetics of evaporation
iranian space endeavor
modern mathematical statistics with ...
religions- und weltanschauungsrecht
applied analysis in biological and p...
gyroid optical metamaterials
experimental robotics
morton deutsch
low earth orbit satellite design
analytical modeling research in fash...
strafrecht allgemeiner teil
hadron therapy physics and simulations
american league franchises
kp solitons and the grassmannians
rethinking map literacy
light scattering reviews 3
magnetically activated and guided is...
practical guide to drug development ...
nonlinear time-delay systems
prosper school pathways for student ...
sea floor
cognitive virtual network operator games
lattices of dielectric resonators
governance of arctic shipping
occupational stress in south african...
functional and shape data analysis
ultra low bit-rate speech coding
big data 2.0 processing systems
how to label a graph
optimization problems in graph theory
transportation systems analysis
modeling the renewable energy transi...
cook over ip
controlled reproduction of wild eura...
early exploration of the moon
neogene micropaleontology and strati...
stars, myths and rituals in etruscan...
environment and earth observation
insect hearing
electricity-based fuels
analysis and geometry
quantum phononics
performative experience design
fundamentals of physical geology
mathematik für ökonomen
x-ray lasers 2018
climate change and impacts in the pa...
ocean governance
implementation of eu readmission agr...
electron-beam interactions with solids
uncertainty theory
descriptive topology and functional ...
examinatorium bgb at
southern min (hokkien) as a migratin...
effects of anthropogenic noise on an...
modeling trust context in networks
andreev reflection in superconductin...
computational techniques for human s...
johan galtung
risks of harm from psychopathic indi...
china's energy efficiency and conser...
long afterglow phosphorescent materials
selected models of the mesostructure...
human activity sensing
graduate course on statistical inference
transport phenomena in liquid compos...
cooperative cognitive radio networking
approximation algorithms for complex...
statistical models and methods for f...
materials for infrared windows and domes
towards a compact thin-disk-based fe...
trade and the labor market
dynamics of nanoparticles in stagnat...
wearing embodied emotions
fundamentals of petrophysics
philosophical and mathematical logic
mineral resources
martin luther king
man–elephant conflict
modeling of tropospheric delays usin...
manifolds, sheaves, and cohomology
prokhorov and contemporary probabili...
coastal geography in northeast brazil
volume conjecture for knots
mathematical stories i – graphs, gam...
bidding for development
grating-based x-ray phase-contrast m...
thermodynamics of information proces...
dance notations and robot motion
economic policy in a liberalising ec...
energy conversion in natural and art...
mathematical modeling in cultural he...
differential and difference equation...
underwater robots
microcluster physics
computer simulations of space societies
decision making in the manufacturing...
solar sails
immunoproteomics :
pädagogische psychologie
instructor's manual for money: theor...
polaritonic chemistry
machine learning based pairs trading...
linear network error correction coding
search techniques in intelligent cla...
narrowband single photons for light-...
medizinische psychologie und soziologie
handbook of big data analytics
international handbook of educationa...
control of marine vehicles
mechanical ice drilling technology
control of single wheel robots
samir amin
portfolio choice problems
engineering decisions for life quality
practical and laboratory diagnosis o...
root canal biofilm
geometry and topology of manifolds
understanding phase contrast mr angi...
theory of gas discharge plasma
symmetry and symmetry-breaking in se...
submarine geomorphology
search for dark matter with atlas
edith and florence stoney, sisters i...
materials that change color
ergodic theory
energy generation using reverse elec...
gaseous ion mobility, diffusion, and...
strategy and game theory
einstein's photoemission
laser measurement technology
in the footsteps of columbus
electrodynamics of water and ice
quantitative assessment of securitis...
fluvial depositional systems
essentials of stochastic processes
hbi - hamburger burnout-inventar
intergovernmental fiscal relations
halogen-free flame-retardant polymers
satellite communications
tourism in antarctica
flexible and stretchable electronic ...
museums and digital culture
quality of life and mortality among
relational autonomy and family law
robust vision for vision-based contr...
self-assembly of flat organic molecu...
entwicklungspsychologie des jugendalters
arts-based pathways into thinking
economics of professional road cycling
giovanni domenico cassini
spectroscopic ellipsometry for photo...
2nd karl schwarzschild meeting on gr...
progress in photon science
genesis of diamonds and associated p...
water governance: challenges and pro...
biomechanics of anthropomorphic systems
transition and transgression
restorative justice in india
survival skills for thesis and disse...
demography and the anthropocene
international trade and global macro...
nanomaterials preparation by thermol...
aging and hearing
modelling and simulation in fluid dy...
software literacy
neo-thinking on ganges-brahmaputra b...
nonlinear pdes
abstract algebra
information science for materials di...
nanoparticles in lung cancer therapy...
gap heteroepitaxy on si(100)
integrated seismic design of structu...
human trafficking finances
urban mining systems
understanding agent systems
urban sustainability
spatio-temporal recommendation in so...
new challenges in banking and finance
bodies and media
women's group therapy
comparators in nanometer cmos technology
statistical mechanics of classical a...
erdelyi-kober fractional calculus
debye screening length
control theory tutorial
mantle plumes and their effects
negotiating public health in a globa...
handbuch karriere und laufbahnmanagement
spin correlations in tt events from ...
euv sources for lithography
porous organic frameworks
mixed finite element methods and app...
dynamic spectrum auction in wireless...
advances in hydroinformatics
u.s. government contractors and huma...
metamaterials for perfect absorption
sertoli cell metabolism and spermato...
china's new urbanization
progress in turbulence vi
from qcd flux tubes to gravitational...
third-generation femtosecond technology
dynamics of disasters
applied and computational optimal co...
nonlinear time series
lithium niobate
economic evaluation of climate chang...
road expansion in the peruvian amazon
advanced boundary element methods
long island sound
qcd higher-order effects and search ...
next generation spin torque memories
exploring mathematics
study into the design of steerable m...
stochastic systems with time delay
gaussian harmonic analysis
early career teachers
problems, philosophy and politics of...
unraveling thermoluminescence
ubiquitin chains: degradation and beyond
holographic sensors
galileo galilei
green biomass pretreatment for biofu...
mathematical methods of classical ph...
economic valuation of green electricity
living on the edge
graphene oxide in environmental reme...
springer series in light scattering
superconductivity in graphene and ca...
essential real analysis
seismic hazard and risk assessment
magnetic nanoparticles
white matter injury in stroke and cn...
nanoscale and microscale phenomena
advances in national brand and priva...
carbon footprint and urban planning
geodynamic evolution of the southern...
manual of clinical hematology
robotic exploration of the solar system.
modelling, simulation and applicatio...
bullying, prejudice and school perfo...
high-resolution imaging and spectrom...
compact antennas for high data rate ...
china's international projection in ...
information geometry and its applica...
risk theory
offending from childhood to late mid...
electric arc furnace with flat bath
introduction to project modeling and...
analytic methods in interdisciplinar...
vertragliche schuldverhältnisse
integrated spatial and energy planning
lie theory and its applications in p...
european robotics symposium 2008
human physical fitness and activity
handbuch diskriminierung
state-of-the-art infrared detector t...
roots and development of particle ph...
topological orders with spins and fe...
ownership of the firm, corporate fin...
friedrich list as a railway pioneer ...
al-si alloys casts by die casting
field guide to lasers
data-intensive systems
peri-urban areas and food-energy-wat...
mathematics and computing
functional differential equations an...
understanding built environment
fundamental optical design /
cohomology of arithmetic groups
transplantation surgery
building civil society in authoritar...
markov chains
defects at oxide surfaces
classes of directed graphs
dirac spectra in dense qcd
advanced materials
chemistry and chemists in florence
epistemic governance in higher education
stability in international finance
disaster management in china in a ch...
nonparametric statistics
transfer prices and management accou...
time-release history of the opioid e...
applied bayesian statistics
introduction to python in earth scie...
energy systems and management
plasma sources of solar system magne...
private actors in international inve...
international space station
options in alliances
statistik angewandt
color-induced graph colorings
strategies of life detection
advanced materials for integrated op...
direct injection si engine technology
theory of gas discharge plasma
climate of the romanian carpathians
multidimensional data visualization
measuring the angular momentum of su...
recent landform evolution
atomistic properties of solids
control oriented modelling of ac ele...
building bridges at the science-stak...
fibre optic communication devices /
mathematics and technology
cerebral autoregulation
advances in analytics and applications
social manufacturing: fundamentals a...
police use of research evidence
optimal social influence
building a culture of health
sustainable livelihood approach to p...
gemini 4
quantitative psychology research
creation of local innovation systems...
marine organic micropollutants
praxishandbuch eingliederungsmanagement
learning portuguese as a second language
interest groups, water politics and ...
pde models for multi-agent phenomena
mathematical analysis i: approximati...
solar assisted ground source heat pu...
innovative technologies in everyday life
quantum information processing with ...
belief change
on the measurement of social phenomena
human factor in the settlement of th...
automotive battery technology
hearing and hormones
groundwater engineering
advances in digital marketing and ec...
geriatrische onkologie
revisiting the energy-development link
privacy-enhancing fog computing and ...
efficiency of growth drivers
why is everyone else wrong?
random finite sets for robot mapping...
primer of multicast routing
physics of liquid matter: modern pro...
introducing writing across the curri...
statistical remedies for medical res...
structure from motion using the exte...
methods in experimental economics
compliance management in financial i...
numerical analysis and optimization
lectures on random interfaces
tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbo...
state of deformation in earthlike se...
modeling and optimization in space e...
berlin: a city awaits
implementing responsible research an...
artificial neural networks
black holes: thermodynamics, informa...
from corruption to modernity
reconceptualising learning in the di...
ecological and evolutionary modelling
stochastic processes
course in rasch measurement theory
incentivising angels
mapping, planning and exploration wi...
geriatrische onkologie
solid-state-drives (ssds) modeling
to orbit and back again :
war in space
human action recognition with depth ...
shrinking society
nuclei in the cosmos xv
unraveling thermoluminescence
earth science satellite applications
contribution of young researchers to...
innovations in steel sheet & bar pro...
petroleum geosciences: indian contexts
economics of professional road cycling
legal scholarship as a source of law
strafrechtliche sanktionen
reference materials in analytical ch...
optical lithography :
combinatorial methods in topology an...
exploring the strategy space of nego...
ultrasonic wave propagation in non h...
models, algorithms and technologies ...
fibre optic communication
clinical trials of antidepressants
flexible spacecraft dynamics, contro...
dispersion forces ii
socioeconomic evolution of the europ...
atmospheres and oceans on computers
notes on the stationary p-laplace eq...
radiative heat transfer in turbulent...
design of experiments for reinforcem...
electromagnetic metamaterials
fundamentals and principles of artif...
creating love
evaluating teaching practices in gra...
time-of-flight cameras and microsoft...
geology and paleontology of the quat...
applications of nonlinear analysis
large-scale conservation in the comm...
principles of public finance
european emission trading system and...
decoding complexity
modern sabr analytics
investigation of staged laser-plasma...
3d microelectronic packaging
lock-in thermography
economics and computation
water as an inescapable risk
traceback and anonymity
perspectives on fluorescence
nonholonomic manipulators
renormalization group and fixed points
springer handbook of glass
atlas of climate change
chemistry of maillard reactions in p...
big-bang nucleosynthesis
linear canonical transforms
fractal analysis in machining
physics of the mind and brain disorders
statistics for health data science
understanding high-dimensional spaces
risk-based engineering
justice and economic violence in tra...
knowledge management for school educ...
cryptosporidium as a foodborne pathogen
social crime prevention in the devel...
elliptic eifferential equations
how aspirin entered our medicine cabinet
research and development in art, des...
social determinants of health in non...
advanced techniques for testing of c...
epistemology of decision
redescription mining
zeptosecond dynamics of transfer‐tri...
thermodynamics and morphodynamics in...
design for flexibility
fuzzy differential equations in vari...
stochastic geometric mechanics
handbuch der gesundheitskommunikation
giorgio agamben
optical thin films
bayesian inference of state space models
limits to growth revisited
optimal investment
effects of anthropogenic noise on an...
restoration of coastal dunes
case management and care coordination
gallium oxide
east-asian primary science curricula
global politics and eu trade policy
friction material composites
robotic mapping and exploration
cartographic analysis of soviet mili...
soil enzymes
quodons in mica
gender responsive and participatory ...
valuing chaparral
autonomic cooperative networking
personal multimedia preservation
suicide among child sex offenders
applied and computational matrix ana...
thermochemical heat storage system f...
ultrasonic coal-wash for de-ashing a...
optimization and decision science
biologie für mediziner
x-ray diffraction by macromolecules
collaborative web hosting
physiology of prenatal exercise and ...
road to discovery
algorithmic foundations of robotics xi
plasma-based radar cross section red...
far-infrared spectro-spatial space i...
itil 2011 at a glance
family and social change in chinese ...
machines of sex research
vehicle dynamics and simulation
discrete geometry and symmetry
new si engine and component design
synchronization in networks of nonli...
einstein and heisenberg
information technology in geo-engine...
mechanosensory transduction in droso...
evidence-based treatments for proble...
progress in turbulence and wind ener...
quality control applications
responsive nanomaterials for sustain...
mathematical methods of quantum optics
subnational population estimates
in the footsteps of columbus
thermal transport in oblique finned ...
inside company valuation
nonlinear, tunable and active metama...
wirtschaftspsychologie für bachelor
some unusual topics in quantum mechanics
how to do science with models
physiologie des menschen
comparative sport development
dying, as a franciscan
computational mathematics and variat...
living with transformation
dynamics of extremal black holes
bayesian essentials with r
vector generalized linear and additi...
recurrent neural networks for short-...
analysis and performance of fiber co...
mathematical analysis and its applic...
collectivity and power on the internet
risk and asset allocation
elliptic quantum groups
energy-aware scheduling on multiproc...
gaseous ion mobility, diffusion, and...
nanomaterials and their biomedical a...
pillars of creation
interleukin 12
canonical instabilities of autonomou...
semigroups of operators - theory and...
augenheilkunde, dermatologie, hno in...
advanced materials
progress in ultrafast intense laser ...
operation of a cryogenic rocket engine
dita – the topic-based xml standard
arnheim, gestalt and media
raw materials substitution sustainab...
polymeric hydrogels as smart biomate...
social marketing in action
study of movement speeds down stairs
supply chain management and advanced...
blind source separation
carbon-containing polymer composites
audit reporting for going concern un...
introduction to time series and fore...
digital arts and humanities
electrohydrodynamic patterning of fu...
physics of petroleum reservoirs
handbuch sprache in den public relations
心靈覺知教養 :
handbuch geschichte der deutschsprac...
smart tv security
computer algebra and materials physics
twenty-first century in space
capitalism, global change and sustai...
high-efficient low-cost photovoltaics
robustness-related issues in speaker...
emerging space markets
higgs potential and naturalness afte...
business project management and mark...
seeds of restoration success
quantum dots for quantum information...
general framework for reasoning on i...
lie algebras and algebraic groups
robotics research
semiclassical approach to mesoscopic...
ghost cities of australia
spiritual well-being of chinese olde...
multi-finger haptic interaction
national college entrance exam in china
history of islam
uranous mineralogy of hypergene redu...
selected papers on free-space laser ...
causal analysis in population studies
advances in transitional flow modeling
tree pollination under global climat...
simplicity of complexity in economic...
digital holographic methods
old growth urban forests
computational complexity of solving ...
gender-based violence and depression...
field guide to illumination
modeling, dynamics, optimization and...
reimagining innovation in humanitari...
root canal biofilm
emerging trends in banking and finance
multicriteria portfolio management
teaching surrounded by smart phones
socio-spatial inequalities in contem...
mathematics for finance
fundamentals and principles of artif...
finance and sustainability
acute and chronic finger injuries in...
fluid flow and heat transfer in rota...
operator theory and harmonic analysis
real option analysis and climate change
conducting polymer hybrids
cis/transgene optimization
interference coordination for 5g cel...
security for cloud storage systems
introduction to the analytic hierarc...
emerging resistive switching memories
systems biology of tumor physiology
privacy-preserving machine learning ...
data-driven wireless networks
geometry of spherically symmetric fi...
rankings and preferences
perspectives on educational quality
fundamental mathematical analysis
atomic-scale insights into emergent ...
consumer energy conservation behavio...
automated design of materials far fr...
viscoelasticity of polymers
cultural psychology as basic science
micro-manufacturing technologies and...
sensuality in human living
from total quality control to lean s...
evolution of hemispheric specializat...
active structural control with stabl...
novel (trans)dermal drug delivery st...
projected subgradient algorithm in c...
geophysical methods for cultural her...
國民黨不想提共產黨不願談的中國近代史 /
hand and finger injuries in rock cli...
governance in transition
strongly correlated systems
surrogate model-based engineering de...
dynamics of information systems
human rights-based community practic...
role of sdn in broadband networks
international labor mobility to and ...
climate crisis, democracy and governance
country risk evaluation
distributed space missions for earth...
japanese firms during the lost two d...
terahertz antenna technology for spa...
acoustic metamaterials and phononic ...
systems biology of tumor physiology
numerical analysis and optimization
israel’s invisible negev bedouin
bousfield classes and ohkawa's theorem
mathematics at the margins
teaching profession
new paradigm for international business
dissipative solitons in reaction dif...
ultimate performance analysis tool (...
16th conference on flavor physics an...
mie theory :
developments in international bridge...
democratic decision-making
r-matrix theory of atomic collisions
numerical analysis and optimization
managing the continuum
emerging issues in ecology and envir...
reliability and safety engineering
heavy-tailed time series
ideals and reality
community structure of complex networks
interdisciplinary insights for digit...
solutions of nonlinear schrodinger s...
asymmetric kernel smoothing
erdélyi–kober fractional calculus
handbook of medical imaging.
prandtl - führer durch die strömungs...
philosophy of science for scientists
adhd, stress, and development
quantum states of light
wireless networked music performance
active terahertz metamaterial for bi...
understanding and analysis
pediatric surgery
quantitative psychology
between philosophy and cultural psyc...
food democracy
stochastic systems
essays in literary aesthetics
usability, accessibility and ambient...
modern multivariate statistical tech...
numerical methods in finance
development and environmental policy...
terrorism and violent conflict
hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscop...
virtual work and shape change in sol...
impact craters in south america
modern luminescence spectroscopy of ...
biosurfactants in food
images and power
electricity derivatives
world market price of oil
brexit and the control of tobacco il...
field and service robotics
theoretical femtosecond physics
integral closure
polymer/poss nanocomposites and hybr...
introduction to applied optimization
path coupling and aggregate path cou...
taoist pedagogy of pathmarks
introduction to fluid mechanics
acoustic modeling for emotion recogn...
embracing organisational development...
social rights and international deve...
vertical integration and regulation
development of a cyber physical syst...
dunhuang grottoes and global education
semigroups of operators -theory and ...
hyperbranched polydendrons
endometrial stem cells and its poten...
legume genomics :
railway track and its long term beha...
practical examples of energy optimiz...
corporate environmental strategy
child physical abuse
approximate solutions of common fixe...
vcsels :
strategic innovative marketing
loricate ciliate tintinnids in a tro...
female delinquency from childhood to...
extracellular potentials in the hipp...
history of research on chemical peri...
malliavin calculus and stochastic an...
operations research and optimization
surface studies with lasers
dynamics of quantum dot lasers
polymer/poss nanocomposites and hybr...
bayesian reliability
handbook of early language education
william and caroline herschel
multiheme cytochromes
cell-free synthetic biology
deep learning in mining of visual co...
light scattering reviews 9,
outer planets and their moons
tectonics of asia (northern, central...
advances in clean energy technologies
groundwater vulnerability dup_1
sustainable urbanism in digital tran...
novel functional materials based on ...
blade-pitch control for wind turbine...
earthquake prediction by seismic ele...
differential and difference equation...
next generation dna led technologies
grundkurs topologie
practical decision making
selected papers on free-space laser ...
tsunami generation and propagation
extremophiles and their applications...
handbuch stressregulation und sport
field and service robotics
chances and risks in construction ma...
tunneling dynamics in open ultracold...
intellectual property issues
healthcare partnerships for pediatri...
modeling discrete-event systems with...
radio frequency channel coding made easy
semiconductor materials for solar ph...
food packaging hygiene
amazing journey of reason
properly colored connectivity of graphs
algebras and representation theory
innovation and entrepreneurship
silica-based nanotechnology for bone...
elements of cloud storage security
global drinking water management and...
ultrafast dynamics of phospholipid-w...
iii-nitride ultraviolet emitters
polyolefin compounds and materials
electronics revolution
nanomedicine for cancer therapy
maximum-entropy networks
hygrothermal risk on building heritage
applications of emerging memory tech...
fundamentals of tropical climate dyn...
new approaches to natural anticancer...
university campus solid waste management
compositional data analysis
crowd-powered mobile computing and s...
plastics end use applications
urban wind environment
soil erosion and sediment flux in no...
assessing climate change
polymeric hydrogels as smart biomate...
several real variables
complex networks xi
polariton physics
selected papers on digital image res...
modelling tropospheric volcanic aerosol
introduction to isotopic materials s...
economic evaluation of climate chang...
domain decomposition methods �x algo...
education policy analysis
creating the future? the 1960s new e...
ownership of the firm, corporate fin...
electro-optic photonic circuits
electroweak baryogenesis and its phe...
purification of peptides in high-com...
bioactive compounds from marine extr...
probability and analysis in interact...
springer handbook of atmospheric mea...
story of creation :
field guide to illumination /
variational approach to nonsmooth dy...
natural disasters, foreign trade and...
energy in africa
social factors and community well-being
stochastic models, statistics and th...
dirac equation in curved spacetime
use of force training in law enforcement
edge computing: a primer
understanding test and exam results ...
routines of substitution
business ethics in the social context
advances in earthquake prediction
recycled aggregate concrete structures
image color feature extraction techn...
school belonging in adolescents
economics of urban externalities
handbook of nanocomposite supercapac...
wittgenstein’s education: 'a picture...
law, language and translation
enhancing fieldwork learning using m...
critical phenomena in loop models
command transitions in public admini...
brain, school and society
risk management of contingent conver...
resilient children
advances in remote sensing for infra...
internet of things for indoor air qu...
applied research on policing for police
statistical analysis of financial da...
effective investments on capital markets
beyond standard model phenomenology ...
middleware solutions for the interne...
sustainable logistics and transportation
electromagnetic waves in complex systems
evolutionary game design
geometric properties for parabolic a...
metals and society
joint training for neural machine tr...
systems description of flow through ...
establishing quantum physics in gött...
contracts of adhesion between law an...
creativity in the digital age
advances in health and environment s...
arterial stiffness
high-bandwidth memory interface
introduction to isotopic materials s...
quantum chromodynamics sum rules
hecke’s l-functions
plane answers to complex questions
thermoelectric nanomaterials
internet of things
information geometry and its applica...
progress in ultrafast intense laser ...
dynamic wetting by nanofluids
mathematical finance
archaeology and heritage of the huma...
sharing a vision
obesity and breast cancer
perfecting engineering and technical...
changes in the use of wild food plan...
harary index of a graph
ioffe drift
symmetries and dynamics of star clusters
higgs boson discovery at the large h...
designing research on bilingual deve...
from analysis to visualization
mathematics and modern art
hybrid video compression standard
microstructuring of glasses
near-saturn magnetic field environment
near-field antenna measurements
handbuch entwicklungsforschung
corporate social responsibility repo...
chemistry of thermal food processing...
metastable glassy states under exter...
personhood beyond humanism
product reliability
ptsd and forensic psychology
groundwater prospecting and management
preventing terrorism and controlling...
chemistry of polymeric metal chelates
content-centric networks
borehole electromagnetic telemetry s...
monsoons and climate change
fundamentals of maldi-tof-ms analysis
sports business in the pacific rim
healthcare management
external thermal insulation composit...
rule of three, percentages and interest
applications of linear and nonlinear...
urbanisation and inequalities in a p...
ultra low noise cmos image sensors
sustainability in luxury fashion bus...
advances in numerical modeling of ad...
internationalising the university
science investigation
finite mixture of skewed distributions
einführung in algebra und zahlentheorie
uncertain differential equations
veteran teacher resilience
principle of proportionality
predator-prey interactions
advances in matrix inequalities
macroeconomics of corruption
hydrodynamics of planing monohull wa...
spectral action in noncommutative ge...
system theory in geomorphology
belief, evidence, and uncertainty
field guide to infrared systems, det...
biopatent law: european vs. us paten...
topological interactions in ring pol...
disparities in child health
analytically tractable stochastic st...
theory of heavy-fermion compounds
earth system modelling.
philosophy of science and engineerin...
dense and green building typologies
physics of accretion onto black holes
evidence-based practice in juvenile ...
success and failure of is/it projects
computing the optical properties of ...
optoelectronics of solar cells
handbook of plastics testing technology
uncovering cp violation
power system loads and power system ...
support vector machines and perceptrons
corporate responses to financial crime
generalized multipole technique for ...
hierarchical matrices: algorithms an...
philosophy for engineering
impact of corporate culture and cms
microstructuring of glasses
energy-efficient vcsels for optical ...
computation and approximation
q-theory of finite semigroups
risk regulation in non-animal food i...
aviation system risks and safety
adversary detection for cognitive ra...
diffuse radio foregrounds
ellipsometry of functional organic s...
green development in china
criminalisation of migration in europe
non-linguistic analysis of call cent...
cosmic explosions
two-dimensional change detection methods
advances in jet substructure at the lhc
time series econometrics
risk management
selected papers on optical shop metr...
computational intelligence technique...
culture on the edge of chaos
student's t-distribution and related...
fruit and vegetable storage
ergodic theory
seki, founder of modern mathematics ...
self engineering
leerboek psychiatrie voor verpleegku...
school leadership effects revisited
pullout performance of pedicle screws
police policy shifts after 9/11
in situ monitoring of fiber-reinforc...
