Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture
from modernism to postmodernism
from modernism to postmodernism
american literary realism, critical ...
american literary realism, critical theory, and intellectual prestige, 1880-1995
marriage, violence, and the nation i...
marriage, violence, and the nation in the american literary west
race, citizenship, and law in americ...
race, citizenship, and law in american literature
family, kinship, and sympathy in nin...
family, kinship, and sympathy in nineteenth-century american literature
poetics of insecurity
poetics of insecurity
race, citizenship, and law in americ...
race, citizenship, and law in american literature
marriage, violence, and the nation i...
marriage, violence, and the nation in the american literary west
from modernism to postmodernism
from modernism to postmodernism
family, kinship, and sympathy in nin...
family, kinship, and sympathy in nineteenth-century american literature
nineteenth-century american literature and the discourse of natural history
american literature and the free market, 1945-2000 /
nineteenth-century american literature and the discourse of natural history /
race, work, and desire in american literature, 1860-1930 /
romance, diaspora, and black atlantic literature /
henry james and the father question /
new england's crises and cultural memory :
oliver wendell holmes and the culture of conversation /
american puritan elegy :
style, gender, and fantasy in nineteenth-century american women's writing /
making of racial sentiment :
origins of american literature studies :
edith wharton and the politics of race /
poe and the printed word /
imagining equality in nineteenth-century american literature /
transamerican literary relations and nineteenth-century public sphere /
genders, races, and religious cultures in modern american poetries, 1908-1934 /
correspondence and american literature, 1770-1865 /
race, slavery, and liberalism in nineteenth-century american literature /
consumerism and american girls' literature, 1860-1940 /
poetics of insecurity :
poetics of national and racial identity in nineteenth-century american literature /
natural history of pragmatism :