Cognitive systems monographs,


paradigm shift for future tennis
seeking chances
human centered robot systems
abductive cognition
knowledge representations for planni...
advances in cognitive information sy...
complex sports biodynamics
from robot to human grasping simulation
enhancing performance and reducing s...
embodied social cognition
modeling, simulation and optimizatio...
principles of neural information pro...
visual neuroscience of robotic grasping
anticipation across disciplines
evolved athlete
investigations in computational sarcasm
embodied social cognition
anticipation: learning from the past
new development in robot vision
principles of neural information pro...
anticipation across disciplines
visual neuroscience of robotic grasping
investigations in computational sarcasm
machine learning for the quantified self
visual perception for humanoid robots
consensual illusion: the mind in vir...
twenty-first century mechanistic the...
psychology of artificial superintell...