materials with internal structure
advances in hydroinformatics
philosophy of geo-ontologies
linear programming using matlab
fluorescence in industry
to mars and beyond, fast!
continuous nowhere differentiable fu...
lactic acid in the food industry
nonlinear maps and their applications
study on climate change in southwest...
climate, environment and cree observ...
superresolution optical microscopy
analysis and design of discrete part...
recovering biodiversity in indian fo...
karriere – sport – geschlecht
breaking the ice
weak-coupling theory of topological ...
mathematics and methodology for econ...
rail crack monitoring using acoustic...
oss reliability measurement and asse...
mentoring processes in higher education
mathematische methoden für ökonomen
testing statistical hypotheses
techniques for nanoencapsulation of ...
topics in extrinsic geometry of codi...
public transport passengers' behavio...
topics in theoretical and computatio...
underwater archaeology of a pacific ...
novel embedded metal-mesh transparen...
stochastic analysis and related topics
applications of microscopy in materi...
food in the internet age
role of topology in materials
advances in materials research
spatial network data
physics of turbulent jet ignition
human spaceflight and exploration
optimized packings with applications
victim healing and truth commissions
laser shock processing of fcc metals
unconventional methods for oil & gas...
warranty data collection and analysis
plants and heavy metals
high-efficient low-cost photovoltaics
vascular mechanisms in cns trauma
how do spores select where to settle?
group 2 mediated dehydrocoupling
environmental remote sensing and gis...
gravity, weight and their absence
non-equilibrium dynamics beyond deph...
establishing quantum physics in munich
understanding modern dive computers ...
quantum correlations beyond entanglement
technische mechanik 3
national sovereignty in the european...
visual indexing and retrieval
modern discrete mathematics and analysis
rubber nano blends
innate tolerance in the cns
advanced materials for defense
combinatorial set theory of c*-algebras
spacefarer's handbook
polyolefin compounds and materials
finance - fundamental problems and s...
insect hearing
brain-computer interface research
fundamentals of petrophysics
active terahertz metamaterial for bi...
statistical analysis of operational ...
optical lithography
simulations as scaffolds in science ...
evaluating measurement accuracy
surface patterning with colloidal mo...
scalar fields in numerical general r...
gondwana industrial clays
ceramic materials from coffee bagass...
controlling light in optically induc...
application of geochemical tracers t...
shrinkage estimation
environmental issues of blasting
photorefractive organic materials an...
design of experiments for reinforcem...
fourier transform spectroscopy instr...
analysis of neural data
routing for wireless multi-hop networks
computational studies of transition ...
toxic pollutants in china
bootstrapping trust in modern computers
probability models
retrograde evolution during major ex...
southern min (hokkien) as a migratin...
nanocomposite-based electronic tongue
tree-shaped fluid flow and heat transfer
remote sensing and atmospheric ozone
reflected brownian motions in the kp...
viscoelastic interfaces driven in di...
low-power wireless sensor networks
applications and markets for coopera...
art, design and technology
earth system science
pädiatrische endokrinologie und diab...
charming new physics in beautiful pr...
advances on fractional inequalities
shallow water waves on the rotating ...
construction supply chain economics
point processes for reliability analysis
tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbo...
distributed autonomous robotic systems
extrasolar planets and their host stars
selected papers on optical microscopy
s.m.a.r.t. circle projects
convex polyhedra
demography of health and healthcare
agent-based modelling in population ...
laser inventor
improvement measures of urban therma...
advanced energy saving and its appli...
electronic states in crystals of fin...
finite volumes for complex applicati...
quantile regression for spatial data
handbook of mental health in african...
electronic structure of metal phthal...
electronic properties of rhombohedra...
advances in applied economic research
functional analysis in interdiscipli...
linear functional analysis
making effective presentations at pr...
quantum statistics of dense gases an...
geodetic time series analysis in ear...
designing networks for innovation an...
regional development in rural areas
copper-catalyzed multi-component rea...
quality, it and business operations
bone cement
biogeogens and human health
advances in green energies and mater...
group recommender systems
investigating the a-type stars using...
iterative learning control for flexi...
dunhuang grottoes and global education
practical software testing
special functions of mathematics for...
multi-valued variational inequalitie...
employment of persons with autism
second handbook of english language ...
managing and breeding wheat for orga...
physics of thin film optical spectra
dessins d'enfants on riemann surfaces
contemporary developments in statist...
optimal time-domain noise reduction ...
scalable signal processing in cloud ...
data mining in large sets of complex...
abelian groups
pop-up retailing
permanent investment courts
british role in iranian domestic pol...
big digital forensic data.
composing fisher kernels from deep n...
quantum microscopy of biological systems
remote sensing
compound-nuclear reactions
design and analysis of approximation...
interfirm relationships and trade cr...
advances in operational research in ...
space rescue
materials and craft of early iconogr...
peasants, culture and indigenous peoples
urologic principles and practice
infrared spectroscopy of minerals an...
human ecology of climate change haza...
spacecraft momentum control systems
protein folding
concise introduction to decentralize...
hole conductor free perovskite-based...
solvation dynamics
public actors in international inves...
global carbon dioxide recycling
alkyne‐based nanostructures on silve...
advances in service science
transportation air pollutants
handbuch professionssoziologie
contemporary famine analysis
semi-autonomous networks
combinatorial testing in cloud computing
field guide to optical thin films
stochastic dynamics and energetics o...
statistical foundations, reasoning a...
models, algorithms, and technologies...
field guide to optical fiber technology
decolonizing the spirit in education...
brain–computer interface research
electric vehicle technology
real science in clear english
dynamically structured flow in pulse...
scattering cross section of unequal ...
applied nonparametric statistics in ...
radiative transfer in nontransparent...
europium monoxide
handbook of partial least squares :
machine learning modeling for iout n...
information adaptation
hierarchical type-2 fuzzy aggregatio...
international investment law and the...
dendroclimatic studies
computational techniques for structu...
advances in algebra
ultra low bit-rate speech coding
mod-ϕ convergence
electro-optic photonic circuits
dynamics of trust in doctor-patient ...
effectiveness of time investments in...
total domination in graphs
electro-osmosis of polymer solutions
sustainability in luxury fashion bus...
frontiers of sound in design
fluorescent methods to study biologi...
advances in robot kinematics 2016
modern multidimensional scaling
existence and machine
dialogue on institutions
fractal geometry of the brain
information security of highly criti...
quantum theory and local causality
dynamics of charged particulate systems
moments of linear positive operators...
annual dynamics of daylight variabil...
spherical radial basis functions, th...
quantitative psychology
data science for transport
medical imaging technology
dispersion forces i
art of law teaching
superconcentration and related topics
new models for sustainable logistics
smart city and the co-creation of value
electrochemistry for corrosion funda...
uninterrupted knowledge creation
computational intelligence technique...
remote integrated testbed for cooper...
klaus von beyme
evaluating evidence of mechanisms in...
how to label a graph
storm water management
strafrecht besonderer teil
inequalities based on sobolev repres...
robotics research
advances in turbulence xii
building secure defenses against cod...
moment tensor solutions
handbuch diversity kompetenz
lectures on convex optimization
light scattering reviews.
modern problems of molecular physics
ettore majorana
tiny handbook of r
kalevi holsti
soc functions and their applications
reactive attachment disorder
labview based automation guide for m...
stable isotope geochemistry
tensor spaces and numerical tensor c...
psychobiography of viktor e. frankl
spin fluctuation theory of itinerant...
hiv and young people
massive mimo meets small cell
facets of uncertainties and applications
statistical physics and economics
jruby rails web application development
super el niño
world 2.0
money: theory and practice
mathematical analysis and applicatio...
control of complex nonlinear systems...
interval reachability analysis
paleogene and neogene of western ibe...
matrix algebra
feeds for the aquaculture sector
complex adaptive systems
database of piano chords
physics of laser materials processing
thermal transport in oblique finned ...
recht für ingenieure
blends and graft copolymers of cellu...
lunar domes
south china sea and asian regionalism
advances in industrial safety
gallium nitride electronics
thermal energy harvesting for applic...
decision making algorithms for hydro...
cross-word modeling for arabic speec...
politics of pharmaceutical policy reform
polymeric materials for clean water
maximum principles and geometric app...
cybersecurity in germany
putting fear of crime on the map
actuarial sciences and quantitative ...
methods in experimental economics
active tectonics of the hellenic sub...
optimum investment strategy in the p...
instability in flow boiling in micro...
counterfeiting and piracy
green investing
vascular surgery
wilhelm ostwald
recent advances in interval type-2 f...
mathematical and theoretical neurosc...
teaching english reading in the chin...
electromagnetic wave scattering on n...
isotope-based quantum information
high-energy molecular lasers
extreme states of matter
chronic regulatory focus and financi...
structural fire resistance experimen...
real-time & stream data management
ising-type antiferromagnets
coordinate metrology :
distributed-order dynamic systems
graphene-based polymer nanocomposite...
reinforced polymer matrix syntactic ...
introduction to mathematical finance...
gravitational biology i
productivity and inequality
physics of thin film optical spectra
foundations for paramedic education
monetary and financial policy in the...
financial performance measures and v...
time series analysis and its applica...
numerical methods for fractional dif...
cefr-informed learning, teaching and...
software sourcing in the age of open
scientific explanation
sovereign citizens
pancyclic and bipancyclic graphs
geometry of hypersurfaces
philosophical doctrines of the andhakas
reassessing riemann's paper
large-scale conservation in the comm...
climate change adaptation measures i...
nonlinear dynamics
failure rate modelling for reliabili...
measures of social evolution
attachment transmission in wireless ...
perspectives in carbonate geology
advances in gamma ray resonant scatt...
mathematical analysis and computing
ecological emergy accounting for a l...
structural dynamics
laser heat-mode lithography
targeted learning in data science
stochastic modeling for reliability
risk assessment of dams
spin-polarized two-electron spectros...
einführung in die moderne strafrecht...
contaminants in drinking and wastewa...
plasma physics for controlled fusion
erm and qrm in life insurance
elements of plasma technology
risk and portfolio analysis
electrophysiology of unconventional ...
strategy and game theory
borehole electromagnetic telemetry s...
nonlinear photonics and novel optica...
tropical fire ecology
water governance decentralization in...
environmentally responsible supply c...
international handbook of comparativ...
elements of cosmological thermodynamics
numerical methods and optimization
quandles and topological pairs
network reliability and resilience
ultrafast magnetism i
multi-hop routing in wireless sensor...
origin and dynamics of solar magnetism
interactive experience in the digita...
solutions of nonlinear schrӧdinger s...
coastal morphodynamics
multi-species systems in optical lat...
apollo mission control
unforgotten sisters
machine scheduling to minimize weigh...
major crops and water scarcity in egypt
gemini flies!
multi-locomotion robotic systems
x-ray absorption spectroscopy of sem...
dynamical systems in applications
handbuch strategische kommunikation
economics of the monetary union and ...
stochastic models, statistics and th...
nanomaterials in extreme environments
mammalian auditory pathways
entrepreneurship and innovation
water and the search for life on mars
quantum chemistry of solids
lasso peptides
designing tsvs for 3d integrated cir...
stochastic global optimization
渡鴉之城 /
systems biology in biotech & pharma
surface chemistry of aqueous corrosi...
chemistry of co2 and tio2
preparing for peak oil in south africa
business revolution in a digital era
li-s and li-o2 batteries with high s...
mass metrology
mie theory
monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo me...
network hardening
neurosociology: fundamentals and cur...
milestones in microwave chemistry
problems in hydraulics and fluid mec...
asymptotic theory of statistics and ...
learning analytics cookbook
l1-norm and l[infinity symbol]-norm ...
fdtd modeling of em field inside mic...
gender and land tenure in the contex...
vestibulo-oculomotor research in space
interkulturelle wirtschaftspsychologie
fire safety challenges of green buil...
optical flow and trajectory estimati...
recombinant ecology - a hybrid future?
auditory system at the cocktail party
non-commutative multiple-valued logi...
air pollution and its complications
plasma sources of solar system magne...
digital audio watermarking
birth of nasa
arithmetically cohen-macaulay sets o...
how likely is extraterrestrial life?
quality of life and early british mi...
personhood beyond humanism
recent advances in constructive appr...
statistical methods in hydrology and...
growth and international trade
understanding education
science and enlightenment
geology of the arab world---an overview
asteroid impact connection of planet...
fuzzy differential equations in vari...
household and living arrangement pro...
educating students to improve the world
transport phenomena in newtonian flu...
distributed autonomous robotic systems
vehicle and engine systems models
mathematical risk analysis
chemistry and food safety in the eu
e-commerce strategy
behavioral analysis of maternal filicide
bleach plant effluents from the pulp...
geographical dynamics and firm spati...
visualizing mortality dynamics in th...
theory of reflection
lectures on categorical data analysis
computational and manufacturing stra...
5g and beyond wireless systems
predictability of chaotic dynamics
early study-abroad and identities
galois theory through exercises
listeria monocytogenes in the food p...
chaos, complexity and leadership 2016
micro-manufacturing technologies and...
advances in energy research, vol. 2
risk navigation strategies for major...
towards 100% renewable energy
multivariate analysis with lisrel
coordinated activity in the brain
dynamics on and of complex networks iii
group 2 mediated dehydrocoupling
understanding education policy
social accounting for sustainability
watermarking security
sensing with ion channels
polymer cochlear electrode array
mathematical techniques for engineer...
building trust in information
change of time methods in quantitati...
intermittently connected mobile ad h...
spin physics in semiconductors
exploring the psychological benefits...
gravitational biology ii
new perspectives on current developm...
wildlife study design
u. s. spacesuits
controversy over marine protected areas
reassessing riemann's paper
digital holographic methods
responsible research and innovation ...
parity-time symmetry and its applica...
existence and machine
nonautonomous dynamics
water snowline in protoplanetary disks
managing complexity
tree-based convolutional neural networks
key factors of combustion
meaning and value of spaceflight
frontiers in nano-therapeutics
chaos, complexity and leadership 2020
origin and early evolution of comet ...
electroweak physics at the lhc
norm contestation
compatible finite element methods fo...
interstellar molecules
phase diagram and magnetic excitatio...
lectures on gaussian processes
moral leadership in business
mathematical foundations of nature-i...
david hume, sceptic
dropwise condensation on inclined te...
cultural tourism in a digital era
early russian organic chemists and t...
flow and transport in subsurface env...
assessing coal use in thailand: curr...
rare earth elements
advances in global optimization
theory of bilayer graphene spectroscopy
harnack inequalities and nonlinear o...
mapping sustainability transitions
biomimetic dye aggregate solar cells
optical glass /
advances in national brand and priva...
transport phenomena in strongly corr...
website quality and shopping behavior
philosophy of advanced medical imaging
heterogeneous facial analysis and sy...
geopolitics of space exploration
stochastic dynamics of crystal defects
quantum mechanics
multiple perspectives in risk and ri...
applications of graphene
atmospheric effects in space geodesy
modular forms
catalysis with supported size-select...
mathematical research for blockchain...
theory and practice of risk assessment
search for supersymmetry in hadronic...
rotating mirror streak and framing c...
introduction to process control
flp microsatellite platform
normal forms and unfoldings for loca...
biaxial fatigue of metals
closing human evolution
pharmaceutical statistics
friedrich nietzsche
ordinary differential equations
contemporary trends and challenges i...
cyclospora cayetanensis as a foodbor...
criminal justice forecasts of risk
bioinformatics techniques for drug d...
absence of competition
random processes for image and signa...
constitutive modeling of geomaterials
metric modular spaces
failure-modes-based software reading
optical characterization of thin sol...
handbuch kindheits- und jugendsoziologie
field guide to diffractive optics /
approximation and computation
out-of-equilibrium physics of correl...
electromagnetic and optical pulse pr...
historical perspectives to postglaci...
cross-cultural computing: an artist'...
united states health care policymaking
clinical guide to helping new parents
interactive multimedia learning
index analysis
silica-coated magnetic nanoparticles
variational approach to lyapunov typ...
smart quintuple helix innovation systems
teacher adaptive practices
optimized packings with applications
essays in literary aesthetics
bacteriophage applications
radio frequency multiple access tech...
disruptive space technologies and in...
sustainable transportation
climatology of air-mass and frontal ...
consumer demographics and behaviour
enhancing hydrogen storage propertie...
liquid metal biomaterials
quick guide to cancer epidemiology
laser micro-nano-manufacturing and 3...
laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
salyut - the first space station
radiation effects in polymeric materials
human rights-based approach to short...
who gets funds from china's capital ...
thermodynamics in earth and planetar...
evolution of the vertebrate ear
renewable energy
membrane protein - lipid interactions
team flow
real estate investment
alginates and their biomedical appli...
exercise in space
liquid-crystal nanomaterials
mind and matter
electromagnetic and optical pulse pr...
maintenance management in network ut...
points, lines, and surfaces at criti...
mathematical modeling of biosensors
handbook of data visualization
mary somerville and the world of science
handbook of social justice intervent...
progress in turbulence
software defined systems
materials and processes
geodetic heights
theory of quantum transport at nanoscale
lasso peptides
compact representations for the desi...
end of desertification?
l2 learning during study abroad
past and future of international mon...
surface chemistry of aqueous corrosi...
harmonic analysis and applications
tomorrow's agriculture
human rights-based approaches to cli...
numerical optimization with computat...
physics of the dark photon
image quality assessment of computer...
data science careers, training, and ...
essential partial differential equations
magnetic levitation
confocal microscopy and multiphoton ...
l2 approaches in several complex var...
american experience in bioethics
functional biopolymers
springer handbook of electronic and ...
lithium intercalation in bilayer gra...
black hole information and thermodyn...
dynamic products
business cycles in the run of history
empowering teachers to build a bette...
retrograde evolution during major ex...
general relativity for planetary nav...
introduction to random currents and ...
meteorological satellite systems
india–korea cepa
nuclear fusion with polarized fuel
towards sustainable cities in china
meta-analytic structural equation mo...
field guide to infrared systems
oil and gas exploration in cuba
springer series in light scattering.
frontiers in optical methods
cyclic b-glucans from microorganisms
cosmology beyond einstein
spectroscopic instrumentation
quality assured measurement
intrinsic bispectrum of the cosmic m...
materialism: a historico-philosophic...
statistical mechanics for athermal f...
preventive maintenance technology fo...
reverse engineering
sensors and wearable technologies in...
rangeland systems
1st karl schwarzschild meeting on gr...
new collective bargaining
design and control of swarm dynamics
liquid metal biomaterials
complex and symplectic geometry
model fire in a two-storey timber bu...
big data in context
hearing aids
arctic ice shelves and ice islands
guide to ildjit
performance metrics for haptic inter...
dynamics of adsorptive systems for h...
inverse problems and large-scale com...
handbuch vergleichende politikwissen...
multifractal financial markets
brain theory from a circuits and sys...
magnetic laser scanner for endoscopi...
laser wakefield electron acceleration
insar observations of ground deformation
evolution of the chilean-argentinean...
exciton dynamics in lead halide pero...
grundlagen der algebra und zahlentheorie
german covered bonds
stochastic reliability and maintenan...
community-oriented policing and tech...
technical drawing for product design
application of fpga to real-time mac...
feynman and his physics
introduction to image processing using r
mobile marketing channel
defect evolution in cosmology and co...
topology of polymers
tragwerke 2
knowledge society and education in t...
teaching living legends
understanding the cochlea
copper zinc tin sulfide thin films f...
trade policy between law, diplomacy ...
fuzzy logic for image processing
ship construction and welding
cmos circuits for electromagnetic vi...
1st karl schwarzschild meeting on gr...
optical beam characterization via ph...
conventional three-phase fixed-bed t...
automated machine learning
mhc class i antigens in malignant cells
searching for dark matter with the a...
smart grid and nfpa electrical safet...
treatment versus punishment for drug...
arbeitsrecht band 1
thermodynamics and morphodynamics in...
fundamental physics in particle traps
polarized electrons /
equitable research partnerships
suizhou meteorite: mineralogy and sh...
multisensory processes
human and robot hands
supply chain management and advanced...
relativistically intense laser–micro...
belief revision in non-classical logics
crystallography and the world of sym...
apollo lunar samples
mixed-method evaluation of watershed...
gender issues in business and economics
plasma physics and controlled nuclea...
blue carbon
surprises in theoretical casimir physics
adaptive optics for industry and med...
haloalkyne chemistry
basic physics of functionalized graphite
dynamic paleontology
operations research
wear prediction on total ankle repla...
artistic enclaves in the post-indust...
molecular neurobiology of addiction ...
global entrepreneurship and developm...
temporary work agencies in italy
artemisinin and nitric oxide
enabling university
springer handbook of model-based science
fraud prevention in online digital a...
explaining productivity differences
electromagnetic interactions
remote sensing and water resources
developments in international bridge...
confocal raman microscopy
coalbed methane in india
bayes-statistik für human- und sozia...
modern introduction to probability a...
quantitative psychology
mathematical analysis and applications
public health ethics and the social ...
biosurfactants of lactic acid bacteria
disaster risk reduction and the glob...
humor in infants
21st century maritime silk road
jayme tiomno
concise guide to statistics
professionalization of humanitarian ...
transition metal organometallic chem...
china in space
completion, čech and local homology ...
space strategy
entrepreneurship networks in italy
reality and measurement in algebraic...
exploring the size of the proton
foundations for innovative applicati...
electromagnetic wave scattering on n...
flexible global ocean-atmosphere-lan...
risk-based approaches to asset alloc...
topological formations in chiral nem...
exclusive use in an inclusive enviro...
social cohesion in the western world
invitation to didactique
avian ancestors
theory of low-temperature plasma physics
trypanosoma cruzi as a foodborne pat...
chemical history of color
applied general equilibrium
sand control in well construction an...
geology of coal deposits of south li...
undercount of young children in the ...
data and energy integrated communica...
public economics
community-oriented policing and tech...
universal basic income and the resha...
urbanisation and inequalities in a p...
cp violation in b0s -> j/[psi][phi] ...
handbuch psychoaktive substanzen
applied laser spectroscopy for nucle...
graphene-based polymer nanocomposite...
functional metal oxide nanostructures
algebraic coding theory over finite ...
blue carbon
jamming and glass transitions
sustainable leadership for entrepren...
digital synaptic neural substrate
catalytic microreactors for portable...
nanocellbiology of secretion
marcel grossmann
alpine skiing injuries
probability and analysis in interact...
delay tolerant networks
responses of fruit trees to global c...
rights-based approach to social poli...
tactile perception by electrovibration
one-dimensional nanostructures
sets, models and proofs
austenitic trip/twip steels and stee...
nanoscale optical properties of comp...
heat and mass transfer in the meltin...
climate change impacts on gender rel...
quantum entanglement of complex stru...
cultural landscape management at bor...
natural convective heat transfer fro...
handbuch kritische theorie
lifetime spectroscopy
risk-pooling essentials
plasma cancer therapy
recent advances in mathematical and ...
3d robotic mapping
estimating fatality rates for earthq...
grain boundaries
structural bioinformatics tools for ...
prioritising business processes
metal-dielectric interfaces in gigas...
second handbook of english language ...
optimum investment strategy in the p...
law, language and translation
irreducible reality of the object
using ict in inquiry-based science e...
fast variables in stochastic populat...
objective monitoring of physical act...
blade-pitch control for wind turbine...
harmonic analysis on exponential sol...
microeconomic theory
fano resonances in optics and microwaves
exploring quantum foundations with s...
gravity, weight and their absence
organische chemie
advances in bifurcation and degradat...
microscale soft robotics
thermal transport in semiconductors
l2 learning during study abroad
übungsbuch physik für mediziner
exploring the psychological benefits...
topological interactions in ring pol...
soa maturity model
mechanical ice drilling technology
carbon cycle in the changing arid la...
human-robot body experience
basiswissen statistik
global entrepreneurship and developm...
mechanism transitions in publish/sub...
sports and games of the 18th and 19t...
3d printing architecture
network-based analysis of dynamical ...
martian outpost
robert le rossignol
philosophy of science for scientists
quantum signatures of chaos
semiconductor cavity quantum electro...
sound topology, duality, coherence a...
physics and techniques of ceramic an...
spinning particles
probability in complex physical systems
sequential experimentation in clinic...
ptsd and forensic psychology
meta-analytic structural equation mo...
satellite navigation systems and tec...
spotlight on china
air pollution modeling and its appli...
stochastics of environmental and fin...
spectroscopy for materials analysis
hybrid tribunals
grate-fired energy crop conversion
human friendly robotics
effective technology transfer offices
tourism in post-revolutionary nicaragua
electronic processes in organic elec...
lectures on the mechanical foundatio...
strategy for action.
principles of brownian and molecular...
systems analysis tools for better he...
simulation-driven modeling and optim...
transferring human impedance regulat...
statistical physics of complex systems
assessing environmental risk of oil ...
abcs of rebt revisited
2016 international symposium on expe...
laser heterodyning /
handbook of computational statistics
rapid introduction to adaptive filtering
geographic information
global optimization algorithm
skyrmions in condensed matter
processes in geomedia - volume ii
powerful pulsed plasma generators
water and sustainable agriculture
surprises in theoretical casimir physics
chemistry of zirconacycles and 2,6-d...
passion for space
astronomical measurement
corporal punishment in u.s. public s...
surface science techniques
valuing students with impairment
advances in national brand and priva...
recurrence plots and their quantific...
flight systems and control
field guide to optical fabrication /
identity, personhood and the law
satellite remote sensing technologies
multigraded algebra and applications
biotechnology and bioforensics
manual of psychiatric therapeutics
software testing in the cloud
kadison-singer property
optical measurement techniques
handbuch medizinökonomie i
fire retardancy behavior of polymer/...
algebras and representation theory
periodic mesoporous organosilicas
apollo 12
predictive control for spacecraft re...
handbuch der geodäsie
pioneer on indigenous rights
future of co2 capture, transport and...
auction theory
household vulnerability and conditio...
modeling discrete time-to-event data
engagement and disengagement at work
damage tolerance of metallic aircraf...
far-field optical nanoscopy
trigger effects in geosystems
building dialogue pomdps from expert...
perovskite quantum dots
some aspects of the formation of the...
road to discovery
non-orthogonal multiple access for m...
highway travel time estimation with ...
speech enhancement in the stft domain
frustrated materials and ferroic glasses
morton deutsch: a pioneer in develop...
organic radical polymers
nonlinear interval optimization for ...
analytical family demography
software reliability assessment with...
un peacekeeping in africa
french-brazilian geography
theory, numerics and applications of...
newton methods for nonlinear problems
urban planning for healthy european ...
advanced sensing techniques for cogn...
handbuch bildungsforschung
gasoline direct injection engines 2002.
handbuch empirische organisationsfor...
