Frontiers in mathematics,


mathematics of minkowski space-time
approximation of additive convolutio...
poncelet porisms and beyond
hardy space of a slit domain
frames and locales
algebraic approximation
regularity and substructures of hom
flag-transitive steiner designs
schwarz-pick type inequalities
bicomplex holomorphic functions
functional analysis in asymmetric no...
stability of vector differential del...
module theory, extending modules and...
introduction to incidence geometry
introduction to complex theory of di...
newton's method
positive solutions to indefinite pro...
quaternionic approximation
bicomplex holomorphic functions
introduction to incidence geometry
module theory, extending modules and...
positive solutions to indefinite pro...
quaternionic approximation
special functions and generalized st...
topics in uniform approximation of c...
direct and inverse sturm-liouville p...
zero product determined algebras
variational and monotonicity methods...
polynomial automorphisms and the jac...
relative nonhomogeneous koszul duality