Applied Mathematical Sciences,


nonlinear problems of elasticity
statistical and computational invers...
piecewise-smooth dynamical systems
stability and wave motion in porous ...
variational methods in imaging
partial differential equations.
dynamical systems and chaos
adaptive moving mesh methods
partial differential equations.
partial differential equations.
linear ordering problem
topology, geometry and gauge fields
semi-discretization for time-delay s...
heat waves
front tracking for hyperbolic conser...
transient chaos
falling liquid films
bifurcation theory
nonlinear filtering and optimal phas...
geometry of minkowski spacetime
interfacial convection in multilayer...
least-squares finite element methods
heat waves /
qualitative approach to inverse scat...
linear integral equations
mathematical theory of time-harmonic...
multiple time scale dynamics
rate-independent systems
front tracking for hyperbolic conser...
inverse acoustic and electromagnetic...
spectral and dynamical stability of ...
bifurcation theory of functional dif...
brownian dynamics at boundaries and ...
prolate spheroidal wave functions of...
information geometry and its applica...
parameterization method for invarian...
iterative solution of large sparse s...
asymptotics of elliptic and paraboli...
mathematical foundations of computat...
singular perturbations and boundary ...
shapes and diffeomorphisms
bilinear control systems
inverse problems for partial differe...
multiple time scale dynamics
mathematical theory of time-harmonic...
rate-independent systems
nonlinear schrödinger equation
front tracking for hyperbolic conser...
iterative solution of large sparse s...
parameterization method for invarian...
information geometry and its applica...
mathematical foundations of computat...
singular perturbations and boundary ...
asymptotics of elliptic and paraboli...
inverse acoustic and electromagnetic...
shapes and diffeomorphisms
foundations of chemical reaction net...
imperfect bifurcation in structures ...
boundary integral equations
fractional differential equations
topological methods in hydrodynamics
optimal control of partial different...
lectures on variational analysis
nonlinear dispersive equations