時越之鑰 /
advances in the application of laser...
understanding space strategy
value of the humanities in higher ed...
teaching environmental health to chi...
evaluating water projects
nature and models of metamorphism
modeling and optimization
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
statistical signal processing
movie analytics
landslide analysis and early warning...
contributions in analytic and algebr...
probing crystal plasticity at the na...
freedom, peace, and secession
sound and meaning in east cushitic l...
geometric complex analysis
machine learning in aquaculture
china's energy efficiency and conser...
additive manufacturing of metals
underwater world for digital data tr...
entropy and the tao of counting
kompendium öffentliches wirtschaftsrecht
representation theory of the virasor...
complexity and control in quantum ph...
buddhist theory of privacy
food waste at consumer level
chromatin architecture
irregularity in graphs
ceramic materials from coffee bagass...
electronic commerce
heliosphere through the solar activi...
mass spectrometry
glazed panel construction with human...
dynamical stabilization of the fermi...
optical communication receiver design
co2 capture by reactive absorption-s...
semigroups of operators – theory and...
disclosure of security vulnerabilities
biogeochemical transformations in th...
perspectives in meiobenthology
high performance grinding and advanc...
urban morphology and housing market
measuring uncertainty within the the...
methods of mathematical oncology
space shuttle: an experimental flyin...
lorentzian geometry and related topics
thermal non-equilibrium in heterogen...
dispersion, complex analysis and opt...
aesthetics of dress
drying kinetics in building material...
juvenile delinquency
robotics research
kinetics of heterogeneous solid stat...
tactile display for virtual 3d shape...
data mining for biomarker discovery
data technology in materials modelling
self-* and p2p for network management
sense of taste
applied corporate finance
hearing aids
human intelligence and medical illness
nature of the doctor-patient relatio...
optimization of manufacturing processes
handbuch verkehrspolitik
lernskript psychologie
wireless health
electrodeposition of nanostructured ...
rheological and seismic properties o...
soft x-ray optics
我們真的有靈魂嗎? :
postcolonialism, heritage, and the b...
radio frequency channel coding made easy
studying human populations
proceedings of eccs 2014
rhythm, play and interaction design
sustainable development and the limi...
linear-quadratic controls in risk-av...
resilience training for firefighters
chest surgery
interference coordination for 5g cel...
handbuch markenführung
numerical analysis and optimization
springer handbook of materials data
great 1667 dalmatia earthquake
variational analysis and aerospace e...
building bridges at the science-stak...
gamma-ray bursts
noise reduction in speech processing
anti-jamming transmissions in cognit...
un system and cities in global gover...
economics of obesity
organization theory by chester barnard
carbon at high temperatures
induced pluripotent stem cells
image quality assessment of computer...
polarization optics in telecommunica...
holding hands with bacteria
molecular recognition of dna double ...
operators for similarity search
quality management practices in msme...
value networks in manufacturing
energetic materials at extreme condi...
green economy implementation in the ...
relativistic many-body theory
space systems for disaster warning, ...
innovations in derivatives markets
virgin galactic
voip and pbx security and forensics
value of wellness in the workplace
fundamentals of spherical array proc...
nac 2019
applications of firefly algorithm an...
american experience in environmental...
carbon at high temperatures
prosper school pathways for student ...
quantum entanglement in electron optics
working with psychopathy
bayesian optimization and data science
human enhancements for space missions
entropies of condensed phases and co...
robust structural design against sel...
photovoltaic solar energy generation
vortex, molecular spin and nanovorticity
matlab® recipes for earth sciences
basics of flow microreactor synthesis
theory of laser materials processing
first course in statistical inference
handbuch gestaltung digitaler und ve...
out of time
functionalizing graphene and carbon ...
safe zone
chinese oil industry
visual pattern discovery and recognition
precambrian geology of china
narrow gap semiconductors 2007
magnetodiscs and aurorae of giant pl...
gini methodology
concepts, ontologies, and knowledge ...
auditory development and plasticity
planar waveguides and other confined...
human governance beyond earth
two-dimensional transition-metal dic...
attribute of water
diffraction optics of complex-struct...
magnetism and synchrotron radiation
exploring the size of the proton
urban green spaces
lower gastrointestinal tract surgery
contemporary trends and challenges i...
big digital forensic data.
strafrecht allgemeiner teil
modular forms and related topics in ...
new diesel engine and component appl...
probing crystal plasticity at the na...
earthquake disasters in latin america
beach renourishment
3d microelectronic packaging :
shaping the it organization
cold climate hvac 2018
comparative empirical bioethics
art and heart of good teaching
exploring mathematics
big data privacy preservation for cy...
continuum modeling
effective statistical learning metho...
experiential walks for urban design
stochastic processes and calculus
binding energy of strongly deformed ...
detectors, reference frames, and time
extreme ultraviolet lithography :
incorporation of heterocycles into c...
understanding markov chains
drift of sea ice
nonlinearly perturbed semi-markov pr...
bürgerliches recht
field guide to geometrical optics /
applied ethics for entrepreneurial s...
ulrich beck
advanced functional materials from n...
preventing workplace incidents in co...
foundations of digital government
variational approach to lyapunov typ...
plasma-material interaction in contr...
stories of men and teaching
remote sensing advances for earth sy...
hybrid machining processes
electric vehicle r & d
insar imaging of aleutian volcanoes
mathematics for earth science and ge...
negotiating climate change adaptation
cerebral autoregulation
materials discovery and design
innovative approaches to tourism and...
body sensors and electrocardiography
soliton coding for secured optical c...
triangulated categories of mixed motives
topological insulators
convex analysis and global optimization
determinants of bank involvement wit...
guide to digital forensics
actuarial aspects of long term care
hybrid micro-machining processes
arbeitsbuch höhere mathematik
bayesian nonparametric data analysis
learning technologies and globalization
study on radio access technology sel...
biochemistry of beer fermentation
social cognitive radio networks
abs/traction control and advanced br...
energy mix for sustaining our future
non-equilibrium dynamics of tunnel-c...
robot memetics
children for families or families fo...
double-prism multi-mode scanning
mod-[phi] convergence
computer algebra and materials physics
high permittivity gate dielectric ma...
global supply chain and operations m...
dispersion relations in heavily-dope...
springer handbook of mechanical engi...
advanced optics using aspherical ele...
protein toxins in modeling biochemistry
geometry of spherically symmetric fi...
fundamental aspects of plasma chemic...
course in rasch measurement theory
global change and future earth
type theory of law
arbeitsrecht band 2
quantitative psychology
radio frequency source coding made easy
biomaterials for implants and scaffolds
fundamental aspects of silicon oxidation
risks in agriculture
formeln und aufgaben zur technischen...
mechanotransduction of the hair cell
atlas of benthic foraminifera from c...
concrete functional calculus
washington state census board and it...
automorphisms of finite groups
modern piezoelectric energy-harvesti...
gender studies, entrepreneurship and...
us national climate assessment
invasion of woody legumes
willem de sitter
electromigration modeling at circuit...
quantum-enhanced nonlinear spectroscopy
whole-body impedance control of whee...
long term evolution in unlicensed bands
future of gas networks
survival and sacrifice in mars explo...
paving the way for apollo 11
vibrations and stability of complex ...
submarine hydrodynamics
disaster management in china in a ch...
ads3/cft2 and holographic entangleme...
cooperative cognitive radio networking
principles of economics for a post-m...
bank ceos
primer on quantum computing
fundamentals of business-to-business...
sociocultural psychology on the regi...
algorithms for solving common fixed ...
high-dimensional covariance matrix e...
political economy of vietnam’s indus...
handbuch digitale wirtschaft
ethics and science education: how su...
trends in harmonic analysis
transforming iq into "orthopedie men...
astronauts for hire
new engine design and engine compone...
nanomechanics of graphene and design...
engineering a high-tech business
laser physics and technology
shifting nicaraguan mediascapes
calorimetry and thermal methods in c...
human factors in driving, seating, &...
optical fiber fusion splicing
rock legends
clinical ethics consultation
understanding problems of practice
energy efficient non-road hybrid ele...
transverse-pattern formation in phot...
building a cashless society
multigraded algebra and applications
semiparametric modeling of implied v...
mathematical modelling for teachers
course in mathematical statistics an...
symmetries, integrable systems and r...
constant mean curvature surfaces wit...
jealousy in infants
spatial representation and reasoning...
principles of karst hydrogeology
towards safe robots
global operations strategy
em material characterization techniq...
higher infinite
data center networks
sedimentation in the rupnarayan river
electroweak baryogenesis and its phe...
monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo me...
physics with photons using the atlas...
modeling and optimization: theory an...
explorations in art and technology
enhancing the light output of solid-...
introduction to piecewise differenti...
channel aggregation and fragmentatio...
animal models of acute neurological ...
sozialpsychologie für bachelor
climate and weather of the sun-earth...
enzymatic synthesis of structured tr...
signal enhancement with variable spa...
sustainable development in energy an...
doing clinical ethics
mathematical paradigms of climate sc...
field guide to microscopy /
advanced materials
efficiency of growth drivers
atlas der anatomie des menschen
human thriving and the law
free radicals and antioxidant protoc...
security for wireless implantable me...
macroeconomic policy
genius of euler
engineering aspects of geologic co2 ...
generalized hyperbolic secant distri...
watermarking security
design ethnography
reports on the processing of exotic ...
creative engineering design assessment :
euv lithography
theory of imagining, knowing, and un...
prison tattoos
advanced photon counting
growth of the southern andes
topological states on interfaces pro...
reconceptualising learning in the di...
journey to the bound states
development of a cyber physical syst...
geometry of minkowski space-time
advances in modeling agricultural sy...
sonocrystallization of fats
water governance decentralization in...
humor in infants
infrared spectra of mineral species
quantitative psychology research
roy bhaskar
environmental finance and investments
confocal raman microscopy /
leveraged exchange-traded funds
modern mathematical statistics with ...
binding energy of strongly deformed ...
wireless networked music performance
analytic aspects of convexity
tunneling dynamics in open ultracold...
how glass changed the world
distributed denial of service attack...
psychosocial skills and school syste...
relativistic electron mirrors
what works in crime prevention and r...
whole-body impedance control of whee...
lithium-ion batteries hazard and use...
statistical methods in hydrology and...
northern sustainabilities
targeting functional centers of the ...
mathematical methods for financial m...
green city planning and practices in...
emotion, affect and personality in s...
conquest of body
double [3+2] photocycloaddition reaction
advances in nanotheranostics i
scientific charge-coupled devices
deviance in social media and social ...
evolution of silicon sensor technolo...
applied nonautonomous and random dyn...
fractional order signal processing
handbuch mitarbeiterführung
auditory trauma, protection, and repair
elements of vorticity aerodynamics
undergraduate algebra
business intelligence and modelling
mittag-leffler functions, related to...
interactive multimedia learning
giant planets of our solar system
wine queens
well-organized inorganic nanowire films
打字機是聖潔的 :
economics of happiness
3d printing of optical components
indian stock market
reproduction of tactual textures
understanding child neglect
visual perception and robotic manipu...
ultrafast dynamics of phospholipid-w...
space radiation and astronaut safety
non-protein coding rans
beside one's self
observing the oceans in real time
differential and integral inequalities
new directions in music and human-co...
convex optimization in normed spaces
school buildings rehabilitation
international finance and open-econo...
volume conjecture for knots
extraterrestrial intelligence and hu...
lerne mit uns statistik!
set theory
bayesians versus frequentists
visual quality assessment by machine...
two-way analysis of variance
secret power of criminal organizations
progress in ultrafast intense laser ...
optics for technicians /
first half of the age of oil
handbuch entwicklungsforschung
paradigms in green chemistry and tec...
nuclear geophysics
foundations of incidence geometry
plasma physics for controlled fusion
introduction to compressible flows w...
boomerang kids
ethical decision making
handbuch erwachsenenbildung/weiterbi...
actuarial sciences and quantitative ...
evolutionary humanoid robotics
exciton polaritons in microcavities
iranian space endeavor
cluster dynamics in transition economies
莎士比亞變動的世界 /
music as intangible cultural heritage
on the possibility of a digital univ...
innovations in quantitative risk man...
economics of the national football l...
l² approaches in several complex var...
intelligent mobile robot navigation
modeling and simulation
marconi's wireless and the rhetoric ...
linear algebra
origin of life patterns
field-effect self-mixing terahertz d...
advances in robot kinematics 2018
knots, low-dimensional topology and ...
sensors and actuators
devonian paleoenvironments of ohio
advanced monitoring in p2p botnets
advances in reliability analysis and...
polyhydroxyalkanoates from palm oil
practical decision making using supe...
students with intellectual disabilities
on the construction of engineering h...
mobile technologies as a health care...
optimization issues in web and mobil...
terahertz antenna technology for spa...
deformation and fracture behaviour o...
dynamical systems in applications
derivative securities and difference...
buddhist theory of privacy
compendium of architectural psychology
cultural policy in jordan
nonlinear and inverse problems in el...
resistivity recovery in fe and fecr ...
computational complexity of solving ...
management of water quality and quantity
speech processing in mobile environments
traceback and anonymity
art of modelling the learning process
superconformal index on rp2 × s1 and...
optimization for wireless powered co...
excursions in ill-condensed quantum ...
neuromechanical modeling of posture ...
ethics of space exploration
handbuch wissenschaftliche weiterbildung
geomicrobiological properties and pr...
2011 fukushima daiichi nuclear power...
elliptic and parabolic equations
icreec 2019
neue physikalische grundpraktikum
star ark
high-fidelity quantum logic in ca+
mound centers and seed security
astrostatistics and data mining
holographic sensors
time-dependent cp violation measurements
productivity, separability and depri...
clinical trials of antidepressants
robustness, plasticity, and evolvabi...
movement, time, technology, and art
minisum hyperspheres
systems with hidden attractors
small-sided and conditioned games in...
lectures on particle physics, astrop...
photorefractive organic materials an...
gondwana industrial clays
topological orders with spins and fe...
tensor spaces and numerical tensor c...
rapid damage-free robotic harvesting...
optical properties of nanostructured...
artificial neural networks
future of food gaps in egypt
reframing the transitional justice p...
fpga-based digital convolution for w...
timbre: acoustics, perception, and c...
theory of laser materials processing
ellipsometry of functional organic s...
springer handbook of optical networks
cognitive agent-based computing-i
lattice quantum chromodynamics
constraint solving and planning with...
impact of smart feature phones on de...
investigation of staged laser-plasma...
relativistic transitions in the hydr...
carbon nanomaterials for biomedical ...
astrobiology and society in europe today
methods of mathematical modelling
quantum thermodynamics and optomechanics
geomorphological impacts of extreme ...
financial models in production
algorithmic foundations of robotics xii
general galois geometries
advances in gamma ray resonant scatt...
surface electron cyclotron waves in ...
changes in the use of wild food plan...
neuromuscular system: from earth to ...
superschool on derived categories an...
large group decision making
completion, cech and local homology ...
state of deformation in earthlike se...
electromagnetic interactions
analytical methods in statistics
workbook for entrepreneurship and in...
plasma-based radar cross section red...
biofilms and veterinary medicine
life cycle assessment (lca) of light...
hermitian-grassmannian submanifolds
reactive power support using photovo...
qoe management in wireless networks
allegorical architecture
solid-state lasers for materials pro...
earthen dwellings and structures
parallel and distributed map merging...
fractional-order devices
quantum noise
quantum computation with topological...
processing of polymer-based nanocomp...
unsaturated soils: experimental studies
molecular modelling and synthesis of...
convergence problem for dissipative ...
histopathologie der haut
metal cutting theory
regional economic development in russia
climate change in the forest of beng...
john holt
maintenance theory of reliability
applied multidimensional scaling and...
resources, services and risks
perceptions of community crime in fe...
pot, atom, and step economy (pase) s...
spatio-temporal databases
human thriving and the law
dynamic buckling of columns inside o...
post-combustion co2 capture technology
robotics research
geotechnical earthquake engineering
feynman and his physics
caustic light in nonlinear photonic ...
classical financial mathematics
free-electron lasers in the ultravio...
nuclear fusion with polarized fuel
fundamentals of electronic image pro...
active control of bidirectional stru...
arthur e. haas - the hidden pioneer ...
major crops and water scarcity in egypt
motivation und handeln
special edition using microsoft offi...
aerospace engineering on the back of...
microgravity and vision impairments ...
dieter senghaas
merge model for business development
mapping sustainability transitions
regional resilience to climate and e...
spss for starters.
green approaches to asymmetric catal...
wayne gretzky
introduction to frame analysis
automatic packaging machinery sector...
hormones, talent, and career
powder consolidation using cold spray
stable isotope geochemistry
ricci flow for shape analysis and su...
flipped classrooms for legal education
protein-nanoparticle interactions
logik im recht
progress in turbulence viii
boko haram
chiral and topological nature of mag...
ae-manual der endoprothetik
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
asymptotically safe gravity
sustainable fashion supply chain man...
intelligent systems and methods to c...
conceptual framework for noise reduction
translational research in biophotonics :
theoretical aspects of spatial-tempo...
nonlinear analysis and global optimi...
differential and difference equation...
aurora 7
non-circular journal bearings
pyomo - optimization modeling in python
assessing wastewater management in india
atmospheric reaction chemistry
theoretical and empirical studies on...
immunity, tumors and aging
confocal raman microscopy
mri contrast agents
knowledge preservation through commu...
environmental footprints
models for discrete longitudinal data
combinatorial and additive number th...
transfer prices and management accou...
contractual communities in the self-...
damage growth in aerospace composites
opinion mining in information retrieval
solar power satellites
grammar for teachers
critical studies in diversity manage...
governing india's northeast
artemis lunar program
covid-19 and psychology
economy as a complex spatial system
poly-sige for mems-above-cmos sensors
parenting and work in poland
lithostratigraphy of iran
field emission scanning electron mic...
between two worlds
bubble theory
perspectives on design and digital c...
herbert fröhlich
from methodology to methods in human...
sustainability issues in civil engin...
sedimentation in the rupnarayan river
optical properties of photonic crystals
risks, relationships and success fac...
radio frequency cell site engineerin...
on the formation of the most massive...
neural connectomics challenge
collaborative mathematics and statis...
sprachsensibler fachunterricht
gesture recognition
happiness, technology and innovation
social protection and social development
top-down design of disordered photon...
taxation history, theory, law and ad...
making starships and stargates
labour market participation in india
atmospheric reaction chemistry
youth experience gap
chemical transformations of vinylide...
progress in turbulence v
discriminative pattern discovery on ...
healthcare management
analysis of tcp performance in data ...
just-in-time systems
coherence and divergence in services...
demand-side flexibility in smart grid
molecular catalysts for energy conve...
product variety in automotive industry
surface flute waves in plasmas
statics of historic masonry construc...
implementation of eu readmission agr...
laszlo zechmeister
handbook of historical studies in ed...
from poverty, inequality to smart city
geometric hopf invariant and surgery...
digital holographic microscopy
passively mode-locked semiconductor ...
electrochemically engineered nanopor...
climate change impacts on gender rel...
introduction to entrepreneurship
reinforced concrete design to eurocode 2
europäisches strafrecht
algebraic structures and applications
node-to-node approaching in wireless...
advances in commercial deployment of...
natural disasters, foreign trade and...
social network analysis applied to t...
heat and mass transfer in particulat...
operative und interventionelle gefäß...
statistical inversion of electromagn...
transparent conductive zinc oxide :
functionalization of carborane via c...
optical clearing of tissues and blood
advances in energy and environmental...
coherent atomic manipulation and cooling
topological microfluidics
gemini flies!
nonparametric statistics
dynamic cloud collaboration platform
fundamentals of van der waals and ca...
optical coating technology
isotope geology of the norilsk deposits
international handbook of space tech...
ethics of space exploration
comparative criminology in asia
bio-based polyols and polyurethanes
international trade policies and cli...
dynamical systems in theoretical per...
parity-time symmetry and its applica...
haptics technologies
future of thermal comfort in an ener...
ultra-high frequency linear fiber op...
self-organizing robots
wave propagation approach for struct...
structure of nucleon excited states ...
dream missions
muleskinner and the stars
early mathematics of leonhard euler
industrial internet of things
successful public health advocacy
linear response theory
melanie klein
transits of extrasolar planets with ...
science of golf putting
l2 approaches in several complex var...
hearing and hormones
margaret mead
experimentalphysik 1
giardia as a foodborne pathogen
numerical semigroups
high-resolution profiling of protein...
nonuniformly hyperbolic attractors
investment strategy in heating and chp
interventional radiology odyssey
devolution gambit
novel functional magnetic materials
radiation in space: relevance and ri...
cutaneous haptic feedback in robotic...
applications of the gauge/gravity du...
entropy guided transformation learning
social rights and international deve...
contemporary optoelectronics
braun-falco’s dermatologie, venerolo...
plant stress tolerance
assessing social impact of social en...
coastal morphodynamics
ionic liquid bulk and interface prop...
physics of ferromagnetism
art collections, private and public
introduction to nonparametric estimation
fire-resistant geopolymers
evolutionary governance theory
cybersecurity in france
unsupervised information extraction ...
copenhagen network
wideband cmos receivers
spatial mapping and modelling for ka...
plasticity of boronized layers
handbuch diversity kompetenz: gegens...
complex and differential geometry
admissibility and hyperbolicity
analytic solutions for flows through...
adversary detection for cognitive ra...
mathematics at the margins
heavy quark effective theory
atomic information technology
prussian blue based batteries
minerals: structure, properties, met...
commercial space exploration
self-powered and soft polymer mems/n...
handbuch schlüsselkonzepte im coaching
optimization in large scale problems
data security breaches and privacy i...
carbon footprint and urban planning
advances in hydroinformatics
non-euclidean laguerre geometry and ...
combinatorial and additive number th...
mathematics and the mind
space weather and coronal mass ejections
vibronic coupling density
bright side and the dark side of pat...
憤怒韓國 /
dense and green building typologies
imaging, manipulation and optogeneti...
hybrid electric vehicles
bayesian analysis of qcd sum rules
toward 5g software defined radio rec...
ultrasound technology in dairy proce...
human auditory development
spin dynamics in radical pairs
mixed member proportional system
sensing vehicle conditions for detec...
landform dynamics and evolution in r...
neuropsychology of children in africa
applied compositional data analysis
dielectric breakdown in gigascale el...
arthur h. westing
handbook of natural computing
energy geotechnics
space shuttle columbia
dynamic risk factors for sexual offe...
mathematical technology of networks
visible, the sublime and the sensus ...
application of fpga to real‐time mac...
sensing technologies for precision i...
carbon nanotubes for targeted drug d...
land subsidence analysis in urban areas
causal overdetermination and context...
optical imaging and aberrations.
planet mercury
human health and physical activity d...
advanced methods in the fractional c...
models of engaged learning and teaching
effective theories in physics
real-time detection of lines and grids
vertebrate sound production and acou...
differential geometry of curves and ...
plasma atomic physics
legal signs fascinate
europäisches arbeitsrecht
biaxial testing for fabrics and foils
agro-environmental sustainability in...
resilience management for a sustaina...
tetrad formalism for exact cosmologi...
combating global warming
number theory and related fields
teaching at-risk students to read
friedrich nietzsche
teachings of management
dams in brazil
field guide to microscopy
fundamentals of speech enhancement
inequality and poverty
praxishandbuch controlling
functional equations in mathematical...
optical properties of advanced materials
planning london for the post-war era...
model choice in nonnested families
three-dimensional x-ray diffraction ...
viruses and atherosclerosis
homeless youth of pakistan
liberty bell 7
cyber justice
living under the threat of earthquakes
anomalies in partial differential eq...
seismic hazard and risk assessment
haptic interaction with deformable o...
convex duality and financial mathematics
global health collaboration
mapping archaeological landscapes fr...
high jet multiplicity physics at the lhc
introduction to autonomous manipulation
factors governing tin whisker growth
skyrmions in magnetic materials
geophysical methods for cultural her...
countdown to a moon launch
vulnerability, childhood and the law
multifunctional nanoprobes
xuv pump-probe experiments on diatom...
high dielectric constant materials
introduction to robotics
springer handbook of enzymes.
nonlinear mode decomposition
handbuch sprache in den public relations
field guide to displacement measurin...
hybrid electric vehicles
toward a small family ethic
imperialism with reference to syria
self-induced fault of a hydraulic se...
dictionary of gems and gemology
risk-based engineering
fundamentals of ultrasonic nondestru...
topological aspects of nonsmooth opt...
consumer energy conservation behavio...
planet mars
governance of urban wastewater reuse...
function spaces with uniform, fine a...
persuasive recommender systems
heteronuclear efimov scenario in ult...
culture on the edge of chaos
nonlinear photonics in mid-infrared ...
differential equations
heavy neutral particle decays to tau...
symmetries, differential equations a...
discontinuous galerkin method
art of sustainable performance
solar based hydrogen production systems
algebra and its applications
participatory video in adult education
viktor frankl and the shoah
control systems for power electronics
spectrum sharing for wireless commun...
geographic interpretations of the in...
working, housing: urbanizing
fluorescence in industry
ecosystem services for urban water s...
food democracy
integrated solution based irregular ...
springer handbook of enzymes.
motivation und emotion
constraining supersymmetric models
response of flood events to land use...
machine learning in medicine - cookbook
lasers in the conservation of artworks
nile waters, saharan sands
characterizing interdependencies of ...
geological and geo-environmental pro...
metaheuristic applications to speech...
energy economics
advances in nanoscale magnetism
janus fluid
essential analytics for hospital man...
markov chain monte carlo methods in ...
school funding and student achievement
dynamics of extremal black holes
quantitative portfolio management
aerial robotic manipulation
managing motherhood
photons in natural and life sciences
advances in design, music and arts
underwater archaeology of a pacific ...
uhmwpe biomaterials for joint implants
words made flesh
women in kolkata's it sector
nuclear rocket engine reactor
current issues in the economy and fi...
field and service robotics
handbuch filmanalyse
land rights and expropriation in eth...
peace research and peacebuilding
uncertain renewal processes
design and analysis of experiments
dialogue on explanation
regularity concepts in nonsmooth ana...
electromagnetic wave propagation in ...
aerial robotic manipulation
demography and health issues
kelvin probe force microscopy
police militarization
breast cancer stem cells & therapy r...
light scattering reviews 10
mapping the archaeological continuum
array beamforming with linear differ...
modern luminescence spectroscopy of ...
discovery of god
designing pilot projects as boundary...
children's rights and social work
communities of practice and vintage ...
control oriented modelling of ac ele...
mobile web browsing using the cloud
microphysics of atmospheric phenomena
planetary spacecraft navigation
simulation for industry 4.0
cement replacement materials
impaired wetlands in a damaged landscape
management of alliance networks
ekc 2010
real spinorial groups
geometric methods in pde's
education skills for 21st century te...
optical systems and processes
springer handbook of ocean engineering
handbuch medienökonomie
handbuch zur verwaltungsreform
introduction to the kolmogorov–berno...
moduli of k-stable varieties
geological disaster monitoring based...
after diagnosis
hepatitis e virus
comparators in nanometer cmos technology
photometry, radiometry, and measurem...
approaching business models from an ...
modeling and simulating command and ...
idealization and the laws of nature
theory of charge transport in carbon...
theory, numerics and applications of...
