Conference proceedings of the society for experimental mechanics series


dynamic behavior of materials.
linking models and experiments.
civil engineering topics.
modal analysis topics.
sensors, instrumentation and special...
mems and nanotechnology.
advanced aerospace applications.
structural dynamics and renewable en...
engineering applications of residual...
structural dynamics.
dynamics of civil structures.
dynamics of bridges.
nonlinear modeling and applications.
mechanics of biological systems and ...
thermomechanics and infra-red imaging.
mems and nanotechnology.
optical measurements, modeling, and ...
experimental and applied mechanics.
dynamic behavior of materials.
experimental and applied mechanics.
topics in modal analysis i
topics on the dynamics of civil stru...
topics in nonlinear dynamics.
topics in modal analysis ii.
topics in model validation and uncer...
topics in experimental dynamic subst...
topics in modal analysis.
fracture and fatigue.
advancement of optical methods in ex...
mechanics of biological systems and ...
dynamic behavior of materials.
mems and nanotechnology.
nonlinear dynamics.
mechanics of biological systems and ...
challenges in mechanics of time-depe...
fracture, fatigue, failure, and dama...
experimental and applied mechanics.
composite, hybrid, and multifunction...
dynamic behavior of materials.
mems and nanotechnology.
advancement of optical methods in ex...
dynamic behavior of materials.
mechanics of biological systems and ...
mems and nanotechnology.
experimental and applied mechanics.
topics in dynamics of bridges
topics in model validation and uncer...
topics in nonlinear dynamics.
special topics in structural dynamics.
topics in dynamics of civil structures.
nonlinear dynamics.
mechanics of biological systems and ...
fracture, fatigue, failure, and dama...
mechanics of composite and multifunc...
challenges in mechanics of time depe...
advancement of optical methods in ex...
experimental and applied mechanics.
dynamic behavior of materials.
mems and nanotechnology.
nonlinear dynamics.
dynamics of civil structures.
dynamics of coupled structures.
special topics in structural dynamics.
topics in modal analysis & testing.
model validation and uncertainty qua...
sensors and instrumentation.
international digital imaging correl...
special topics in structural dynamics.
structural health monitoring & damag...
topics in modal analysis & testing.
dynamics of coupled structures.
sensors and instrumentation.
nonlinear dynamics.
dynamics of civil structures.
model validation and uncertainty qua...
dynamics of coupled structures.
topics in modal analysis & testing :
mechanics of biological systems and ...
challenges in mechanics of time depe...
advancement of optical methods in ex...
experimental and applied mechanics.
fracture, fatigue, failure and damag...
micro and nanomechanics.
dynamic behavior of materials.
mechanics of composite and multi-fun...
composite, hybrid, and multifunction...
mechanics of biological systems and ...
special topics in structural dynamic...
model validation and uncertainty qua...
sensors and instrumentation, volume 5
dynamic behavior of materials, volume 1
topics in modal analysis, volume 10
fracture, fatigue, failure, and dama...
mems and nanotechnology, volume 8
dynamics of civil structures, volume 2
dynamics of coupled structures, volume 4
experimental and applied mechanics, ...
experimental and applied mechanics, ...
nonlinear dynamics, volume 1
dynamics of civil structures, volume 2
model validation and uncertainty qua...
dynamics of coupled structures, volume 4
mems and nanotechnology, volume 5
nonlinear dynamics, volume 1
fracture, fatigue, failure and damag...
topics in modal analysis & testing, ...
dynamic behavior of materials, volume 1
special topics in structural dynamic...
mechanics of biological systems and ...
sensors and instrumentation, volume 5
mechanics of additive and advanced m...
dynamics of coupled structures, volume 4
dynamic behavior of materials, volume 1
micro and nanomechanics, volume 5
fracture, fatigue, failure and damag...
model validation and uncertainty qua...
dynamic behavior of materials, volume 1
fracture, fatigue, failure and damag...
dynamics of civil structures, volume 2
mechanics of additive and advanced m...
special topics in structural dynamic...
nonlinear dynamics, volume 1
topics in modal analysis & testing, ...
dynamic behavior of materials, volume 1
model validation and uncertainty qua...
model validation and uncertainty qua...
dynamics of civil structures, volume 2
nonlinear structures and systems, vo...
topics in modal analysis & testing, ...
dynamic substructures, volume 4
topics in modal analysis & testing, ...
fracture, fatigue, failure and damag...
nonlinear structures & systems, volume 1
dynamic substructures, volume 4
dynamics of civil structures, volume 2
dynamic behavior of materials, volume 1