21st century maritime silk road: a p...
desiderata geotechnica
ecological processes at marine fronts
field guide to optical lithography
optimization in engineering
ultrafast magnetism i
future of leadership
introduction to optical testing
network inference in molecular biology
anthropological journey into well-being
geometric aspects of general topology
analytical methods in statistics
primer on the kinematics of discrete...
regularity theory for mean-field gam...
toxic pollutants in china
ultrasound technology in green chemistry
green economy implementation in the ...
enterprising psychometrics and pover...
strongly correlated systems
tarnished rings
active ageing and physical activity
institutional reform for innovation ...
sports volunteers around the globe
marswalk one
renewable energy: forecasting and ri...
thermal comfort assessment of buildings
ethics and civil drones
deterministic kinetics in chemistry ...
electrochemically engineered nanopor...
targeted learning
many facets of israel's hydrogeology
flavor physics at the tevatron
managing the public's trust in non-p...
momentum trading on the indian stock...
hadamard states from light-like hype...
predictive microbiology in foods
handbuch entrepreneurship
artificial intelligence tools for cy...
molecular conformation and organic p...
advances in optical science and engi...
ocean in motion
dual nature of legitimacy in the pri...
graph-based clustering and data visu...
effective field theories in flavour ...
international handbook of psychology...
evaluation of fire flow methodologies
environmental finance and investments
verifying calculations - forty years on
gemini 4
tropical meteorology
social cohesion in the western world
environmentally responsible supply c...
models of computation for big data
fluorescence studies of polymer cont...
beam diagnostics in superconducting ...
opengeosys tutorial
remote sensing image classification in r
urban development in asia
china danxia
robotics research
physics of space storms
physics of stocks and flows of energ...
coherent structures in granular crystals
geometrical charged-particle optics
interpolation processes
offending from childhood to young ad...
routines of substitution
mind and matter
co-creating in schools through art a...
anästhesie bei seltenen erkrankungen
concise computer mathematics
discrete-time optimal control and ga...
event attendance prediction in socia...
managing water resources under clima...
understanding digital signal processing
nicolas de condorcet
earthquake-induced landslides
distributed medium access control in...
android application security
interior modelling of massive stars ...
global child health
innovative advisory services in the ...
seismic design of rc buildings
group model building
selected papers on optical moire and...
automatic packaging machinery sector...
energy law
excel-based business analysis
p-laplace equation in the heisenberg...
segmentation of hand bone for bone a...
principles of loads and failure mech...
ontology-based data access leveragin...
variational analysis and aerospace e...
nanoscale electrochemistry of molecu...
implicit functions and solution mappings
electrogenerated chemiluminescence
japanese missions to the internation...
proactive data mining with decision ...
convolution copula econometrics
signal and image restoration
legal basis for a national space leg...
making megacities in asia
applied analysis in biological and p...
evolution of the chilean-argentinean...
asia and the arctic
group model building
analysis and operator theory
interest groups, water politics and ...
survey of data leakage detection and...
multi-species systems in optical lat...
noise-induced hearing loss
hydrological aspects of climate change
chinese architecture and metaphor
confidentiality and integrity in cro...
identity and heritage
new discoveries on the b-hydride eli...
hippocampal microcircuits
fire retardancy behavior of polymer/...
knowledge technology
not-so-simple stellar populations in...
approaching human performance
quodons in mica
volunteer police in the united states
laser physics and technology
lifelogging for organizational stres...
relativistic electron mirrors
scientific explorations of adhatoda ...
collagen biografts for tunable drug ...
geometry of hypersurfaces
automated design of materials far fr...
relevance of the time domain to neur...
novel selenium-mediated rearrangemen...
link prediction in social networks
mass and serial murder in america
ventilating cities
high-conductivity channels in space
frustrated materials and ferroic glasses
progress and challenges in dynamical...
function spaces with uniform, fine a...
construction learning as a complex a...
regional cities and city regions in ...
job security and temporary employmen...
nonlinear resonances
computing dendrite
fem analysis of the human knee joint
solutions to financial economics
springer handbook of odor
information science for materials di...
transport of energetic electrons in ...
spectral evolution in blazars
polyoxomolybdates as green catalysts...
shadow economy in poland
microsimulation population projectio...
catching up with aristotle
spectrum sharing for wireless commun...
coupled dynamics in soil
characterization of an upper permian...
supply chain finance solutions
smartphone-based human activity reco...
plastics for corrosion inhibition
spatial auditory human-computer inte...
contemporary research in elliptic pd...
mind and places
glaciers and ice sheets in the clima...
studying atomic dynamics with cohere...
pricing urban water
silicon-based nanomaterials
biological models via interval type-...
designing a new class of distributed...
technology and manufacturing process...
semiconductor lasers
manned spacecraft technologies
progress in ultrafast intense laser ...
applied matrix and tensor variate da...
radial-velocity searches for planets...
spacecraft electromagnetic compatibi...
nature of scientific knowledge
flipped classrooms for legal education
advent of universal protection of hu...
modeling, dynamics, optimization and...
politics of reparations and apologies
konstruktionselemente des maschinenb...
pharmacology of bombax ceiba linn
underwater wireless power transfer
optoelectronic circuits in nanometer...
global warming-- myth or reality?
analysis and algorithms for service ...
handbuch informelles lernen
field archaeology from around the world
quantum dynamics and laser control f...
flash lamp annealing
on political culture, cultural polic...
deliberative public engagement with ...
alasdair macintyre, rationality and ...
modern climate change science
handbuch strategische kommunikation
characterisation of turbulent duct flows
empirical techniques in finance
writing and publishing science resea...
field guide to linear systems in opt...
energy transfer dynamics in biomater...
public economy in crisis
neurosteroids and the nervous system
nevanlinna theory
rethinking economics
survey of fractal dimensions of networks
educational assessment in tanzania
pediatric neurotoxicology
convexity and discrete geometry incl...
war in space
recommender systems for social taggi...
mediascape and the state
grundkurs theoretische physik 4/2
multiple scattering theory for spect...
rings, modules, and closure operations
field guide to fiber optic sensors /
economics for environmental studies
instrumentelle analytik und bioanalytik
linear canonical transforms
oral health and herbal medicine
industry-led growth
algebra and its applications
plato’s socrates, philosophy and edu...
pbg based terahertz antenna for aero...
high-temperature superconductors
n-culturalism in managing work and life
financial risk management for crypto...
economic geology of iran
stochastic dynamics and energetics o...
xcor, developing the next generation...
progress and opportunities of double...
chemical proteomics :
chromium doped tio2 sputtered thin films
holography and magnetically induced ...
mathematical models of financial der...
meaning of liberty beyond earth
geometrical methods for power networ...
cellular therapy for stroke and cns ...
advances in energy and environmental...
psychosocial skills and school syste...
cybersecurity in germany
nmr probe of high-tc materials
doing the impossible
landscape of free fermionic gauge models
infrared spectroscopy of minerals an...
humanitarian assistance for displace...
cell formation in industrial engineering
learning to teach with assessment
complex networks xii
enhanced surface imaging of crustal ...
nanoscale fluid transport
seven radical ideas for the future o...
statistical decision theory
chadwick f. alger
reconsidering welfare policies in ti...
ab initio theory of magnetic ordering
in-phase and quadrature imbalance
optimization of polynomials in non-c...
new solutions for the space debris p...
asymptotically safe gravity
macroevolution in deep time
r kompakt
software similarity and classification
advances in robotics research: from ...
grating-based x-ray phase-contrast m...
head injury simulation in road traff...
copper and bacteria
strafrecht, besonderer teil 2
diagnostic and therapeutic applicati...
software fault prediction
nanocomposites for visible light-ind...
mechanical properties and working of...
global entrepreneurship and developm...
atlas of benthic foraminifera from c...
sport clubs in europe
archaeology and heritage of the huma...
flipping academic english language l...
shadow of black holes
fundamentals of space medicine
laser beam scintillation with applic...
up from generality
will miami survive?
acoustic levitation-based trace-leve...
crosstalk in modern on-chip intercon...
ecological soil-cement bricks from w...
statistics and its applications
between globalization and integration
internationalization within higher e...
environmental impacts of mountaineering
hydropower plants and power systems
mars via the moon
call up to the majors
recent progress in few-body physics
nanophysics for energy efficiency
data science for public policy
quantitative psychology research
new perspectives on industrial organ...
politik und wirtschaft
applications of dispersive optical s...
high-operating-temperature infrared ...
canonical correlation analysis in sp...
elements of cloud computing security
epidermal cells :
breakthroughs in space life science ...
water we eat
countdown to a moon launch
basics of computer networking
quantum physics, fuzzy sets and logic
regression analysis under a priori p...
coarse-grained modelling of dna and ...
semiconductor modeling techniques
impact of food processing on anthocy...
travel plans for new residential dev...
gravitational biology ii
introduction to enhanced heat transfer
properly colored connectivity of graphs
intergovernmental fiscal relations
pollution in the black sea
perspectives on atmospheric sciences
three great tsunamis
modeling, dynamics, optimization and...
fundamental aspects of plasma chemic...
methods of economic research
studies of proton driven plasma wake...
carbon cycle in the changing arid la...
mainstream polygamy
belief change
spatial network data
geological core analysis
positive linear maps of operator alg...
clean energy from waste
milk culture in eurasia
fractal geometry, complex dimensions...
machine learning at the belle ii exp...
structure of solutions of variationa...
numerical modeling in materials scie...
land use dynamics in a developing ec...
towards integrated reporting
ion beam modification of solids
common rail system for gdi engines
mindfulness among students
thermodynamics and synchronization i...
statistical methods for quality assu...
economic and financial challenges fo...
partnership in space
computational geomechanics and hydra...
towards ultrasound-guided spinal fus...
building habitats on the moon
image processing of edge and surface...
large scale hierarchical classification
harmonic analysis on exponential sol...
productivity and efficiency analysis
discretionary police powers to punish
additive and subtractive manufacturi...
coupling of safety and security
optical measurement techniques :
learning the city
charge dynamics in 122 iron-based su...
single molecules and nanotechnology
digital arts and humanities
explaining lithium enriched red gian...
search for extraterrestrial intelligence
ultrafast phenomena.
practical and laboratory diagnosis o...
dot-dash to dot.com
replacement models with minimal repair
economic growth and development
artificial intelligence for coronavi...
few body dynamics, efimov effect and...
processing of polymer-based nanocomp...
network-based approach to cell metab...
eating, drinking: surviving
recent trends in materials and devices
mobile health
cryptography with shrinking generators
relaxation of the chemical bond
constellations of alternative educat...
network intrusion detection using de...
inside solid state drives (ssds)
water resources management in romania
statistics for high-dimensional data
hybrid language teaching in practice
resilience management for a sustaina...
monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo me...
molecular spintronics
dynamics of gas-surface interactions
air pollution modeling and its appli...
paradoxes in probability theory
decentralized reasoning in ambient i...
semantic web and web science
location privacy in mobile applications
progress in partial differential equ...
her brights merits
analysis of survival data with depen...
hydrostatics and stability of marine...
mounting optics in optical instruments /
essentials of aircraft armaments
china’s electricity industry
strategic interaction between islami...
rethinking georg simmel's social phi...
husserlian phenomenology
on values in finance and ethics
soft probes for bio-electrochemical ...
uncertain differential equations
changing migrant composition of aust...
space architecture education for eng...
improvement measures of urban therma...
application of biofluid mechanics
robotic building
critical issues in reproductive health
sedentary behaviour epidemiology
numerical optimization
handbook of historical studies in ed...
disorder-free localization
content-centric networks
giant planets of our solar system
global crisis of 2008 and keynes's g...
permutation tests in shape analysis
confidential informants
new directions in paraconsistent logic
high performance integer arithmetic ...
urban planning and water-related dis...
zinc oxide :
accounting information and equity va...
positron annihilation in semiconductors
optical flow and trajectory estimati...
cohomology of arithmetic groups
ocean in motion
microwave cavities and detectors for...
tracking solar concentrators
cryptographic obfuscation
responsible research and innovation ...
electrically assisted forming
network intrusion detection using de...
robust data mining
managing humanitarian logistics
geochemistry of chromium in the eart...
space robotics
permutation, parametric and bootstra...
human action analysis with randomize...
diffuse radio foregrounds
sensing vehicle conditions for detec...
measuring space power
dynamics of a quantum spin liquid
gender in philosophy and law
discrete mathematics and applications
novel coronavirus 2019
models of computation for big data
experimental robotics
imperial biologists
nanocomposites as next-generation op...
control and prediction of solid-stat...
handbuch internationale beziehungen
prior processes and their applications
introduction to cryospheric science
coherent multidimensional spectroscopy
high-tc squids for biomedical applic...
spacecraft power system technologies
paris climate agreement
mechanisms for generating mathematic...
topology in magnetism
stochastic process variation in deep...
introduction to stochastic programming
practical astrodynamics
phase transitions of simple systems
coaxial lithography
networks against time :
xuv pump-probe experiments on diatom...
intraoperative beta−probe for cancer...
flow boiling in microgap channels
gluten sensitivity
neurosis and assimilation
slate as dimension stone
clifford analysis and related topics
fruit and vegetable storage
handbuch soziale praktiken und digit...
groundwater in ethiopia
wording robotics
applied summability methods
remote sensing and water resources
ecological processes at marine fronts
graphical heritage
seismic inversion methods: a practic...
low power and reliable sram memory c...
low threshold organic semiconductor ...
alpine skiing injuries
infrastructure monitoring with space...
broadband array processing
field guide to image processing /
mathematical foundations for data an...
subsonic combustion ramjet design
reconstruction of macroscopic maxwel...
ergodic theoretic methods in group h...
dense and green building typologies
photoelectron spectroscopy
molecular mobility in deforming poly...
galaxy formation and evolution
water security in asia
theory of heavy-fermion compounds
life story of an infrared telescope
theory of power matching
cylindrical vibratory gyroscope
designing receptors for the next gen...
advanced materials
myth of executive functioning
springer series in solid - state sci...
x-ray lasers 2012
micromagnetics and recording materials
sublinear algorithms for big data ap...
primer on the kinematics of discrete...
materials selection and design
international taxation
towards ultrasound-guided spinal fus...
advances in metallic biomaterials
post-conflict security, peace and de...
extracting physics from gravitationa...
finite element primer for beginners
advanced design and manufacturing ba...
environmental impacts of shale gas d...
physics and chemistry of the arctic ...
energy in africa
analog filters in nanometer cmos
electro-optical imaging system perfo...
vlsi design
gravitational atlas of antarctica
bat bioacoustics
abelian groups
new developments in quantitative psy...
towards infrared finite s-matrix in ...
quantum correlations
introduction to continuous optimization
photonic crystals
economic growth and development
electromagnetic ultrasonic guided waves
principles of lithography /
ethical challenges in multi-cultural...
metal response in cupriavidus metall...
information security for automated s...
mathematics and computing
applied mathematics
römisches recht
digital signal processor for particl...
controlled drug delivery systems
nonlinear super-resolution nano-opti...
relativistic many-body theory
road map for sliding mode control design
financial markets theory
topological insulators
motion sickness
heritage in the context of globalization
philippine archipelago
transhumanism and society
national college entrance exam in china
linked democracy
high temperature superconductivity
persönlichkeitspsychologie für bachelor
social commerce
friedrich list’s exile in the united...
responding to immigrants' settlement...
systematic review of rural developme...
3d video technologies :
advanced co2 capture technologies
managing in recovering markets
slavoj žižek
materials research for manufacturing
real-time quantum dynamics of electr...
micro-place homicide patterns in chicago
computational analysis
living the stories we create
secularism and religion in multi-fai...
invitation to statistics in wasserst...
developing deep knowledge in middle ...
pyomo - optimization modeling in python
on the perception of dynamic emotion...
climate change vulnerability in sout...
graph-based clustering and data visu...
first example of a lyotropic smectic...
china continental scientific drillin...
differential and difference equation...
designing networks for innovation an...
polymer photovoltaics
palaeobiology of middle paleozoic ma...
strategic innovative marketing and t...
lourdes arizpe
advances in robot kinematics 2020
non-hermitian hamiltonians in quantu...
optical characterization of thin sol...
single-dc-source multilevel inverters
earthquakes and their impact on society
post-optimal analysis in linear semi...
how german parties select candidates...
principles of management
dna information: laws of perception
distributed space-time coding
rapid cell magnetisation using catio...
leadership and change management
geometric function theory in higher ...
attribute of water
modeling and optimization
computational viscoelasticity
chemistry of zirconacycles and 2,6-d...
arcgis for environmental and water i...
medizinische mikrobiologie und infek...
machine learning in team sports
vision infinity for food security
enhanced building information models
at home in space
contemporary famine analysis
taschenbuch der technischen akustik
fiber solar cells
health literacy and child health out...
future of co2 capture, transport and...
optics, photonics and laser technolo...
teaching chinese language in singapore
research on teaching astronomy in th...
centrality and diversity in search
electron scattering in solid matter
nonlinear mathematical physics and n...
introduction to the mechanics of spa...
mathematical perspective on flight d...
android application security
economics and policies of environmen...
handbuch vakuumtechnik
philosophy of geography
singular algebraic cartinurves
french-brazilian geography
nonlinear optimization
steel fiber reinforced concrete
cerebral venous system in acute and ...
remote sensing image classification in r
random matrix theory with an externa...
pragmatism in philosophical inquiry
crystallography of quasicrystals
diffusion in social networks
ma vie en noir
social network analysis applied to t...
agricultural drought in slovakia: an...
multivariate extreme value theory an...
towards a theoretical neuroscience
fitting splines to a parametric function
sirt6 activities in dna damage repai...
trustworthy execution on mobile devices
photoptics 2014
functional metamaterials and metadevices
electromagnetic acoustic transducers
red sea
predictability of chaotic dynamics
streptococcal superantigens
graphs on surfaces
evolutionary games in complex topologies
motioncast for mobile wireless networks
readings in formal epistemology
design for ergonomics
magnetic particle imaging
explaining lithium enriched red gian...
frequency-following response
reflection positivity
flow boiling in expanding microchannels
climate technology, gender, and justice
fundamental concepts of liquid-prope...
neutrinos, dark matter and co.
risk management in architectural design
fire behavior and fire protection in...
physics of accretion onto black holes
air quality integrated assessment
functional role of critical dynamics...
ergodic optimization in the expandin...
media management
organotrifluoroborate preparation, c...
starch-based nanomaterials
remote sensing advances for earth sy...
digital transformation of multidisci...
economic signals
supersymmetry and noncommutative geo...
matrix-analytic methods in stochasti...
fractured vuggy carbonate reservoir ...
quantum confined excitons in 2-dimen...
production yield of muon-induced neu...
advances in materials and manufactur...
principles of computational fluid dy...
stem cell niche :
cold spray additive manufacturing
selected papers on holographic inter...
perspectives on social lca
risk regulation in europe
toward inertial-navigation-on-chip
non-convex multi-objective optimization
sedimentary dynamics of windfield-so...
structure and stability of persisten...
introduction to statistical learning
pot, atom, and step economy (pase) s...
offshore risk assessment.
lexikon der medizinischen laboratori...
nanostructured materials for magneto...
electric and hybrid vehicle technology
cycling to work
de sitter projective relativity
virgin galactic
biological determinism, free will an...
combinatorial structures in algebra ...
perspectives in lie theory
innovation and entrepreneurship
statistical data analysis using sas
translational stroke research
electrospun nanofibers
short stay surgery
hyper-velocity impacts on rubble pil...
biocompatible graphene for bioanalyt...
design and engineering of curiosity
coaxial lithography
cerebral ischemic reperfusion injuri...
selected papers on semiconductor dio...
peptide-mediated biomineralization
emotional processing deficits and ha...
superintense laser-plasma interactio...
deep learning: convergence to big da...
research and development of deck bridges
distributed hash table
high-energy molecular lasers
enhancing hydrogen storage propertie...
flight systems and control
rotordynamics of automotive turbocha...
perfecting engineering and technical...
robotics, vision and control
auction based resource provisioning ...
space engineering
fundamental aspects of plasma chemic...
lie theory and its applications in p...
marine hydrocarbon seeps
philosophical and mathematical logic
progress in nanoscale characterizati...
stochastic foundations in movement e...
co-production in the public sector
prävention und gesundheitsförderung
ion tracks in apatite and quartz
developments in demography in the 21...
research and innovation forum 2021
acoustics of the seabed as a poroela...
einstein's photoemission
theology and urban sustainability
brain-computer interface research
optimization problems in graph theory
covering walks in graphs
learning and community approaches fo...
probabilistic approaches to robotic ...
connected dominating set
advances in acoustic emission technology
to do or not to do a phd?
where is the gödel-point hiding :
dynamic wetting by nanofluids
light-driven alignment
winning at litigation through decisi...
fish bioacoustics
rodent bioacoustics
philosophy of the economy
design and cryptanalysis of zuc
principles and technologies of flota...
geometric properties for parabolic a...
advances in lightweight materials an...
superconformal index on rp2 × s1 and...
rocket and spacecraft propulsion
trajectory anomalies in interplaneta...
analysis and operator theory
xcor, developing the next generation...
synergetics of molecular systems
violence in schools
theory of branched minimal surfaces
cis/transgene optimization
workbook for principles of microecon...
random fields of piezoelectricity an...
cosmological theories of value
climate and environmental change in ...
category theory in physics, mathemat...
penalty, shrinkage and pretest strat...
drought stress in maize (zea mays l.)
student centered cooperative learning
exploring resilience
optimization and applications in con...
signal and noise in geosciences
semantic web-based systems
heavy metals in scleractinian corals
bayesian nonparametrics
gold nanostars
map functions
applied guidance methodologies for o...
problems of locus solved by mechanis...
mathematical fluid dynamics, present...
deep-space probes
advanced lasers
recent trends in lorentzian geometry
hsp60 chaperonin
evaluating evidence of mechanisms in...
handbuch geschichte der deutschsprac...
optical specification, fabrication, ...
lost circulation and wellbore streng...
government austerity and socioeconom...
market-driven spectrum sharing in co...
advances in sulphonation techniques
qos prediction in cloud and service ...
modern stochastics and applications
evaluating investments in health car...
journey to ethnographic research
revisiting supply chain risk
physicochemical theory of effective ...
experimentation methodology for engi...
homological and combinatorial method...
family firms
controlling synchronization patterns...
approximate quantum markov chains
advanced design and manufacturing ba...
modeling discrete competitive facili...
making sense of haptics
model-based processing for underwate...
green chemistry metrics
urban adaptation to climate change
stories of men and teaching
voice over ip security
end of desertification?
particle interactions in high-temper...
introduction to ultrametric summabil...
label-free biosensing
customer accounting
elements of cloud storage security
analysis of finite difference schemes
robust speckle metrology :
problems and answers in wave optics
relativistic many-body theory
two-dimensional (2d) nanomaterials i...
customer relationship management
xxiii dae high energy physics symposium
coherent behavior in neuronal networks
advances in superprocesses and nonli...
surface electron cyclotron waves in ...
kelvin probe force microscopy
optical scattering
spatial econometrics
transport and fluctuations in granul...
aesthetics and the iconoclasm of con...
web proxy cache replacement strategies
edith and florence stoney, sisters i...
hubble space telescope
twenty-first century in space
self-organized morphology in nanostr...
electron microscopy of polymers
monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo sa...
exercise in space
handbuch anerkennung
security assessment in vehicular net...
risk assessment
hazard analysis of seismic soil liqu...
honeypot frameworks and their applic...
heterogeneous ferroelectric solid so...
beauville surfaces and groups
david hume, sceptic
optimal control problems arising in ...
development of the inner ear
evolution in the dark
stars, myths and rituals in etruscan...
microphone array signal processing
35 seasons of u.s. antarctic meteori...
biomedical applications of natural p...
advances in computer algebra
first soviet cosmonaut team
ultrafast phenomena in molecular sci...
stochastic petri nets for wireless n...
configurable intelligent optimizatio...
graphene oxide: physics and applications
on the device-independent approach t...
space systems for disaster warning, ...
essential analytics for hospital man...
smart grid security
autophagy at the cell, tissue and or...
teaching profession
field emission electronics
ion-irradiation-induced damage in nu...
security challenges and approaches i...
microbiome community ecology
multicomponent polymeric materials
introduction to single-user informat...
laser heterodyning
mathematical tapas.
dynamics near quantum criticality in...
investment valuation and appraisal
networks against time
decoding the antibody repertoire
studies in neural data science
remote sensing for malaria
magnetic cloud boundary layers and m...
cognitive science and artificial int...
from particle systems to partial dif...
mass customization
gravitational theories beyond genera...
identifying patterns in financial ma...
leadership and change management
introduction to space science
emerging compounds removal from wast...
monkeys, apes, and humans
advances in acoustic emission technology
handbuch migration und erfolg
light scattering media optics :
future of atmospheric oxygen
industrial engineering and operation...
health informatics in the cloud
principles of loads and failure mech...
multi-wavelength studies of pulsars ...
cloud-resolving modeling of convecti...
lignocellulosic composite materials
spacecraft thermal control technologies
textures, structures and processes o...
experimental aerodynamics
ecological and evolutionary modelling
statistical physics of non-thermal p...
laser beam propagation through rando...
improving the earthquake resilience ...
immigrants in regional labour market...
wiederholungs- und vertiefungskurs s...
vehicle suspension systems and elect...
educational policy innovations
biomedical applications of natural p...
macroeconomic theory
using ict in inquiry-based science e...
small business management
foundations of blockchain
mission mars
smart wormlike micelles
family, work and well-being
scientific communication across the ...
leishmania and leishmaniasis
reconciling islam, christianity and ...
theoretische mechanik
spacex's dragon
critical introduction to language ev...
marine fog
minimal surfaces from a complex anal...
new trends in nanoparticle magnetism
enrico fermi
studies in theoretical and applied s...
intangible asset gap in global compe...
frontiers of sound in design
matter, dark matter, and anti-matter
design of special planar linkages
basic skills pj
optimization of polynomials in non-c...
diffractive optics and nanophotonics
natural convection in superposed flu...
internationalization of consumer law
optical metamaterials: qualitative m...
strafrecht allgemeiner teil
biodiversity in aquatic systems and ...
production economics
audio processing and speech recognition
housing for older people in singapore
aireas: sustainocracy for a healthy city
topological vector spaces and their ...
deep time analysis
bacterial communication in foods
brain-computer interface research
gifted education in lebanese schools
physics of liquid matter
critical survey of biomineralization
david bohm
lab-on-fiber technology
recent trends in dynamical systems
radial-velocity searches for planets...
uncertainty theory
accelerating e-mobility in germany
primary auditory neurons of the mamm...
progress in planar optical waveguides
international migration and crisis
depression and drugs
geological resources of tierra del fuego
indoor scene recognition by 3-d obje...
lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals
parallel kinematics
distributed creativity
rainbow connections of graphs
planetary giant impacts
selected issues in experimental econ...
legal education and legal traditions...
isotope low-dimensional structures
identification of pathogenic social ...
homicide data sources
robust and secured digital audio wat...
marine organic micropollutants
next stop mars
bismuth-containing alloys and nanost...
guide to cisco routers configuration
on the nature of effective cio/ceo c...
challenges of contemporaneity
practical strategies for clinical ma...
structured light fields
third international handbook of math...
generalized linear models with examp...
solutions for sustainability
surface-knots in 4-space
spaceplane hermes
reimagining the future public servic...
medical applications for biomaterial...
application of computational intelli...
groundwater prospecting and management
geometric properties for parabolic a...
cmos rf circuit design for reliabili...
geoinformatics for sustainable devel...
systems for big graph analytics
handbuch transitional justice
nearly zero energy communities
dispersion relations in heavily-dope...
light scattering reviews 8
auction based resource provisioning ...
high performance integer arithmetic ...
technology and applications of amorp...
problems of geocosmos–2018
enhancing energy efficiency in irrig...
competing on supply chain quality
erste hilfe - chemie und physik für ...
fractured vuggy carbonate reservoir ...
mars via the moon
extracting physics from gravitationa...
handbuch kultursoziologie
singular spectrum analysis for time ...
economics of urban externalities
fundamentals of geometrical optics /
advances in experimental and genetic...
variable valve actuation and control
cutaneous haptic feedback in robotic...
optimization issues in web and mobil...
introduction to ethics in robotics a...
marketing management
solar cells and modules
gravitational wave astrophysics with...
einführung in die computerorientiert...
non-linguistic analysis of call cent...
energy landscape in the republic of ...
arbeits- und organisationspsychologie
selected applications of convex opti...
functional hydrogels as biomaterials
quantifying functional biodiversity
impaired wetlands in a damaged landscape
physics of the upper polar atmosphere
waveguide propagation of nonlinear waves
nexus between artificial intelligenc...
groundwater in egypt’s deserts
fast fourier transform and convoluti...
soluble bio-based substances isolate...
child and family well-being and home...
strongly correlated systems
neuromuscular system
text mining of web-based medical content
well packed – not a bit too much
multiplex networks
capacity analysis of vehicular commu...
stringer-panel models in structural ...
advances in assessment and modeling ...
field guide to interferometric optic...
advances in metal forming
colored discrete spaces
higgs boson decays into a pair of bo...
transport and fluctuations in granul...
designing and managing industrial pr...
life cycle assessment of forest products
evolution of metal casting technologies
physical oceanography of the dying a...
human development and human life
grandparents of children with disabi...
demand flexibility in supply chain p...
handbook of school-based mental heal...
two-phase heat transfer enhancement
light scattering reviews 7
examinatorium bgb at
processes in geomedia—volume i
current issues in transitional justice
macraes orogenic gold deposit (new z...
living the stories we create
advances in national brand and priva...
multiscale and multiphysics processe...
data mining in agriculture
silicon optoelectronic integrated ci...
nonlocal euler–bernoulli beam theories
geopolymer and geopolymer matrix com...
science of cities and regions
foucault as educator
design of cmos analog integrated fra...
microcontrollers in practice
natural time analysis
raman spectroscopy of two-dimensiona...
yang–baxter deformation of 2d non-li...
lectures on particle physics, astrop...
metal ion in stroke
numerical pde-constrained optimization
subsidence analysis and visualization
dissent, revolution and liberty beyo...
journalistic practice: constructive ...
kramers-kronig relations in optical ...
dynamic light filters
transforming lives and systems
symmetries in graphs, maps, and poly...
double constraint inversion methodology
fast solar sailing
faith 7
communication in construction teams
robotics, vision and control
continued fractions and signal proce...
acoustic sensors for biomedical appl...
analog and digital holography with m...
micro-scaled products development vi...
structured matrices in numerical lin...
compressed sensing for distributed s...
handbuch transitional justice
technology of lunar soft lander
recommender systems for location-bas...
computational methods in molecular i...
medical ethics education
dynamics and characterization of com...
3d printing and ubiquitous manufacturing
introduction to queueing networks
iron pnictide superconductors
basiswissen mathematik
archaeology of manila galleons in th...
police militarization
protein engineering techniques
quantitative psychology research
iron acquisition by the genus mycoba...
cataclysmic variable stars
galactic and intergalactic magnetic ...
radar polarimetry for weather observ...
transient heat transfer
primer effects by murine pheromone s...
radio frequency propagation made easy
自我介紹的技術 :
scalable signal processing in cloud ...
security for multi-hop wireless networks
thermodiffusion in multicomponent mi...
pollutant discharge and water qualit...
estuaries and coastal zones in times...
water quality management
wearable sensors in sport
strategy for action - i
solar sails
sustainable environmental design in ...
governing business systems
field guide to digital micro-optics /
understanding modern dive computers ...
metric modular spaces
conformally invariant metrics and qu...
reactivity of nitric oxide on copper...
consensus problem of delayed linear ...
queer in the tropics
rfid as an infrastructure
fluid dynamics and linear elasticity
bayesian optimization for materials ...
structural analysis of concrete-fill...
new computation methods for geometri...
morality of weapons research
cybersecurity for industry 4.0
rotating machineries
comparison finsler geometry
geohistorical approach
magnetic cloud boundary layers and m...
severe convective storms and tornadoes
oil and gas exploration
customer relationship management
introduction to modified gravity
organic-inorganic hybrid materials f...
quantitative decisions in drug devel...
improving workplace learning by teac...
bodies and media
damage growth in aerospace composites
community-based reconstruction of so...
fundamental computing forensics for ...
flash lamp annealing
chaos and complex systems
understanding flood preparedness
international company taxation
perceptual training on lexical stres...
design and analysis of control systems
handbuch kultursoziologie
combinatorial set theory
recent developments in data science ...
photonics explained simply
managing risks in the railway system
statistical learning from a regressi...
bayesian inference for probabilistic...
exotic nuclear excitations
basics of modern mathematical statistics
numerical solution of partial differ...
boundary element methods
sea floor exploration
physical play and children's digital...
earth's dissipative structures
gas allocation optimization methods ...
baseline of russian arctic laws
advances in hydroinformatics
immunophenotyping :
statistical analysis of financial da...
trypanosoma cruzi as a foodborne pat...
high energy astrophysical neutrinos
cable-driven parallel robots
from bulk to nano
short journey from quarks to the uni...
solid state gas sensors - industrial...
coherent states and their applications
homogeneous catalysis with metal com...
restructuring and innovation in banking
monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo me...
scalar boson decays to tau leptons
external influences and the educatio...
semiconductor research
3d-position tracking and control for...
risk-based approaches to asset alloc...
wiederholungs- und vertiefungskurs s...
sustainable industrial landscape pla...
microphysics of cosmic plasmas
male fertility patterns and determinants
integrated optimization in public tr...
cells and robots :
sky alert!
producing bias-free policing
excitation spectra of square lattice...
transport of energetic electrons in ...
economics of tourism in portugal
leakage resilient password systems
carbon nanotube based vlsi interconnects
cybersecurity in nigeria
solutions manual for econometrics
aral sea
neogene micropaleontology and strati...
basiswissen urologie
industrial engineering and operation...
religious tourism and heritage in brazil
transition curves for highway geomet...
myeloid-derived suppressor cells and...
theory of one-dimensional vlasov-max...
digital responses to covid-19
ecological soil-cement bricks from w...
metal matrix composites
integration of low carbon technologi...
selected papers on laser doppler vel...
biophysical applications of satellit...
online damage detection in structura...
recent trends in materials and devices
industry 4.0: managing the digital t...
tree-based convolutional neural networks
multiplicative ideal theory and fact...
chaos, complexity and leadership 2014
statistics and data analysis for fin...
coastal risk assessment
field and service robotics
black objects in supergravity
spectroscopic ellipsometry for photo...
interacting boson model from energy ...
plasmons as sensors
fertility decline and background ind...
neurotechnology, electronics, and in...
dyes and pigments
trends in applications of mathematic...
quantum potential
fundamentals of invertebrate palaeon...
field-effect self-mixing terahertz d...
efficient 3d scene modeling and mosa...
explaining productivity differences
carl auer von welsbach
generalized multipole technique for ...
phosphorescent oxygen-sensitive probes
heterogeneous vehicular networks
energy optimization and prediction i...
optimal coverage in wireless sensor ...
culture, organizations, and work
s.m.a.r.t. circle minicourses
laser resonators and beam propagation
technology in human smuggling and tr...
optical communication over plastic o...
hypergraph theory in wireless commun...
merge model for business development
hyperbolic geometry
soyuz launch vehicle
quadratic number fields
collective plasmon-modes in gain media
service placement in ad hoc networks
mobile data mining
markov bases in algebraic statistics
entire slice regular functions
emerging issues in the global economy
classical and quantum physics
climate change in cyprus
contemporary research in elliptic pd...
determinants of bank involvement wit...
analysis and design optimization of ...
grandparents of children with disabi...
advances in artificial pancreas systems
introduction to frame analysis
corporate governance and corporate b...
concise guide to market research
imaging light with photoelectrons on...
spectroscopy of semiconductors
understanding the course of social r...
use case and smart grid architecture...
geodesic convexity in graphs
nanomaterials in extreme environments
acetylene and its polymers
local homotopy theory
himalayan quality of life
service design capabilities
language, social media and ideologies
commercial sexual exploitation of ch...
efficient algorithms for discrete wa...
eating, drinking: surviving
mathematical financial economics :
new perspectives on surface passivation
quantum brownian motion revisited
remote sensing of clouds and precipi...
fundamentals of piano pedagogy
lebensmittel-warenkunde für einsteiger
parallel scientific computing
adaptive sampling designs
long term warranty and after sales s...
hybrid and fully thermoelectric sola...
effective statistical learning metho...
dielectric properties of isolated cl...
active computer vision by cooperativ...
multidimensional hplc of polymers
progress in ultrafast intense laser ...
failing states, collapsing systems
drugs and child maltreatment
primer on machine learning in subsur...
writing for publication
development of navigation technology...
instability in flow boiling in micro...
stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium
geoarchaeology and archaeological mi...
moments of linear positive operators...
taxation, growth and fiscal institutions
analysing inequalities in germany
modern iran in perspective
ng sequential patterns from large da...
human action analysis with randomize...
brain-computer interface research
models, algorithms and technologies ...
study of the isoscalar giant monopol...
handbuch filmtheorie
homogeneous finsler spaces
exomoons to galactic structure
transparent conductive zinc oxide
rule of the friars minor, 1209-2009
oss reliability measurement and asse...
symmetries in graphs, maps, and poly...
cohesive subgraph computation over l...
knowledge preservation through commu...
brief introduction to dispersion rel...
advances in national brand and priva...
basics of modern mathematical statistics
bridging clauses in european constit...
2011 fukushima daiichi nuclear power...
statistical physics of nanoparticles...
fine scale characterization of shale...
karl marx
recapturing space
35 seasons of u.s. antarctic meteori...
neurotechnology, electronics, and in...
artificial assemblies with cooperati...
search for exotic mono-jet events
global differential geometry
modeling and optimization: theory an...
segmentation of hand bone for bone a...
cmos rf circuit design for reliabili...
principles of microeconomics
advanced free space optics (fso)
human challenge studies in endemic s...
primer on quantum computing
ocean acoustics
dna replication control in microbial...
next generation microchannel heat ex...
tunable microwave metamaterial struc...
transitional justice for israel/pale...
atomic scale dynamics at surfaces
dhaka megacity
efficiency of elementary education i...
sensor and data fusion
future of work in information society
geometric properties for parabolic a...
advanced co2 capture technologies
wireless sensor networks for structu...
integral transforms for engineers
martin heidegger
university according to humboldt
spectral action in noncommutative ge...
physics of solid-state laser materials
explanatory animations in the classroom
lasers in materials science
fault-tolerant traction electric drives
phase transitions in two-dimensional...
finite mixture of skewed distributions
human and robot hands
interaction control of robot manipul...
coherent structures in granular crystals
agile risk management
recent advances in reliability and q...
energy efficiency in motor systems
powerful pulsed plasma generators
functional analysis in mechanics
mathematics for nonlinear phenomena
spiritual well-being of chinese olde...
environment and society
magnetodiscs and aurorae of giant pl...
hyperspectral remote sensing of near...
modelling of soil behaviour with hyp...
kinetics of evaporation
multiphysical testing of soils and s...
strafrecht besonderer teil 1
colloidal dispersions under slit-por...
handbuch informelles lernen
large group decision making
chromium-- vi reagents
early study-abroad and identities
vegetation history and cultural land...
what if we don't die?
how apollo flew to the moon
scientific process and social issues...
social innovation and new business m...
remote sensing from air and space
geometrical theory of satellite orbi...
human color vision
civility and democratic education
sensors and wearable technologies in...
fuzzy multi-criteria decision making
operational use of remote sensing in...
secure ip mobility management for vanet
retrying leopold and loeb
moral leadership in business
weigh them all!
from atom optics to quantum simulation
critical studies in diversity manage...
open problems in optimization and da...
socioeconomics of agriculture
stability and transport in magnetic ...
mars one
windup in control owing to sensor sa...
data-driven generation of policies
dynamical systems: theoretical and e...
spanish regional unemployment
china's governance
german-sino business networks
traffic-sign recognition systems
elliptic curves and arithmetic invar...
regularity theory for mean field gam...
johannes kepler
plant stem cells :
over-exploitation of forests
space shuttle program
trends in applications of mathematic...
functional role of critical dynamics...
global versus local perspectives on ...
high-performance d/a-converters
optical scattering :
equations and inequalities
plasma and thermal spraying
macroeconomic analysis of monetary u...
brakke's mean curvature flow
cause effect pairs in machine learning
hydrogel sensors and actuators /
extensions to the no-core shell model
introduction to applied optimization
tuberculosis in adults and children
progress in photon science
dyes and pigments
boredom in the classroom
anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
materials with internal structure
jealousy in infants
cmos circuits for electromagnetic vi...
parental involvement on children's e...
emerging resistive switching memories
combating desertification and land d...
effective entrepreneurial management
introduction to sequential monte carlo
polar codes
nils petter gleditsch
geophysical approach to marine coast...
concentration inequalities for sums ...
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human auditory cortex
dynamics of complex autonomous boole...
laser measurement technology
underactuated robotic hands
formality theory
handbuch entrepreneurship
homological and combinatorial method...
endocrine and neuroendocrine surgery
intergenerational transmission of ch...
surface plasmon nanophotonics
springer handbook of microscopy
head injury simulation in road traff...
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new logical foundation for psychology
agricultural pollution
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discrete optimization in architecture
dita - the topic-based xml standard
material selections by a hybrid mult...
fowler-nordheim field emission
innovative algorithms and analysis
measuring national innovation perfor...
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effective parameters of hydrogeologi...
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limits of art
air pollution modeling and its appli...
advanced materials
optimal trajectory tracking of nonli...
algebraic design theory and hadamard...
applied mathematics in tunisia
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statistics and its applications
numerical analysis using sage
automotive suspensions and steering ...
bismuth-containing compounds
mapping of parent hamiltonians
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virtualized cloud data center networks
history and politics of well-being i...
evolutionary humanoid robotics
membrane organization and dynamics
internet gambling
big data 2.0 processing systems
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unions' response to globalization
making effective presentations at pr...
traditional and complementary medicines
control problems in robotics
springer series in light scattering
nanoscale imaging and characterisati...
structure of multielectron atoms
databases for pharmacoepidemiologica...
theory and modeling of polymer nanoc...
spectroscopic ellipsometry for photo...
total synthesis of indole alkaloids
plasma kinetics in atmospheric gases
syntactic n-grams in computational l...
empathy imperiled
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integrative health services
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strongest magnetic fields in the uni...
phytoremediation of arsenic contamin...
social accounting for sustainability
primate hearing and communication
mapping versatile boundaries
principles and applications of well ...
energy in australia
altruism, welfare and the law
modular forms
canonical problems in the theory of ...
natural gas hydrates
ebna1 and epstein-barr virus associa...
basics of behavior change in primary...
construction materials
nile and grand ethiopian renaissance dam
using modeling to predict and preven...
heteroaromatic lipoxin a4 analogues
x-ray absorption spectroscopy of sem...
proteomics in human reproduction
groundwater vulnerability
evanescent waves in optics
combinatorial methods in topology an...
search for wild relatives of cool se...
innovative design of manufacturing
data storage for social networks
basic steps in geostatistics: the va...
blackbody radiometry
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metal-ion hybrid capacitors for ener...
green fashion retail
planar waveguides and other confined...
twenty-one lectures on complex analysis
healthcare management engineering
new eyes on the universe
x-ray phase-contrast imaging using n...
space program management
selected issues in experimental econ...
geometric aspects of harmonic analysis
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generalized adjoint systems
fluorescent organic nanoparticles
quality-aware scheduling for key-val...
casebook in interprofessional ethics
china's urban pattern
modern methods in operator theory an...
interconnected arctic -- uarctic con...
nanocomposites, nanostructures, and ...
configurable intelligent optimizatio...
marine carbon biogeochemistry
neuroanatomie des menschen
field archaeology from around the world
enhancing the light output of solid-...
entrepreneurial family businesses
lab-on-fiber technology
schwinger's quantum action principle
handling missing data in ranked set ...
thermal non-equilibrium in heterogen...
analysis and geometry
springer handbook of power systems
hiv and young people
convex duality and financial mathematics
role of potassium in plants
virtue ethics and human enhancement
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examinatorium privatversicherungsrecht
anisotropic metal chalcogenide nanom...
handbuch geschichte der deutschsprac...
indoor air quality in healthcare fac...
how apollo flew to the moon
statistical inference for financial ...
edge computing
returning people to the moon after a...
industry-led growth
differential geometry and continuum ...
experimentalphysik 1
energy conversion in natural and art...
endotrivial modules
pbg based terahertz antenna for aero...
national league franchises
models, algorithms, and technologies...
network algorithms, data mining, and...
principles of integrated airborne av...
casebook in interprofessional ethics
law as a moral agent
risk management methods in the aviat...
advances in non-linear modeling for ...
mathematical sciences with multidisc...
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valued fields
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singularities and foliations
bms particles in three dimensions
basiswissen pharmakologie
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a-z of the phd trajectory
lie theory and its applications in p...
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italy’s top products in world trade
beyond λcdm
experimentalphysik 3
imposing regulation on advanced algo...
gender policy and hiv in china
recovering biodiversity in indian fo...
springer series in light scattering
semiconductor nanophotonics
theorising institutional change
development and testing of hand exos...
ethical issues in sandplay therapy p...
risk communication for the future
supply chain finance and blockchain ...
space psychology and psychiatry
wind science and engineering
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hybrid manufacturing processes
advances in human-robot interaction
rare earth elements
contemporary trends and challenges i...
navigating safety
understanding policy decisions
nano-scale heat transfer in nanostru...
learning motor skills
mountain weather research and foreca...
school bullying
dynamic buckling of columns inside o...
layered intrusions
dental pulp stem cells
ice microfluidics
philosophisches handbuch künstliche ...
set optimization and applications - ...
configuration spaces
piezo-particulate composites
emerging trends in banking and finance
(in-)stability of differential inclu...
screen-printing electrochemical arch...
demography and health issues
land and water education and the all...
cmos circuits for piezoelectric ener...
theory of extensive form games
culture and language :
air power and freight
impact of melting ice on the ecosyst...
narrative development of school children
sensory motor and behavioral researc...
configuration spaces
europa - the ocean moon
mathematical modelling of the cell c...
springer handbook of marine biotechn...
springer handbook of petroleum techn...
respiratory mechanics
pathways to health
fibre optic communication
gender equality in politics
what we know about extraterrestrial ...
modeling and control for efficient b...
economics of foreign exchange and gl...
social media and emerging economies
experiments of artificial market by ...
handbuch filmgenre
convergence problem for dissipative ...
electrifying atmospheres
arctic marine resource governance an...
natural convective heat transfer fro...
temporal patterns of communication i...
introduction to queueing networks
innovations in power systems reliability
climate change in eurasian arctic sh...
aerodynamics of a container freight ...
conditional function control of aircraft
nonlinear optics and laser emission ...
fire safety of historical buildings
atomistic nature of crystal growth
field and service robotics
operational research
spectral methods
statistical data analysis using sas
from domination to coloring
computation and the humanities
proper generalized decompositions
macraes orogenic gold deposit (new z...
nonlinear combinatorial optimization
global land surface satellite (glass...
aireas: sustainocracy for a healthy city
louis harold gray
noise and vibration in friction systems
galactic and intergalactic magnetic ...
atmospheric and space sciences
spatial auditory human-computer inte...
deterministic global optimization
viscometry for liquids
experimentation methodology for engi...
climate change loss and damage
enhanced building information models
energy-efficient high performance co...
introduction to enumeration
selecting the mercury seven
business relationship management and...
spatial data analysis
aerodynamics of a container freight ...
mathematical tapas
offshore risk assessment.
primary exergy cost of goods and ser...
gifted education in lebanese schools
theory is history
spacex's dragon: america's next gene...
fast variables in stochastic populat...
fundamentals of ultrasonic nondestru...
pädiatrische endokrinologie und diab...
algorithmic foundation of robotics.
handbuch soziologie des alter(n)s
himalayan mobilities
thermal stability of metastable magn...
set operads in combinatorics and com...
dynamics of disasters
creating conditions for promising co...
raman imaging
taoist pedagogy of pathmarks
field guide to astronomical instrume...
beach renourishment
atomic processes in basic and applie...
gesamte examensrelevante zivilrecht
public economy in crisis
co-creative meeting
towards green lubrication in machining
fluid dynamics and linear elasticity
regenerative and positive impact arc...
einführung in die moderne strafrecht...
genetic engineering
advances in rams engineering
natural disasters, when will they re...
high temperature superconductivity
two bit circus and the future of ent...
praxishandbuch professionelle mediation
data-driven numerical modelling in g...
offshore risk assessment vol. 2
hyperspectral remote sensing
harmonies of disorder
prussian blue based batteries
language identification using excita...
regulating deep sea mining
excitonic and photonic processes in ...
unconventional resources in india: t...
lithium intercalation in bilayer gra...
x-ray diffraction imaging of biologi...
principal component regression for c...
resources, services and risks
between two worlds
new physical optics notebook
temporal climatology and anomalous w...
measuring uncertainty within the the...
technological advances in tellurite ...
biodemography of aging
fluorescent tools for imaging oxidat...
cassini-huygens visit to saturn
microgravity and vision impairments ...
fast electrochemical impedance spect...
earth's heterogeneous mantle
achieving social impact
highway travel time estimation with ...
many-body approach to electronic exc...
synaptic mechanisms in the auditory ...
materials discovery and design
top quark pair production
infrared thermography for building m...
advanced reliability models and main...
high-power optics
air flow management in raised floor ...
protein toxins in modeling biochemistry
advances in rings, modules and facto...
spin and charge ordering in the quan...
decision making with quantitative fi...
optical properties of advanced mater...
supply chain management and advanced...
second-order σδ adc using sputtered ...
learning from error in policing
higgs properties at the lhc
topology and geometric group theory
haloalkyne chemistry
unique urbanity?
methods of clinical epidemiology
towards estimating entrainment fract...
collective plasmon-modes in gain media
microwave-induced synthesis of aroma...
cognitive reasoning for compliant ro...
turbulent heating and anisotropy in ...
rethinking natural law
jahn-teller effect
spatio-temporal recommendation in so...
extended defects in germanium
optical nano- and microsystems for b...
dynamics of information systems
linear model and hypothesis
analytical corporate finance
data augmented design
tectonics and structural geology: in...
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guide to osi and tcp/ip models
space regulation in canada: past, pr...
evaluation of fire flow methodologies
application of wavelets in speech pr...
resilience in children, adolescents,...
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studying situational interaction
cosmology and particle astrophysics
land use and spatial planning
synthesis of nanomaterials
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advances in the application of laser...
acoustics of layered media i :
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international handbook of early chil...
modeling innovation sustainability a...
disaster robotics
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green neighbourhoods and eco-gentrif...
lower limb tendinopathies
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carbon nanotubes as nanodelivery systems
virtual future
endocrine surgery
energy use in global food production
microsimulation and population dynamics
behavior of unbounded post- tensione...
carbon fibers
jerome bruner
model-free stabilization by extremum...
teaching, friendship and humanity
economics of water
sino-mexican trade relations
springer handbook of electrochemical...
archaeology of the margins
handbuch soziale medien
topics in groups and geometry
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collective actions in europe
rural revitalization through state-l...
social and cultural dynamics
road traffic congestion: a concise guide
soviet robots in the solar system
optical properties of bismuth-based ...
x-ray lasers 2014
contracts of adhesion between law an...
innovative diagnostics and treatment
surface analysis methods in material...
blind source separation
ultrafast strong field dynamics in d...
extracellular potentials in the hipp...
avoidable deaths
national basketball association stra...
approximation of stochastic invarian...
rocket and spacecraft propulsion
physics and applications of terahert...
x-ray lasers 2008
high-resolution extreme ultraviolet ...
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radio frequency source coding made easy
brief history of south american meta...
handbuch diversity kompetenz
zno-nanocarbon core-shell type hybri...
intelligent scheduling of robotic fl...
augmented reality art
field guide to lens design /
fibre bragg grating and no-core fibr...
nature through time
advances in nanotheranostics i
gaussian harmonic analysis
advances in efficiency and productiv...
performance analysis of manufacturin...
essential spaceflight dynamics and m...
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improving workplace learning by teac...
carbon fibers
listen and talk
rhythm, play and interaction design
conduction in carbon nanotube networks
price of fixed income market volatility
computed tomography
solar based hydrogen production syst...
prehistory of polymer science
cybersecurity in israel
agent-based modeling meets gaming si...
species diversity and community stru...
open data politics
carbon nanofiber reinforced polymer ...
geometric and harmonic analysis on h...
intrinsic bispectrum of the cosmic m...
optics, photonics and laser technolo...
hyper-lattice algebraic model for da...
isotopes and the natural environment
resilience and digital disruption
financial decision making using comp...
perfect/complete scattering experiments
from scientific instrument to indust...
rising to the challenge of transform...
constraint solving and planning with...
statics of historic masonry construc...
ecology of common care
deep neural networks in a mathematic...
closing human evolution: life in the...
oxide materials at the two-dimension...
management in the digital age
fractional and multivariable calculus
quantitative decisions in drug devel...
markov chains
statistical tools for nonlinear regr...
run to the pennant
ludwig prandtl
partner violence
game theory
field guide to adaptive optics
biodegradable metals
treatment versus punishment for drug...
opportunistic spectrum sharing in co...
finite elements in structural analysis
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applications of multi-criteria and g...
musical haptics
machine learning in social networks
shared knowledge, shared power
will miami survive?
cassini-huygens visit to saturn
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handbook of nanocomposite supercapac...
electromagnetic ultrasonic guided waves
strategies for symbiotic urban neigh...
computer algebra
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sustainable product-service systems
college sports inc.
change and variations
hole conductor free perovskite-based...
active structural control with stabl...
multimedia qoe evaluation
bluefin tuna fishery in the bay of b...
structure and geometry of lie groups
probability for statistics and machi...
elements of rapid solidification :
dynamic mixed models for familial lo...
forecast error correction using dyna...
introduction to optimal satellite ra...
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continuous innovation with devops
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approximation and optimization
deep space craft
springer handbook of surface science
energy and the financial system
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state of the art in digital media an...
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design aids for stiffened composite ...
artificial intelligence and exponent...
mesozoic mammals from south america ...
function spaces and inequalities
from kinetic models to hydrodynamics
psychology of tolerance
from particle systems to partial dif...
cox model and its applications
dynamics of disasters
third-generation femtosecond technology
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topology and geometric group theory
progress in turbulence vii
offshore platform integration and fl...
graduate course on statistical inference
modern solid waste management in pra...
investment valuation and appraisal
optimization primer
foundations of environmental economics
classical pendulum feels quantum bac...
digital synaptic neural substrate
patterns of dynamics
primer on qsar/qspr modeling
multi-component acoustic characteriz...
approximate solutions of common fixe...
magnetic nanostructures
value of wellness in the workplace
coherent fields and images in remote...
universal time-series forecasting wi...
reprising craftsmanship
handbuch visuelle kommunikationsfors...
optoelectronic integrated circuits a...
sophie germain
civic and citizenship education in v...
acoustic communication
food structure and moisture transfer
binaural hearing
cosmological implications of quantum...
politics of pharmaceutical policy reform
next generation sequencing and seque...
measurement across the sciences
machine learning in sports
analysis for science, engineering an...
ascent of mary somerville in 19th ce...
smile therapy
delta-sigma a/d-converters
extraterrestrial intelligence and hu...
civic engagement in changing contexts
lattices of dielectric resonators
safety and security in hotels and ho...
field guide to nonlinear optics /
combinatorial set theory
advanced materials
chitin and chitosan for regenerative...
tests of lorentz invariance with an ...
xxi dae-brns high energy physics sym...
smart cities atlas
standard model measurements with the...
communicating, networking: interacting
future of work in information society
ocean-atmosphere interactions of gas...
retina and circadian rhythms
introduction to random currents and ...
springer handbook of robotics
seven fundamental concepts in spacet...
metasomatic textures in granites
problem-based language learning and ...
big digital forensic data
geological core analysis
handbook of medical imaging.
clocks in the sky
air pollution modeling and its appli...
plastic mechanics of geomaterial
modeling discrete time-to-event data
cities and mega-cities
hierarchical matrices
microrna detection and pathological ...
single-molecule metal-induced energy...
lossy image compression
mathematics of medical imaging
statics of historic masonry construc...
surface plasmon resonance sensors
sudoku effect
last of nasa's original pilot astronauts
key competences in physics teaching ...
introduction to modern mathematical ...
course in mathematical statistics an...
synthetic polymeric membranes
varicocele and male infertility
on the direct detection of 229m th
interoperable electronic safety equi...
solar system maps
advanced boundary element methods
handbuch fundraising
melanie klein
omnidirectional vision systems
open quantum systems
visual guidance of unmanned aerial m...
fundamentals of geometry construction
secular stagnation theories
ionospheric delay investigation and ...
advances in acoustic emission technology
coastal geography in northeast brazil
handbuch unternehmensrestrukturierung
human rights-based community practic...
analytical modeling research in fash...
magnetic heterostructures
traffic and granular flow 2019
democratic socialism and education
cross-cultural multimedia computing
algebraic geometry i: schemes
attraction in numerical minimization
novel synthetic chemistry of ureas a...
fibre bragg grating and no-core fibr...
smart nanohybrids of raft polymers a...
physics and engineering of metallic ...
new media and learning in the 21st c...
statistical analysis of designed exp...
symmetry and symmetry-breaking in se...
new statistical developments in data...
conferencing and presentation englis...
resilience training for firefighters
karriere – sport – geschlecht
rethinking economics
festivalisation of urban spaces
laser assisted nuclear decay spectro...
ionospheric prediction and forecasting
deep energy retrofit guide for publi...
small and medium sized enterprises
up-to-date waste-to-energy approach
seeing cities through big data
handbook of mental health in african...
dynamics of non-spherical particles ...
water cycle management
mind genomics
transitional justice and civil socie...
high-energy atomic physics
fractured vuggy carbonate reservoir ...
advanced nanomaterials and nanotechn...
human action, economics, and ethics
adaptive beaming and imaging in the ...
toeplitz operators on kahler manifolds
braun-falco's dermatologie, venerolo...
stochastic processes and applications
human factor in a mission to mars
global tropical cyclogenesis
ultraviolet and soft x-ray free-elec...
using r for trade policy analysis
field guide to lasers /
cropping pattern modification to ove...
dynamic paleontology
contextual cognition
dual-process theories of numerical c...
design of circular differential micr...
mobile marketing channel
on the waves of a pulsating world
education skills for 21st century te...
combinatorial and additive number th...
resource management for heterogeneou...
reflections on a united nations' career
dna systems under internal and exter...
computational plasticity for finite ...
advanced optimization and operations...
handbuch kindheits- und jugendsoziologie
statistical physics of wave interactions
grapevine yellows diseases and their...
creating reusable learning objects
green buildings and sustainable engi...
great awakening and southern backcou...
aviation system risks and safety
internet of things and sensor networ...
universe as automaton
europium monoxide
genealogical history of society
clean hydrogen production methods
undergraduate algebra
diffraction optics of complex-struct...
deep learning architectures
einführung in die kryptographie
topological matter
global energetics of the atmosphere
banana ripening
surface and interface analysis
ascent of mary somerville in 19th ce...
mechanics of soccer heading and prot...
natural laws of the universe
introduction to single-user informat...
stochastic processes and applications
lightweight landscape
commercial space exploration
topology, calculus and approximation
time series econometrics
baltic region—the region of cooperation
variational regularization of 3d data
analytic tools for feynman integrals
singular spectrum analysis for time ...
archaeology of interdependence
mitigating shipping emissions in eur...
thermodynamik für maschinenbauer
handbuch stressregulation und sport
chemical works of carl wilhelm scheele
nanomechanics in van der waals heter...
medical devices and biomaterials for...
mixed convection in fluid superposed...
reducing lightning injuries worldwide
linear models and generalizations
mathematical economics
massive mimo in 5g networks: selecte...
viscoelastic interfaces driven in di...
nonlinear world
quantum plasmonics
offending from childhood to young ad...
social video content delivery
flocking and rendezvous in distribut...
experience with technology
sublinear algorithms for big data ap...
friction welding
adaptive agricultural practices
managing in recovering markets
fluorescent proteins.
linking the space shuttle and space ...
flow and transport in subsurface env...
progress in optomechatronic technologies
advances in acoustic emission technology
lyapunov-type inequalities
plasmonic organic solar cells
pedagogies of the image
game + design education
vehicle suspension and steering systems
energy balance in motion
future orientation
recent trends in applied nonlinear m...
astrostatistical challenges for the ...
mobility data-driven urban traffic m...
hybrid modeling and optimization of ...
mechanism of functional expression o...
motorbike suspensions
modern organocatalyzed methods in ca...
graphical heritage
optoelectronic circuits in nanometer...
numerical pde-constrained optimization
primer on quantum fluids
communication systems for electrical...
separation logic for high-level synt...
complex analysis and geometry
nonlinear analysis
strafrechtliche sanktionen
tidal disruption of stars by superma...
lineare algebra
space marketing
inverse spectral and scattering theory
electrodynamics of conducting disper...
inverse galois theory
adapting to climate change
contextual cognition
portuguese as an additional language
near-field-mediated photon–electron ...
flash memories
environmental management in ski areas
ict development for social and rural...
new trends in one-dimensional dynamics
colored discrete spaces
autonomous sensor networks
algebra for cryptologists
future fuels and emission systems
ethics dumping
handbuch techniken der kommunikation
fundamentals of digital manufacturin...
spin glasses
flood prevention and drought relief ...
lost constellations
smart wormlike micelles
women in space :
why bank panics matter
understanding other-oriented hope
ultrashort pulse laser technology
parametric approach to nonparametric...
narratives of justice in and out of ...
shrinkage estimation
pragmatic perspective of measurement
novel sofc tri-generation system for...
neuroprotective therapy for stroke a...
housing affordability and housing po...
finance and sustainability
wavelets in neuroscience
modeling with stochastic programming
high-resolution extreme ultraviolet ...
application of geochemical tracers t...
dynamic spectrum auction in wireless...
theory of power matching
understanding-oriented multimedia co...
approximation theory xv
spectral analysis of growing graphs
multicomponent interfacial transport
identity at the borders and between ...
strongly correlated systems
quantum brownian motion revisited
photoptics 2014
from building information modelling ...
motion correction in thoracic positr...
management accounting
setup planning for machining
bangladesh's leather industry
sensitivity analysis in remote sensing
fundamentals of spherical array proc...
environmental remote sensing and gis...
attosecond physics
application of computational intelli...
organisational adaptations
current issues in the economy and fi...
time-reversal symmetry
lectures on the nearest neighbor method
variational analysis of regular mappings
search for life continued
cosmological implications of quantum...
innovative learning environments in ...
gender responsive and participatory ...
differential undercounts in the u.s....
ionospheric space weather
solving a 3d structural puzzle
advances in metallic biomaterials
nanoscale electrochemistry of molecu...
handbuch techniken der kommunikation
mathematical approach to climate cha...
aerodynamic noise
full-3d seismic waveform inversion
basiswissen medizinische statistik
full-3d seismic waveform inversion
semigroups, categories, and partial ...
inverse galois theory
topics in numerical methods for finance
first example of a lyotropic smectic...
optical cooling using the dipole force
applied corporate finance
stochastic dynamics of crystal defects
technological and modern irrigation ...
lifetime controlling defects in tool...
mathematical modelling for teachers
nile waters, saharan sands
course in lens design
advances in global optimization
time crystals
mathematical modelling of meteoroid ...
suburban retail spaces
google for jobs
nanophysics for energy efficiency
distributed autonomous robotic systems
multiscale materials modeling for na...
global health collaboration
global economics and management: tra...
working, housing
methods in nonlinear analysis
practice of research on migration an...
groundwater of south asia
fourier series in control theory
learning through simulations
wavelets in neuroscience
multiscale models of brain disorders
strong field laser physics
development of elementary quantum theory
climate change adaptation measures i...
applied multiregional demography
mathematical control and numerical a...
innovation policy
nanoseparation using density gradien...
motion estimation techniques for dig...
pathways of a cell biologist
attractors under discretisation
fashion & music
interdisciplinary bayesian statistics
gallium oxide :
semantic web-based intelligent geosp...
energy landscape in the republic of ...
spotlight on china
neurosis and assimilation
my los angeles in black & (almost) white
classical mirror symmetry
cloud portability and interoperability
aswan high dam resettlement of egypt...
family cultural capital and student ...
water management and public particip...
paradigms in pollution prevention
perspective on stereophonic acoustic...
planetary atmospheric electricity
progress in turbulence vi
numerical approximation of exact con...
spatial analysis using big data
county lines
relativistic nonlinear electrodynamics
creating money
heterogeneous ferroelectric solid so...
building energy performance assessme...
society and economy in venezuela
mobile health
gerthsen physik
invitations to tender for facility m...
computational neurology and psychiatry
sustainable supply chains :
microstructured materials
nature inspired computing for wirele...
ichnology of the lowlands of south a...
challenges of contemporaneity
mathematical analysis and its applic...
virtualized wireless networks
robot navigation from nature
guantanamo and other cases of enforc...
big visual data analysis
quantum correlations beyond entanglement
biotechnology in space
stepped-frequency radar sensors
quantitative psychology research
cultural landscape management at bor...
microscopy of semiconducting materia...
quantum correlations
planetary defense
handbuch politik usa
vision infinity for food security
theory of unconventional superconductors
theory of extensive form games
paul j. crutzen
neural correlates of auditory cognition
cyber-risk management
salt damage in ceramic brick masonry
introduction to the topological deri...
field guide to interferometric optic...
path coupling and aggregate path cou...
matrix iterative analysis
deep energy retrofit—a guide for dec...
principal component regression for c...
concepts and formulations for spatia...
optical binding phenomena
biosurfactants of lactic acid bacteria
automatic design of decision-tree in...
digital business and electronic commerce
media access control and resource al...
cathodic arcs
single piles in liquefiable ground
statistical methods for quality assu...
springer handbook of enzymes
motion planning in medicine
complaint management and channel choice
intermediate optical design
superschool on derived categories an...
frontiers in chemical sensors
stability in international finance
3d printing and bio-based materials ...
ultrafast dynamics driven by intense...
sedimentary dynamics of windfield-so...
invitation to alexandrov geometry
semiconductor lasers
global crisis of 2008 and keynes's g...
handbuch mitarbeiterführung
tectonics of the arctic
strategic economic decision-making
mathematics and computing
sport funding and finance
lateral line system
vestibular system
flipping academic english language l...
self-organized criticality in astrop...
complex systems and society
environmental valuation with discret...
tunnel fire testing and modeling
new direction in mathematics for mat...
solving a 3d structural puzzle
synchronization and waves in active ...
minerals: structure, properties, met...
human-friendly robotics 2020
nanoporous alumina
studies in neural data science
geoenergy modeling i
coherent atomic manipulation and cooling
topological structures in ferroic ma...
diffractive optics for thin-film sil...
understanding the course of social r...
hidden treasures in contemporary rna...
freedoms, fragility and job creation
black sea
transport development challenges in ...
land & identity :
ultrafast phenomena xvi
operations management in automotive ...
operations in an omnichannel world
enhancing hubble's vision
nips '17 competition
climate of the romanian carpathians
conferencing and presentation englis...
thermodynamics and synchronization i...
particle confinement in penning traps
isotopes in condensed matter
decentralisation and regional develo...
experiments on thermodynamics of inf...
colloidal nanoparticles for heteroge...
characterisation of turbulent duct flows
fundamentals of differential beamforming
acoustic investigation of complex se...
anaerobic technology in pulp and pap...
international trade theory and policy
resource allocation for software def...
generalized phase contrast
biodiversity and evolutionary ecolog...
scenario for interstellar exploratio...
moon's near side megabasin and far s...
mathematische grundlagen der naturwi...
foucault and the human subject of sc...
search for exotic mono-jet events
discrete cuckoo search for combinato...
electromagnetic and optical pulse pr...
climate variability and sunspot activity
structural geomorphology in northeas...
new light on dark stars
second international handbook of urb...
narrow plasmon resonances in hybrid ...
multiple perspectives in risk and ri...
stochastics of environmental and fin...
estimating fatality rates for earthq...
indian rivers
security and privacy in mobile secur...
smartphone-based human activity reco...
univariate stable distributions
user-defined tensor data analysis
plasma environment of venus, mars, a...
design and practice of cruise ports
organic solid-state lasers
voting procedures under a restricted...
mathematics across contemporary sciences
gamma-glutamyl transpeptidases
robotic exploration of the solar system.
rethinking platinum anticancer drug ...
social cognitive radio networks
2nd karl schwarzschild meeting on gr...
photofunctional rare earth hybrid ma...
chaos, complexity and leadership 2017
simple, powerful strategies for stud...
small organic molecules on surfaces
algebraic and analytic microlocal an...
leveraged exchange-traded funds
philosophy of geo-ontologies
designing research on bilingual deve...
equitable research partnerships
investment appraisal
recent advances in modeling landslid...
signal and image processing in medic...
global navigation satellite systems ...
liberal democracy
time policies for a sustainable society
earth system modelling.
artificial intelligence versus human...
fractions, ratios, and roots
transplantation surgery
operational research
universal coefficient theorem and qu...
copyright collective administration ...
sustainable watershed development
us national climate assessment
field guide to image processing
financial modeling
temporary shelters and surrounding c...
handbuch controlling
spin physics in semiconductors
outer membrane vesicles of bacteria
encrypted email
far-field optical nanoscopy
inequality and poverty
advances in acoustic emission technology
theory of one-dimensional vlasov-max...
mathematik für ingenieure
terahertz spectroscopy and imaging
concept of stability in numerical ma...
computation of atomic and molecular ...
working with the american community ...
managing humanitarian logistics
design of steel structures to eurocodes
moduli in modern mapping theory
star maps
solidarity economy and social business
elements of cosmological thermodynamics
building the cape verde islands
optics, photonics and laser technology
quantitative psychology research
bioarchaeology of climate change and...
cold war space sleuths
about the oddities of quantum mechanics
city form, economics and culture
aufbau und organisation von entwickl...
human subject research for engineers
sojourns in probability theory and s...
industrial organization in iran
security and privacy in smart grid
transplantation surgery
applied advanced analytics
fatigue and fracture reliability eng...
computational biomechanics of the hi...
from justice to protection
will we ever have a quantum computer?
progress in nanoscale characterizati...
recent advances in mathematical and ...
pharmakologie und toxikologie
strafrecht allgemeiner teil
dendroclimatic studies dup_1
development of selective dna-interac...
space engineering
strategy and game theory
game theoretic approaches for spectr...
charm production in deep inelastic s...
complex networks x
unlearning at work
beyond einstein gravity
self-organized arrays of gold nanopa...
dessins d'enfants on riemann surfaces
anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
semigroups, algebras and operator theory
wavefront optics for vision correction
enhanced surface imaging of crustal ...
qcd higher-order effects and search ...
clean and sustainable groundwater in...
from empire to empire
study and design of differential mic...
small satellites and their regulation
selected papers on multiphoton excit...
bionanomaterials for skin regeneration
dialogue on explanation
skeletal atlas of child abuse
resonant x-ray scattering in correla...
turbulence problem
environmental and human impact of bu...
technologies for spacecraft antenna ...
stem surface area in modeling of for...
handbook of statistical bioinformatics
spectroscopy of complex oxide interfaces
contemporary bohemia
water resources management in balkan...
human paleoneurology
supercritical antisolvent precipitat...
aquifer characterization techniques
kawaii engineering
fractional calculus
color-induced graph colorings
atom probe microscopy
trust and reputation management systems
reality and measurement in algebraic...
technology of lunar soft lander
light scattering reviews.
aggregate planning
contract theory in continuous-time m...
polarization and cp violation measur...
unifying themes in complex systems ix
hierarchical type-2 fuzzy aggregatio...
indexation and causation of financia...
global optimization algorithm
geopolitics, development, and nation...
mathematics of financial markets
studies in oat evolution
transatlantic science and technology
bayesians versus frequentists
semiconductor surfaces and interfaces
signal polarization selection for ai...
theory, formulation and realization ...
senior cohousing
industrial engineering and operation...
convex optimization with computation...
cryptology and error correction
mathematical foundations of nature-i...
solutions manual for econometrics
recent advances in modeling landslid...
explaining algorithms using metaphors
correlations in low-dimensional quan...
algorithmic foundations of robotics vi
markets with transaction costs
incompleteness for higher-order arit...
statics and influence functions
interventional radiology odyssey
geographic interpretations of the in...
semantic web-based systems
handbuch bevölkerungssoziologie
photonic structures inspired by nature
several real variables
hydrogeology of plains
advances in k-means clustering
alternative types of roundabouts
loricate ciliate tintinnids in a tro...
multiplicative ideal theory and fact...
violence in animal cruelty offenders
functional and shape data analysis
geschichte des ökonomischen denkens
notes on the infinity laplace equation
3d video technologies
bloodstain pattern analysis in crime...
security and privacy in smart grid
autonomous child
exclusive use in an inclusive enviro...
carbon emissions in china
crime, criminalization and refugees
alien vision
magnetic levitation
energy, society and the environment
location privacy in mobile applications
subsecond annealing of advanced mate...
gene therapy for hiv
towards solid-state quantum repeaters
automorphisms of finite groups
practical opto-electronics
friedrich list's exile in the united...
essentials of stochastic processes
international and european monetary law
microwave cavities and detectors for...
saturation of the f-mode instability...
clifford analysis and related topics
sport and neoliberalism
plane answers to complex questions
visual computing for cultural heritage
philosophy of gis
gravitational wave astrophysics with...
stochastic optimal transportation
sport and social capital
inside solid state drives (ssds)
stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium
hybrid and fully thermoelectric sola...
physics of ultra-cold matter
handbook of optimization in complex ...
hydrogeology of plains
fuzzy collaborative forecasting and ...
handbuch funktionale musik
decentralized solutions for developi...
space politics and policy
formation of a digital image
ground states of quantum field models
earinings management
illusion of risk control
between globalization and integration
metal oxides/chalcogenides and compo...
gravitational theories beyond genera...
electrical power unit commitment
online social media content delivery
advanced processes for 193-nm immers...
teaching for numeracy across the age...
functional hydrogels as biomaterials
poset codes
bank ceos
vulnerability, childhood and the law
relativistic collisions of structure...
maxwell's equations of electrodynamics :
small-sided and conditioned games in...
hannah arendt
exciton transport phenomena in gaas ...
visualization tools for learning env...
exploring the martian moons
smart tv security
satellite dynamics and space missions
linear model and hypothesis
ice microfluidics
excitonic and photonic processes in ...
idealization and the laws of nature
fluorescence of supermolecules, poly...
current sense amplifiers
generalized linear models with examp...
speech and automata in health care
harary index of a graph
zno nanocrystals and allied materials
financial markets in continuous time /
tactile score
observation of cp violation in b [ri...
handbook of medical imaging.
electricity access and community wel...
laser assisted nuclear decay spectro...
spectral mixture for remote sensing
random walks and diffusions on graph...
wheels that drove new york
plasticity of boronized layers
soliton coding for secured optical c...
search for scalar top quarks and hig...
willem de sitter
how to make a database in historical...
information criteria and statistical...
electricity derivatives
numerical linear algebra
statistical analysis and data display
practical geochemistry
discrete optimization in architecture
geographies of mediterranean europe
coherent control of nuclei and x-rays
chemical rocket propulsion
dynamics on and of complex networks iii
polarization remote sensing physics
springer handbook of enzymes
monotone complete c*-algebras and ge...
forecasting with exponential smoothing
isotope geology of the norilsk deposits
qualitative comparative analysis with r
primer effects by murine pheromone s...
associative and non-associative alge...
exploring the early universe with gr...
methods for appearance-based loop cl...
sentiment analysis for ptsd signals
sol-to-gel transition
guide to programming for the digital...
advances in understanding kingella k...
introduction to thermoelectricity
how global capital is remaking inter...
word formation in parallel architecture
galileo galilei
mitigating climate change
out of time
5g heterogeneous networks
tungsten carbides
ozone hole
assembling and supplying the iss
future of trade defence instruments
incineration technologies
speech-to-speech translation
contemporary methods for speech para...
peer-to-peer query processing over m...
creation of local innovation systems...
predator recognition in birds
relativistically intense laser-micro...
therapeutic farms
physics of turbulent jet ignition
evolution of silicon sensor technolo...
maglev trains
optical metamaterials by block copol...
detection of trapped antihydrogen
experimental robotics viii
design and analysis of computer expe...
re-engineering of products and processes
robust motion detection in real-life...
heritability of intelligence
recent researches in earth and envir...
from the molecular world
sir peter hall
risk assessments and safe machinery
proper generalized decompositions
economic policy in a liberalising ec...
argentina continental margin
rodent bioacoustics
fundamentals of demographic analysis
remote sensing advances for earth sy...
numerical optimization with computat...
local image descriptor: modern appro...
what species mean
fundamentals of semiconductor lasers
stochastic reactive distributed robo...
quantum signatures of chaos
signal quality assessment in physiol...
cultural territorial systems
transverse patterns in nonlinear opt...
solar-to-fuel conversion in algae an...
women in the geosciences
victims of obtrusive violence
riemannian optimization and its appl...
cerebral ischemic reperfusion injuri...
enlargement of filtration with finan...
piezo-active composites
hpht-treated diamonds
stochastic differential equations an...
economics of epidemiology
information literacy in higher education
adaptivity as a transformative dispo...
basiswissen humangenetik
classes of directed graphs
policing the police in asia
xxi dae-brns high energy physics sym...
martin luther
cox model and its applications
sets, models and proofs
international investment law and com...
sustainable transportation
research & innovation forum 2019
mean field games and mean field type...
optical design for biomedical imaging /
star atlas companion
complex structure and dynamics of th...
augmented reality in education
paleontology in ecology and conservation
co2-reservoir oil miscibility
sound source localization
applied optimization and swarm intel...
cosmological probes of light relics
critical skills for environmental pr...
heavy wimp effective theory
turnpike theory for the robinson–sol...
trapping of small organisms moving r...
wireless world in 2050 and beyond
introduction to mathematical biology
network role mining and analysis
active house
metallic butterfly wing scales
changeable and reconfigurable manufa...
dynamical systems in theoretical per...
cave microbiomes
evapotranspiration over heterogeneou...
financial economics
inference in hidden markov models
robotic building
handbuch bildungstechnologie
homomorphic signature schemes
inverse problems and related topics
set optimization and applications - ...
natural disasters, when will they re...
customization 4.0
physics of galaxy formation
reactive sputter deposition
water resources in arid areas
unifying themes in complex systems x
mathematical logic
particle physics and the universe
field guide to adaptive optics
large deployable satellite antennas
accretion and obscured growth of sup...
dependability of networked computer-...
rain formation in warm clouds
coastal cliffs: morphology and manag...
brief introduction to continuous evo...
mayoral control of the new york city...
algebra for cryptologists
resilience, response, and risk in wa...
metallic microlattice structures
task-space separation principle
engineering mathematics i
digital robbery
interest rate modeling
mixed-integer representations in con...
scientific integrity and research ethics
cognitively inspired audiovisual spe...
theoretical and applied statistics
laser optoelectronic oscillators
spin and charge ordering in the quan...
lower limb tendinopathies
raman amplifiers for telecommunications.
limits of patentability
dual-mode electro-photonic silicon b...
pedagogies of the image
european emission trading system and...
mww-type titanosilicate
food exports from brazil to china
survey control points
water cycle management
statistik angewandt
philosophy of gis
depersonalized bullying at work
mass customization
geographic information
cyber-risk management
unravelling the soil microbiome
advances in social simulation
dynamics, games and science i
impact of climate change on hydro-en...
spin-crossover cobaltite
statistics and simulation
asset price response to new information
settlement morphology of budapest
sol-to gel-transition
field guide to atmospheric optics
far-infrared spectro-spatial space i...
tim peake and britain's road to space
brain-computer interface research
information technology in environmen...
data assimilation
management of water resources in poland
fundamentals of space business and e...
birth of nasa
perspectives on auditory research
historical epistemology of space
from particle systems to partial dif...
externe unternehmensrechnung
flourishing children
stratospheric flight
energy law: an introduction
environmental economics
toward a small family ethic
chemistry of frozen vegetables
transformation processes of metals i...
improving the stability of meshed po...
construction of fundamental data str...
identity and heritage
mechanochemical processes in energet...
topological formations in chiral nem...
statistics and simulation
deep experiencing
mathematical technology of networks
groundwater engineering
essential classical thermodynamics
strongly correlated fermi systems
climate change, livelihood diversifi...
schumann resonance for tyros
phonetic search methods for large sp...
advanced free space optics (fso)
cloud based 5g wireless networks
radio resource management using geom...
digitalization in finance and accounting
advances in nuclear physics
polymer photonic devices
springer series in light scattering
fundamentals of membrane bioreactors
rain formation in warm clouds
practical applications of the philos...
scientific communication across the ...
internet of things for smart cities
discrete geometry and symmetry
electromagnetic and optical pulse pr...
emigrating beyond earth
nonlinear vibrations and the wave eq...
handbuch entwicklungs- und erziehung...
mathematische geodäsie/mathematical ...
thermal effects in supercapacitors
cybersecurity in digital transformation
noise and vibration in friction systems
african ecology
boundary-spanning marketing organization
technology of integrated circuits
differential and difference equation...
cloud-resolving modeling of convecti...
managerial uses of accounting inform...
diamonds from the arkhangelsk provin...
early exploration of the moon
experimentelle pflanzenökologie
police integrity in the developing world
archives, accountability, and democr...
robust rank-based and nonparametric ...
high field plasmonics
cellular rhythms and networks
neutral atom imaging using a pulsed ...
experimental robotics
springer series in light scattering
grand ethiopian renaissance dam on t...
ocean energy and coastal protection
søren kierkegaard
classical pendulum feels quantum bac...
descriptive topology and functional ...
network economics
governing metropolitan transport
poisson theory of elastic plates
formality theory
past and future of international mon...
organizational integrity
multiband dual-function cmos rfic fi...
handbuch chemische reaktoren
field guide to atmospheric optics /
microstructure-property optimization...
resilient wireless sensor networks
precast segmental box girders
phonon thermal transport in silicon-...
common infectious diseases of insect...
species richness
mathematical methods in economics an...
charles sanders peirce
tsunami propagation in tidal rivers
experience of being first in family ...
refractive indices of solids
stochastic differential inclusions a...
multiscale materials modeling for na...
multidimensional periodic schrödinge...
wavelets in neuroscience
dance notations and robot motion
breast cancer stem cells & therapy r...
beyond safety training
tourism in antarctica
success and failure of is/it projects
carbon nanotube based vlsi interconnects
progress in nano-electro-optics.
uncertain optimal control
metallopolymer nanocomposites
biomedical research and integrated b...
designing a bottom-up operations str...
giorgio agamben: education without ends
mathematical statistics
minimal surfaces: integrable systems...
applied statistics and data science
sedimentation process and design of ...
study of the isoscalar giant monopol...
qcd radiation in top-antitop and z+j...
introduction to nanotheranostics
internet of things integrated augmen...
contrario line segment detection
control of degenerate and singular p...
probability and simulation
art of multiculturalism
climate and environmental change in ...
sol to gel transition
data-driven remaining useful life pr...
coronavirus outbreak and the great l...
stochasticity in processes
introduction to modern time series a...
rule of law in china
nano-scale heat transfer in nanostru...
voltage control in the future power ...
scheduling and congestion control fo...
dynamical systems: modelling
light scattering reviews.
controlling synchronization patterns...
route to patient safety in robotic s...
resistivity recovery in fe and fecr ...
enhancing reflection within situated...
earthquakes and their impact on society
education, arts and sustainability
introducing the controlling effectiv...
revisiting the energy-development link
impact of occupants' behaviour on ze...
human and organisational factors
resetting the political culture agenda
theory of phase transitions in polyp...
graphic intelligence
exomoons to galactic structure
planning and scheduling in manufactu...
nature of scientific knowledge
microbiome community ecology
epidemiology of obesity in children ...
generating analog ic layouts with la...
interface development for learning e...
offshore risk assessment vol. 1
study of excess electronic recoil ev...
theory of hypergeometric functions
arterial stiffness
global entrepreneurship and developm...
introduction to stereochemistry
sea ice in the arctic
complexity of proceduralized tasks
handbuch medien und geschlecht
next generation materials and proces...
organizations and performance in a c...
industrial organization
big visual data analysis
evolution of the vertebrate ear
listen and talk
meghnad saha
unschooling racism
chemical profiles of industrial cow'...
amplify-and-forward relaying in wire...
space architecture education for eng...
locally mixed symmetric spaces
rcs estimation of linear and planar ...
moving into the classroom
facial kinship verification
handbuch controlling der kommunikation
decision support using nonparametric...
helium nano-bubble formation in tungsten
design of circular differential micr...
heat and mass transfer in the meltin...
leadership today
operations research and optimization
biological determinism, free will an...
current research in nonlinear analysis
mathematical aspects of network rout...
adhd in lebanese schools
tourism and archaeological heritage ...
export assistance
electromagnetic vibration energy har...
electrophysiology of unconventional ...
graphene oxide
child street life
polysaccharide based supercapacitors
teaching living legends
tissue optics
geopolitics of intervention
1940 vrancea earthquake
game theoretic analysis of congestio...
survey of fractal dimensions of networks
renewable energy
structural nonlinear dynamics and di...
upper gastrointestinal surgery
optical properties of metallic nanop...
biomedical polymers
chaos, complexity and leadership 2016
5g heterogeneous networks
mining lurkers in online social networks
creating models in psychological res...
modeling discrete competitive facili...
continuous-time asset pricing theory
multi-wave electromagnetic-acoustic ...
electron-beam interactions with solids
bioinformatics techniques for drug d...
altruism, welfare and the law
pj und famulatur im ausland
current research in nonlinear analysis
china's energy efficiency and conser...
diffusion in social networks
spatio-temporal data streams
analytic methods in interdisciplinar...
language literacy and science
effective evolution equations from q...
fundamentals of spherical array proc...
geophysical fluid dynamics i
search for dark matter with the atla...
werkstoffkunde für ingenieure
prison inmates living with hiv in india
granular materials under shock and b...
fast compact algorithms and software...
coherent-mode representations in optics
nonlinear optical properties of mate...
solid state lasers :
spin dynamics in radical pairs
spotlight on china
dynamic data analysis
online social media content delivery
bismuth-containing alloys and nanost...
photon physics at the lhc
auditory and vestibular efferents
soccer robotics
coastal cliffs
oases and globalization
resource management in utility and c...
biosensors and biodetection :
theory of association schemes
new computation methods for geometri...
structures and dynamics of interfaci...
metasomatic textures in granites
guide to process based modeling of l...
sentic computing
operations research, engineering, an...
field guide to optical thin films /
persönlichkeitspsychologie für bachelor
complexity and control in quantum ph...
spin-polarized two-electron spectros...
discontinuous galerkin method
uncertain optimal control
csr 2.0
rural health disparities
basic concepts in nuclear physics
fire detection in warehouse facilities
thermal power plant performance analysis
multivariate analysis with lisrel
stringer-panel models in structural ...
arctic triumph
photorefractive organic materials an...
multi-point interaction with real an...
deterministic global optimization
valuing chaparral
brief history of south american meta...
variation-aware advanced cmos device...
handbook of computational finance
algorithms and programs of dynamic m...
game theoretic analysis of congestio...
random regret-based discrete choice ...
advances in interdisciplinary mathem...
theoretical and empirical studies on...
bottom-up self-organization in supra...
risk assessments and safe machinery
establishing quantum physics in berlin
architecture for astronauts
electronic defect states in alkali h...
alternative routes to oil structuring
technical system maintenance
vertical price coordination and bran...
betty a. reardon
fluorescence spectroscopy in biology
mathematics and methodology for econ...
advances in social simulation
introduction to quasisymmetric schur...
vector generalized linear and additi...
advanced materials
emission of radio waves in particle ...
fachwissen mtra
handbuch maschinenethik
battered women and their families
sports and games of the renaissance
interactive lisrel in practice
fluid flow and heat transfer in rota...
boredom in the classroom
pbx security and forensics
principles of space anthropology
climatology of air-mass and frontal ...
integrity in the business panorama
systemic aspects of innovation and d...
electronic commerce
varicocele and male infertility
chaos, complexity and leadership 2012
waste management in mena regions
gan and zno-based materials and devices
geometry and topology of manifolds
carbon fibre from lignin
what works in crime prevention and r...
combined data and power management i...
human hand as an inspiration for rob...
bayesian methods in the search for mh370
space radiation and astronaut safety
multiple scattering theory for spect...
strongest magnetic fields in the uni...
seaports in international law
acoustic metamaterials
foundations for innovative applicati...
springer handbook of enzymes.
who will be the next president?
fluoride toxicity in animals
renewable biofuels
non-archimedean operator theory
local drivers for improvement capacity
impact of climate change on hydro-en...
artificial intelligence for business
chaos, complexity and leadership 2013
economic lifecycle, gender and inter...
biosensing with silicon
geoenergy modeling iii
participatory video in adult education
electronic processes in organic elec...
gan-based laser diodes
heavy wimp effective theory
finite elements for truss and frame ...
time use in domestic settings throug...
managing people in sport organizations
mass metrology
photonics rules of thumb :
climate, environment and cree observ...
offshore risk assessment :
wear prediction on total ankle repla...
generalized weibull distributions
shedding the polarized light on biol...
investigating the a-type stars using...
automatic design of decision-tree in...
bigelow aerospace
非懂不可的7堂經濟思考課 :
advances in energy research, vol. 1
high-field transport in semiconducto...
paradigms in green chemistry and tec...
international handbook of research i...
temporal quantum correlations and hi...
panic buying
foundations of environmental economics
new media narratives and cultural in...
complex system maintenance handbook
systems biology of metabolic and sig...
agents and data mining interaction :
explosion risk of solid biofuels
bioactive polyphenols from wine grapes
practical approaches to causal relat...
ion beam modification of solids
measuring youth quality of life in s...
economic and financial challenges fo...
nanocomposites, nanostructures, and ...
semiconductor lasers
procedural justice and legitimacy in...
introduction to mathematical biology
stochasticity in processes
new directions in paraconsistent logic
sustainability valuation of business
closer look at juvenile homicide
form versus function
conceptual shape optimization of ent...
porous organic frameworks
perspective on design
gewöhnliche differentialgleichungen
metal-molecular assembly for functio...
monetary and financial policy in the...
adaptive decision making and intelle...
rethinking input-output analysis
eddy covariance
field guide to optical fiber technol...
piezoresistive effect of p-type sing...
strategies for symbiotic urban neigh...
police use of research evidence
strategies and techniques for qualit...
foundations & principles of distribu...
second-order [sigma delta] adc using...
quantitative methods in proteomics /
two-dimensional liquid chromatography
elliptic curves, modular forms and i...
mortality and its risk factors among...
neuroethology of birdsong
stochastic numerics for the boltzman...
tomorrow's agriculture
establishing quantum physics in gott...
deep-water coral reefs
subsoil monitoring at nuclear indust...
structural bioinformatics tools for ...
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variable-order fractional calculus o...
judicial independence
homicide data sources
business project management and mark...
surviving 1,000 centuries
handbuch qualitative forschung in de...
time-of-flight cameras
optimal control of pdes under uncert...
old age in europe
financing clean energy access in sub...
nanometer structures
two-dimensional transition-metal dic...
mathematical grammar of biology
rising to the challenge of transform...
securitization economics
legal thoughts convert
artificial intelligence and bioethics
gradient microstructure in laser sho...
problem-based learning in elementary...
x-planes from the x-1 to the x-60
intuitive introductory statistics
are regions prepared for industry 4.0?
governments' responses to climate change
modern sabr analytics
third generation biofuels
life story of an infrared telescope
mathematical seti
relativistic nonlinear electrodynamics
future of trade defence instruments
jean-charles houzeau's escape from texas
lunar outpost
fashion and film
shape optimization problems
complexity, cognition, urban plannin...
doped-ceria electrolytes
advances in quantum mechanics
operando research in heterogeneous c...
politik und wirtschaft
applications of nonlinear dynamics :
precipitation modeling and quantitat...
variational analysis and applications
settlement morphology of budapest
user innovation in healthcare
investor-state dispute settlement an...
forecasting international migration ...
sports publicity
photonic crystal fibers
structural nonlinear dynamics and di...
culture, diversity and heritage
theory to practice in teacher education
confidential informants
active robust optimization
enhancing fieldwork learning using m...
rights-based approach to social poli...
handbuch bildungsforschung
materials science for structural geology
musical haptics
titration calorimetry
astrobiology and society in europe today
erste hilfe - chemie und physik für ...
advances in optical science and engi...
r and s-plus companion to multivaria...
bayesian statistics and new generations
global entrepreneurship and developm...
cultural territorial systems
advances in national brand and priva...
approximation and optimization
latin america's new left and the pol...
rock and roll fantasy?
your passport to gifted education
interrupt handling schemes in operat...
nonlinear resonances
risk management of contingent conver...
geological co2 storage characterization
formal and analytic solutions of dif...
lineare algebra
dynamical systems, bifurcation analy...
flavor physics and the tev scale
europäisches arbeitsrecht
late cenozoic of peninsula valdes, p...
location privacy protection in mobil...
introduction to analytical dynamics
20 years of computational neuroscience
justifying the dependability of comp...
progress in ultrafast intense laser ...
sea ports and sea power
managing motherhood
evapotranspiration over heterogeneou...
modeling the renewable energy transi...
selected papers on optical fiber tec...
remote sensing for archaeology and c...
sleep and anesthesia
snakes of italy
new media narratives and cultural in...
risk and interdependencies in critic...
atomic diffusion in glasses studied ...
springer handbook of materials data
multi-time wave functions
risk assessment of storms in coastal...
government austerity and socioeconom...
introduction to learning classifier ...
alkyne-based nanostructures on silve...
martin luther king
big digital forensic data
experimental robotics
understanding the bigger energy picture
land use changes in the czech republ...
polynomial identities in algebras
change of time methods in quantitati...
network robustness under large-scale...
extreme states of matter
handbuch entwicklungs- und erziehung...
trailblazing medicine
energy detection for spectrum sensin...
bio-based polyols and polyurethanes
manipulation of surface waves throug...
skyrmions in magnetic materials
optical precursors
advances in nanotheranostics ii
principles and applications of well ...
phytoremediation and biofortification
robotics research
privacy-enhancing fog computing and ...
conceptualizing the ubiquity of info...
exercise and physical functioning in...
thermodynamic approach to water geot...
first principles modelling of shape ...
nonlinear and inverse problems in el...
friendship 7
children's rights and social work
mixed-integer representations in con...
new-generation density functional
developments in demographic forecasting
new frontiers in engineering geology...
synergetics of molecular systems
sex workers and criminalization in n...
exoskeletons in rehabilitation robotics
limit shape problem for ensembles of...
atex—explosive atmospheres
human health and physical activity d...
broadband array processing
progress in optomechatronics
magnetism and accelerator-based ligh...
essence and measurement of organizat...
bayesian methods for the physical sc...
solar activity cycle
happiness in children
field guide to laser pulse generation
beyond the turnout paradox
fuzzy multi-criteria decision making :
geographical perspectives on interna...
clean energy systems in the subsurface
helium nano-bubble formation in tungsten
thermoacoustic instability
data mining in biomedicine
innovations in derivatives markets
satellite radiothermovision of atmos...
introduction to space systems
mercury's interior, surface, and sur...
optimal quadratic programming algorithms
analyzing population and land use change
nanophenomena at surfaces
springer series in light scattering
environmental remote sensing in egypt
biomechanics in dentistry
description of situations
safety-critical electrical drives
elements of nonlinear time series an...
optical clearing method
shear strengthening of t-beam with gfrp
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x-ray diffraction imaging of biologi...
handbuch markenführung
harmonics in offshore wind power plants
triple double
advanced monitoring in p2p botnets
pluripotency in domestic animal cells
advances in air pollution profiling ...
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green investing
first course in the sporadic sics
second international handbook of sci...
tree-shaped fluid flow and heat transfer
modern discrete mathematics and analysis
genetic theory for cubic graphs
type theory of law
robotics research
smart metering design and applications
human and water security in israel a...
observation of ν_μ→ν_e oscillation i...
russian space probes
private banking and wealth managemen...
physics of quantum fluids
drava river
innovative business development
springer handbook of enzymes
ultrashort pulse laser technology
optical scattering
preventing adolescent depression and...
applied compositional data analysis
unobserved variables
soluble bio-based substances isolate...
ionic liquids in flow assurance
kelvin probe force microscopy
extremophilic cyanobacteria for nove...
heusler alloys
searching for squarks
riemannian manifolds and homogeneous...
rosetta: the remarkable story of eur...
plate deformation from cradle to grave
visual heritage in the digital age
economics for environmental studies
flipped classrooms with diverse learners
frederick sanger
european union as a global actor
applied geometry for computer graphi...
primer on process mining
surface plasmon resonance sensors
advanced time-correlated single phot...
negative frequency at the horizon
experimental robotics
high-power optics
moment tensor solutions
spectroscopy of semiconductors
chernobyl-- catastrophe and consequences
advancing development of synthetic g...
biology of reaction wood
rationality and operators
trust and trustworthiness across cul...
advances in solar sailing
american shale energy and the global...
authentic problem solving and learni...
satellite image analysis: clustering...
energy efficient non-road hybrid ele...
nf-κb-related genetic diseases
health care systems engineering
study of professional skepticism
food exports from brazil to china
effective electron mass in low-dimen...
französisches und deutsches verfassu...
green energy ship concept
progress in ultrafast intense laser ...
field and service robotics
hydropower plants and power systems
planning for resilience
beyond the systems paradigm
compass and implementation science
history of biophysics in contemporar...
transition and transgression
advances in information optics and p...
rings, monoids and module theory
epitaxial growth of iii-nitride comp...
research and innovation forum 2020
artificial intelligence for material...
low power vco design in cmos
materials research for manufacturing
optimal control theory
civil engineering applications of gr...
design of cloud workflow systems
children's discovery of the active mind
notes on the stationary p-laplace eq...
diversity in global mental health
multiscale seismic tomography
turbulence and diffusion
analysis of hydrogeochemical vulnera...
structure dependent energy of organi...
褚威格最後的放逐 :
saving cities
ultrafast phenomena xix
future of cities and regions
passenger car lubricants and lubrica...
probability: a graduate course
understanding markov chains
advanced concepts in quantum field t...
biophysical aspects of transmembrane...
europäisches strafrecht
mining equipment reliability, mainta...
management theory by chester barnard
protecting children against bullying...
diffractive optics and nanophotonics
operators for similarity search
global business strategy
electrochemical analysis of proteins...
up-to-date waste-to-energy approach
handbuch wissenschaftspolitik
string theory compactifications
pediatric neurotoxicology
target detection and tracking by bio...
cultural and tourism innovation in t...
sino-german intercultural management
networked flow
network economics
dual-polarization two-port fiber-opt...
civic and citizenship education in v...
cell aging
politics in socrates' alcibiades
climate change and air pollution
bayesian statistics in action
adhd, stress, and development
stepped-frequency radar sensors
analytics for smart energy management
intergenerational mobility
socioeconomic differences in old age...
returning people to the moon after a...
first settlement of remote oceania
cellular rhythms and networks
darpa urban challenge
motion correction in thoracic positr...
coastal resorts and urbanization in ...
cellular automata
collectivity and power on the internet
spatial techniques for soil erosion ...
finite element method in machining p...
nuclear fusion research
fluorescence in bio-inspired nanotec...
agogic maps
psychology of tolerance
applications of computer algebra
how to enhance morality
integrity in the business panorama
flux pinning in superconductors
real-time quantum dynamics of electr...
progress in planar optical waveguides
aerospace system analysis and optimi...
偷學!日本頂尖決策專家, 一開始就把事情做對的技術 =
networks of dissipative systems
life, science and times of lev vasil...
flood monitoring through remote sensing
machining dynamics
iron-based superconducting thin films
dynamic land use/cover change modelling
china’s urban agglomerations
optimization, variational analysis a...
bayesian and frequentist regression ...
applied multidimensional scaling
label-free biosensing
convexity and optimization in banach...
washington state census board and it...
advances in growth curve models
supply chain transformation
variational analysis and aerospace e...
climate change research, policy and ...
selected progresses in modern physics
introduction to scientific publishing
un law on international sales
covered karsts
reflection positivity
brownian motion
iron-based superconductivity
human trafficking finances
fundamentals of invertebrate palaeon...
physical layer security in random ce...
ductile mode cutting of brittle mate...
orbital relative motion and terminal...
promoting aboriginal health
iron-based superconductivity
mary somerville and the world of science
simulation for industry 4.0
statistical demography and forecasting
cybersecurity in china
historical epistemology of space
fractal symmetry of protein exterior
euclidean design theory
springer handbook of enzymes.
mastering uncertainty in mechanical ...
nonlinear combinatorial optimization
building better interfaces for remot...
arbeitsrecht band 1
quantum variational calculus
statistical models for proportions a...
bat bioacoustics
modern climate change science
building a culture of health
compositional data analysis
research with arctic inuit communities
shock-cloud interaction in rx j1713....
rare earth elements
rise of private actors in the space ...
sars-cov-2 spike protein convergent ...
light emitting silicon for microphot...
seemings and epistemic justification
introduction to harmony search optim...
laterites of the bengal basin
topological quantum matter
innovative technologies in everyday life
energy harvesting for wearable senso...
mechanisms of atrial arrhythmias
methods of mathematical modelling
international handbook of leadership...
handbook of technology education
emergence of indigenous peoples
professional error competence of pre...
graceful, harmonious and magic type ...
geometric and numerical optimal control
manifolds, sheaves, and cohomology
lost circulation and wellbore streng...
progress in turbulence ix
units of measurement
biomass processing over gold catalysts
theoretical frontiers in black holes...
singular algebraic curves
experimental research of cavity opto...
mac protocols for cyber-physical systems
lessons learned from school shootings
regular functions of a quaternionic ...
introductory statistics for business...
mathematik für die berufliche oberschule
dynamical systems
generalized dynamics of soft-matter ...
high-precision studies of compact va...
transport properties of molecular ju...
photon transfer
marketing and football
multiphoton processes and attosecond...
husserlian phenomenology
obsessed by a dream
gesamte examensrelevante zivilrecht
computational metrics for soccer ana...
combating wildlife crime in south africa
broadbanding techniques for radomes
art of multiculturalism
complex structure and dynamics of th...
semigroups, algebras and operator theory
escaping the bonds of earth
industry 4.0 value roadmap
nonlinear analysis of thin-walled sm...
optimization methods and applications
grand challenges problems in technol...
magnetic field effects in low-dimens...
humanitarian logistics
holocene sea-level scenarios in bang...
fragen und antworten zu werkstoffe
sense of touch and its rendering
theory and practice of export control
plasma physics
groundwater engineering
big-bang nucleosynthesis
vibrations and stability of complex ...
spectroscopic analysis of optoelectr...
recent developments in high pressure...
carl von clausewitz, the fog-of-war,...
elliptic-hyperbolic partial differen...
history and theory of superconductors
disparities in child health
mathematical modelling, applied anal...
moral systems and the evolution of h...
humanitarianism in the asia-pacific
ammonothermal synthesis and crystal ...
from human attention to computationa...
floods in a megacity
wives of child molesters within the ...
in situ monitoring of fiber-reinforc...
groundwater engineering
finite sample analysis in quantum es...
externally heated valve engine
psychiatrie, psychosomatik, psychoth...
simplicial global optimization
operative und interventionelle gefäß...
rising time schemes in babylonian as...
operations management for social good
classical mirror symmetry
speech processing and soft computing
electronic imaging in astronomy
physics and mechanics of primary wel...
effective parameters of hydrogeologi...
optimal experimental design for non-...
handbuch geschichte der deutschsprac...
chinese consumers and the fashion market
behavioral analysis of maternal filicide
optimal control of pdes under uncert...
responsible business operations
applications of the gauge/gravity du...
enhancing energy efficiency in irrig...
going for cold
pulsed laser ablation of solids
recent advances in geotechnical research
software fault prediction
model choice in nonnested families
geometry and invariance in stochasti...
algebraic design theory and hadamard...
schramm-loewner evolution
identity and teacher professional de...
charles olivier and the rise of mete...
approximation theory xiii
comparative genomics
encrypted email
electromagnetic waves in complex systems
sustainable entrepreneurship
coding for mimo-ofdm in future wirel...
integrative health services
anti-jamming transmissions in cognit...
sustainable c(sp3)-h bond functional...
chaos, complexity and leadership 2014
screen-printing electrochemical arch...
moduli of k-stable varieties
spatio-temporal networks
type-2 fuzzy granular models
intermediate course in probability
quantum dynamics of a particle in a ...
museums and digital culture
success in the bottom of the pyramid...
cross-cultural multimedia computing
cohesive subgraph computation over l...
integrated spatial and energy planning
handbook of optimization in medicine
british role in iranian domestic pol...
why language documentation matters
good organizational decisions
wideband cmos receivers
handbook of nanocomposite supercapac...
bangladesh's leather industry
principles of economics for a post-m...
australian early childhood teaching ...
hardware track-trigger for cms
finance with monte carlo
kalevi holsti
working with the american community ...
advances in acoustic emission technology
grate-fired energy crop conversion
climate change in cyprus
functional analysis in mechanics
saddlepoint approximation methods in...
market-value pricing
al-si alloys casts by die casting
raman amplifiers for telecommunications.
ice ages and interglacials
mathematica®: a problem-centered app...
nanoparticle emissions from combusti...
computational techniques for human s...
social media audit
atomic and molecular radiative processes
infrared non-local modifications of ...
mathematical analysis with applications
mechanical properties and working of...
global business in local culture
field guide to holography /
thermal plasma processing of ilmenite
nocturnal cooling technology for bui...
introduction to time series and fore...
reinforcement of rubber
lectures on convex optimization
fuel arc furnace (faf) for effective...
statistik für anwender
recent advances in constructive appr...
research and development in digital ...
china in space
online hate speech in the european union
advances in understanding kingella k...
climate change in poland
infrastructure productivity evaluation
new paradigm for international business
concentration inequalities for sums ...
optics in photography
unconventional methods for oil & gas...
multiscale seismic tomography
path player games
advances in applied mathematics and ...
radiative heat transfer in turbulent...
earth system modelling.
sustainability through service
mid-size drugs based on peptides and...
practical guide to design for additi...
thermal energy storage with phase ch...
hadron structure in electroweak prec...
x-ray phase-contrast tomography
rail crack monitoring using acoustic...
words as social tools
clay materials for environmental rem...
continuous-time asset pricing theory
meaningful information
economics of tourism destinations
fundamental optical design
short pulse laser systems for biomed...
delay-coupled complex systems
fiber optic sensors :
finite element methods for incompres...
violence and mental illness
spin ice
multifunctional gold nanostars for c...
operational research
modern problems of the physics of li...
characterization of improved sweet s...
from corruption to modernity
digital galactic complex
design and realization of novel gaas...
mathematical analysis and applications
imaging convection and magnetism in ...
stratospheric balloons
process-oriented dynamic capabilities
models, algorithms, and technologies...
biologie für mediziner
atomic particles and atom systems
climate impacts on the baltic sea
arctic basin
laser-beam interactions with materials
spectrum trading in multi-hop cognit...
cavity-enhanced spectroscopy and sensing
climate friendly goods and technolog...
empty buckets and overflowing pits
mineral exploration: practical appli...
hypernumbers and extrafunctions
novel lidar ceilometer
urban growth analysis and remote sensing
countering brandjacking in the digit...
simulation of the sea surface for re...
planetary rovers
general galois geometries
innovations in quantitative risk man...
pharmaceutical statistics
place and post-pandemic flourishing
mathematical statistics
padé methods for painlevé equations
anatomy of global stock market crashes
tunable microwave metamaterial struc...
protein folding
advanced modelling in mathematical f...
design and impact of water treaties
dynamics of small solar system bodies
optical soliton communication using ...
advances in fire and process safety
global geographies of the internet
praktische schmerzmedizin
enzyklopädie der schlafmedizin
photomodulated optical reflectance :
introduction to mathematical finance...
histopathologie der haut
fano resonances in optics and microwaves
hadron structure in electroweak prec...
research and development in art, des...
critical phenomena in loop models
field guide to visual and ophthalmic...
free boundary problems in pdes and p...
mathematics in the 21st century
global issues in banking and finance
advances in hydroinformatics
advanced robotics for medical rehabi...
polarization bremsstrahlung
sexual behaviours and relationships ...
我們的音樂課 :
low threshold organic semiconductor ...
water resource management in central...
buildings, finite geometries and groups
stem cells and tissue engineering
student centered cooperative learning
statistical physics of wave interactions
emotion, affect and personality in s...
environmental education and ecotourism
engineering optics /
field guide to polarization
mining lurkers in online social networks
dynamics of the unicycle
derivative-free and blackbox optimiz...
remembering as a cultural process
south american and antarctic contine...
knowledge management
respiratory mechanics
basics of modern mathematical statistics
strategic innovative marketing and t...
scalar and asymptotic scalar derivatives
non-circular journal bearings
quality and reliability management a...
computational geotechnics
serial homicide
bioactive compounds from terrestrial...
wooden façades and fire safety
chronic traumatic encephalopathy (cte)
spectroscopic analysis of optoelectr...
microbial styrene degradation
global carbon dioxide recycling
black hole astrophysics
optical properties of photonic cryst...
guided-wave-produced plasmas
combating global warming
strategy and game theory
geometric approaches to quantum fiel...
compilation for secure multi-party c...
distributed autonomous robotic systems
pathways of a cell biologist
stability of linear delay differenti...
making school maths engaging
energy-efficient vcsels for optical ...
statistical learning from a regressi...
device-independent quantum informati...
numerical methods for two-phase inco...
labor markets and multinational ente...
fibrinolytic bacterial enzymes with ...
interrupt handling schemes in operat...
first measurement of the running of ...
organisation of banking regulation
ti-sb-te phase change materials
differential geometry, algebra, and ...
valuation for accountants
financial regulation and liberation
reliability and safety engineering
influence of sub-state actors on nat...
reheating after inflation
data science careers, training, and ...
deep neural networks in a mathematic...
physics of semiconductor devices
journalistic practice: science story...
movie analytics
big data in healthcare
low resource social media text mining
effective statistical learning metho...
global entrepreneurship and developm...
bim-based collaborative building pro...
bottom-up self-organization in supra...
admissibility and hyperbolicity
progress in ultrafast intense laser ...
inferenzstatistik verstehen
fractional order darwinian particle ...
ion-irradiation-induced damage in nu...
environmental management
connecting analytical thinking and i...
continuous-time asset pricing theory
solar energy conversion in communities
art and heart of good teaching
semi-autonomous networks
understanding phase contrast mr angi...
survey on 3d cameras
modeling of tropospheric delays usin...
design and analysis of computer expe...
spannende fälle aus der akutmedizin
carbon nanomaterials for biomedical ...
desalination concentrate management
applications of bat algorithm and it...
ultrathin metal films
b-l phase transition
urban mining systems
nonparametric statistics
eddy-current nondestructive evaluation
dynamic demographic analysis
epfl lectures on conformal field the...
optical imaging and aberrations.
event-driven surveillance
physics of laser plasmas and applica...
community well-being and community d...
hydrological changes and estuarine d...
reviewing design process theories
optimization and control of bilinear...
analytical corporate finance
applied general equilibrium
handbuch instrumente der kommunikation
quantum information processing with ...
disaster risk reduction and the glob...
uncharted constellations
basic principles of topography
vibrations in the production system
field guide to polarization /
green chemistry metrics
introduction to plasma spectroscopy
complex analysis and differential eq...
integrating 3d modeling, photogramme...
econometric analysis of panel data
kadison-singer property
virtual manufacturing
analysis einer veränderlichen
food packaging materials
transmission electron microscopy
sulfur dioxide insertion reactions f...
quantum black holes
bioactive compounds from extremophiles
bluetooth security attacks
chinese consumers and the fashion market
chitin and chitosan for regenerative...
emotional intelligence in education
precision interferometry in a new shape
regulation of commercial space transport
generalized connectivity of graphs
economic valuation of green electric...
finite element applications
biofilm highlights
safety-critical electrical drives
atomic scale dynamics at surfaces
understanding lone wolf terrorism
social foundations of human space ex...
hydrogel sensors and actuators
functionalizing graphene and carbon ...
advocating transitional justice in a...
waveguide propagation of nonlinear waves
antenna design by simulation-driven ...
planning and design perspectives for...
linear systems
molecular panbiogeography of the tropics
philosophy of science and engineerin...
generic chaining
elliptic curves, modular forms and i...
discrete energy on rectifiable sets
biogas energy
potsdamer platz
computational color technology
liquid crystalline semiconductors
on a sustainable future of the earth...
uncertain renewal processes
weed science
lentiviral vectors and gene therapy
experimental robotics
intelligent knowledge
community well-being and community d...
dna replication - damage from enviro...
nf-kb-related genetic diseases
adaptation to climate change and sea...
earth system modelling.
cultural competence in health
processes in geomedia—volume iii
global child health
active protective coatings
ma vie en noir
data science and visual computing
principles of magnetic resonance
flows in polymers, reinforced polyme...
design of thermal barrier coatings
glass transition
gettering defects in semiconductors
jet physics at the lhc
暗夜天使 =
microeconomic theory
algorithmische mathematik
selected papers on laser scanning an...
photoelectron spectroscopy
gyroid optical metamaterials
practical modelling of dynamic decis...
advanced optoelectronic devices /
dimension theory of hyperbolic flows
effective investments on capital markets
socrates on the life of philosophica...
lectures on random interfaces
knowledge management
advanced linear modeling
carbonate reservoir heterogeneity
x-ray lasers 2014
charged particle traps
membrane transport mechanism
in-plane semiconductor lasers
quantum entanglement of complex stru...
topology of infinite-dimensional man...
sports business in the pacific rim
theory of reflection
operator semigroup in mathematical g...
divergence operator and related ineq...
kompendium öffentliches wirtschaftsrecht
錫安主義 :
foucault and the human subject of sc...
constructing reality
cyber economic crime in india
origin and evolution of planetary at...
dependent data in social sciences re...
next generation dna led technologies
covid-19 in new york city
microscopy of semiconducting materials
active tectonics of kumaun and garhw...
lectures on finitely generated solva...
landscape of free fermionic gauge models
survey control points
speaking self
blended cognition
complexity, cognition, urban plannin...
measurement of hate crimes in america
thermal ice drilling technology
china's strategy in apace
springer handbook of systematic musi...
combinatorial perspective on quantum...
small and medium sized enterprises
infrared photodetectors based on low...
storm water management
lipid nanoparticles
gears /
grundkurs theoretische physik 7
spacecraft momentum control systems
computational continuum mechanics of...
human environment interactions.
out-of-equilibrium physics of correl...
thermal transport in semiconductors
lexikon der medizinischen laboratori...
finance 4.0 - towards a socio-ecolog...
fundamentals of electronic image pro...
brief history of cryptology and cryp...
machine-learning techniques in economics
applied probability
evolution of smart grids
yellow alkaline noodles
contemporary trends and challenges i...
all-optical signal processing
free boundary problems in pdes and p...
finite element methods for incompres...
workshop on frontiers in high energy...
human missions to mars
is local beautiful?
high-precision studies of compact va...
pareto optimality, game theory and e...
variational analysis and applications
ethical reflections on the financial...
learning to teach with assessment
handbuch psychoaktive substanzen
differential equations
frontiers in major league baseball
corruption, entrepreneurship, and so...
terrorism and counterterrorism
coherent vortex structures in fluids...
bigelow aerospace
optical beam characterization via ph...
modeling, dynamics, optimization and...
food colloids :
air pollution modeling and its appli...
nature of dusty star-forming galaxies
quantum systems under gravitational ...
rethinking causality in quantum mech...
uhmwpe biomaterials for joint implants
concise introduction to traffic engi...
metric diffusion along foliations
creating shared value
cfd for wind and tidal offshore turbines
fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
metaheuristic applications to speech...
heterogeneous ferroelectric solid so...
cognitively inspired audiovisual spe...
pattern formation in morphogenesis
sustainable jute-based composite mat...
readings in formal epistemology
ethics of information and communicat...
synchronization in networks of nonli...
introduction to the graphical theory...
wavelets in functional data analysis
life of josé maría sobral
marcel grossmann
underwater robots
real options illustrated
continuous nowhere differentiable fu...
history of archaeological tourism
depersonalized bullying at work
earliest stages of massive clustered...
efficient 3d scene modeling and mosa...
john dewey
new diesel engines and components
field guide to spectroscopy
discrete optimization in architecture
energy and non-traditional security ...
boiling heat transfer in dilute emul...
vehicular air pollution and urban su...
muscle injuries in sport athletes
rise of private actors in the space ...
high speed vcsels for optical interc...
friction material composites
engineering mathematics i
fundamentals of van der waals and ca...
discrete event systems
epitaxial growth of iii-nitride comp...
simple introduction to the mixed fin...
sigma 7
basiswissen urologie
troubled waters
privacy-preserving deep learning
photo-excited charge collection spec...
guide to programming for the digital...
elliptic differential operators and ...
scanning electron microscopy :
mathematics for the life sciences
when education meets politics in taiwan
social factors and community well-being
raman fiber lasers
exploring sustainable land use in mo...
dialect accent features for establis...
enhanced polarisation control and ex...
field and service robotics
creative engineering design assessment
double chooz and reactor neutrino os...
linear algebra
nonlinear maps and their applications
rankings and preferences
motivations for humanitarian interve...
human suffering and quality of life
visual control of wheeled mobile robots
numerical methods and analysis of mu...
social video content delivery
index analysis
prospective memory
metal response in cupriavidus metall...
law, economics and finance of the re...
eddy-current nondestructive evaluation
computation and asymptotics
biomimetics through nanoelectronics
ancient views on the quality of life
emergent superconductivity in low di...
nanoparticles in lung cancer therapy...
control and prediction of solid-stat...
robotic exploration of the solar system
poset codes: partial orders, metrics...
fluid-structure interaction of compo...
compressed sensing for privacy-prese...
network reliability
handbuch controlling der kommunikation
confined granular flow in silos
myeloid-derived suppressor cells and...
developments in functional equations...
search for dark matter with the atla...
customization 4.0
borel-cantelli lemma
experimentelle pflanzenökologie
effective evolution equations from q...
solitary waves in dispersive complex...
polar codes :
android malware
personalizing haptics
digital image processing
dependent data in social sciences re...
low-dimensional molecular metals
restricted kalman filtering
deep learning in mining of visual co...
reactive sputter deposition
magnetic nanoparticles
hybrid optimization
top down innovation
special metrics and group actions in...
geospatial technologies for agriculture
electroweak processes in external ac...
introduction to optimal satellite ra...
nonlinear optimization with engineer...
distributed autonomous robotic systems
late transition metal-carboryne comp...
computational fourier optics
sporting nationality in the context ...
safety cultures, safety models
advances in design and digital commu...
high-efficient low-cost photovoltaics :
food products evolution
emerging trends in drug use and dist...
productivity and efficiency analysis
handbuch kultursoziologie
realizing an andreev spin qubit
quantum states of light
indian mesozoic chronicle
global drinking water management and...
hubble space telescope
learning from data streams in dynami...
condensed matter applications of ads/cft
biocompatible graphene for bioanalyt...
neutrino astrophysics with the antar...
school leadership and educational ch...
thermo-hydrodynamic design of fluidi...
set-valued stochastic integrals and ...
introduction to intercultural economics
pottery, livelihoods, and landscapes
milestones in microwave chemistry
thermal field-flow fractionation of ...
differential equations and dynamical...
business model management
unconventional superconductors
global entrepreneurship and developm...
imaging convection and magnetism in ...
inverse problems and applications
perceptual structure of three-dimens...
space pharmacology
smartphone-based indoor map construction
f. r. leavis
finite element primer for beginners
foods of non-animal origin
contemporary optoelectronics
progress in photon science
migration on wings
introduction to traffic flow theory
emerging solutions for e-mobility an...
computational methods for quantitati...
boundaries of a complex world
optics near surfaces and at the nano...
new trends in atomic and molecular p...
swarm planning
earthquakes and health monitoring of...
convex analysis and global optimization
electric and hybrid vehicle advancements
massive machine type communications
operator algebra and dynamics
hepatitis a virus in food
optical and electrical properties of...
crisis and social regression in brazil
biodemography of aging
topics in matroid theory
springer handbook of computational i...
handbuch vakuumtechnik
praktische krankenhaushygiene und um...
high-energy atomic physics
epigenetic approaches to allergy res...
electronic word of mouth (ewom) in t...
trust for intelligent recommendation
double-gyroid-structured functional ...
therapeutic landscapes
biochemistry of beer fermentation
atem 3-9 adaptiver test des emotion...
application of bacterial pigments as...
maya manual
microwave electronics
animal models of acute neurological ...
handbuch politikberatung
multicomponent silicides for thermoe...
time domain methods in electrodynamics
demystifying electromagnetic equations
introduction to thermoelectricity
curvature measures of singular sets
geometric approximation theory
differential equations and applications
hans-georg gadamer
geopolitics, development, and nation...
nips '17 competition: building intel...
advanced robotics for medical rehabi...
operator inequalities of ostrowski a...
multicriteria portfolio construction...
enabling university
geometric methods in pde’s
novel foods in the european union
entransy in phase-change systems /
evolutionary psychology and the prop...
physics and mechanics of primary wel...
electromigration techniques
winning at litigation through decisi...
imaging, manipulation and optogeneti...
bioactive polyphenols from wine grapes /
statistical methods for spoken dialo...
future of mountain agriculture
performance evaluation
knowledge management
enhanced optical filter design /
algebraic patching
hyperbranched polymers for biomedica...
handbuch wissenschaftspolitik
economic dualism and agrarian policies
selected papers on diffraction gratings
electro-optical system analysis and ...
engineering mathematics ii
dynamics of adsorptive systems for h...
new direction in mathematics for mat...
time-inconsistent control theory wit...
simultaneous engineering in automoti...
atomic particles and atom systems
antihydrogen and fundamental physics
research methods in remote sensing
climate change in bangladesh
modeling longitudinal data
springer handbook of nanotechnology
foot patrol
affine maps, euclidean motions and q...
magnesium biomaterials
nanomechanics in van der waals heter...
engineering and communications in an...
renewable and sustainable materials ...
wie schreibe ich eine doktorarbeit?
standard model and beyond
growth and transport in nanostructur...
citizen empowerment and innovation i...
integrated silicon optoelectronics /
x-ray lasers 2016
polymer-mediated phase stability of ...
ultrafast phenomena xix
vibration control for building struc...
interactive segmentation techniques
aristotelian assertoric syllogistic
building civil society in authoritar...
transitional justice
curating the digital
symmetries, differential equations a...
strafrecht allgemeiner teil
high mobility and quantum well trans...
applied mathematics in tunisia
america’s poorest and most affluent ...
reef-platform coral boulders
signal enhancement with variable spa...
simple, powerful strategies for stud...
kuranishi structures and virtual fun...
spaceports around the world, a globa...
transport and logistics in a globali...
primer on process mining
biomedical polymers
aware food choices
drought stress in maize (zea mays l.)
molecular spintronics
evolution that anyone can understand
x-ray lasers 2010
statics of historic masonry construc...
lie theory and its applications in p...
fundamental computing forensics for ...
growth of the southern andes
indian pharmaceutical industry
remote sensing of hydrological extremes
scattering amplitudes and wilson loo...
advanced multipoles for accelerator ...
managing future enterprise
nanofabrication technologies
discretionary police powers to punish
galaxy collisions
geometrical theory of satellite orbi...
refractive indices of solids
vortices and nanostructured supercon...
exotic nuclear excitations
scalar fields in numerical general r...
mining the earth's heat
biofuels and bioenergy (bice2016)
photoelectrochemical water splitting
digital watermarking
analyzing markov chains using kronec...
orthopädie und unfallchirurgie
後悔當媽媽 /
mathematics and the mind
iran’s language planning confronting...
liquid crystalline semiconductors :
remembering the body
transitional justice for israel/pale...
rudolf steiner
victim healing and truth commissions
continuum modeling
numerische lineare algebra
brain-computer interface research
from stars to states
multivariate data analysis on matrix...
active tectonics of kumaun and garhw...
explorations in art and technology
nanomaterials preparation by thermol...
socio-spatial inequalities in contem...
measurement-based care in mental dis...
large asian lakes in a changing world
automated configuration problem solving
structure formation in modified grav...
points, lines, and surfaces at criti...
resource management for internet of ...
statistical design
group recommender systems
economics of oil
fundamentals of semiconductor lasers
quantum dynamics and laser control f...
cosmic biology
wording robotics
nuclear geophysics
essentials of risk theory
approximation theory xvi
developing entrepreneurial life skills
photomodulated optical reflectance
hiv treatments as prevention (tasp)
measuring space power
curvature measures of singular sets
mollusk shells as bio-geo-archives
aquifer characterization techniques
physics of petroleum reservoirs
next generation of photovoltaics
space habitats and habitability
police misconduct in brooklyn
global space governance
image processing in diabetic related...
optically active polymers
ion irradiation of dielectrics for p...
contested energy spaces
translingual practices and neolibera...
brain-computer interface research
introduction to random matrices
non-linear data analysis on the sphere
open problems in spectral dimensiona...
information support and aircraft fli...
novel lidar ceilometer
solar history
social marketing in action
selected papers on three-dimensional...
ultrasonic synthesis of functional m...
freedom 7
market-driven spectrum sharing in co...
radio frequency propagation made easy
physics with electrons in the atlas ...
fine structures of hyperbolic diffeo...
physics of thin film optical spectra
principles of lithography
enrico fermi
topics in nonconvex optimization
emergent superconductivity in low di...
transplantation surgery
charming new physics in beautiful pr...
endotrivial modules
dynamics of a quantum spin liquid
dynamics of the milky way
computational methods for inverse pr...
growth curve models and applications
metamaterials for perfect absorption
how green are electric or hydrogen-p...
from transuranic to superheavy elements
incentivising angels
optical correlation techniques and a...
stopping of heavy ions
total vehicle ride, handling and adv...
einführung in das informationsmanagement
introduction to stellar structure
discrete h optimization
performative experience design
applications of nanomaterials in sen...
praktische schmerzmedizin
smoothing spline anova models
active plasmonic devices
advances in sulphonation techniques
automated software and service compo...
advances in digital marketing and ec...
performance evaluation software
control of biofilm infections by sig...
early career teachers
voip technology: applications and ch...
climate change adaptation and forest...
preference query analysis and optimi...
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