Lecture Notes in Mathematics,


tutorials in mathematical biosciences.
singular stochastic differential equ...
hamiltonian dynamics - theory and ap...
metamorphoses of hamiltonian systems...
quantum independent increment processes.
tutorials in mathematical biosciences.
posn(r) and eisenstein series
lectures on probability theory and s...
geometry of muntz spaces and related...
stability of nonautonomous different...
probability and real trees
entropy methods for the boltzmann eq...
evolution algebras and their applica...
zeta functions of groups and rings
simplicial complexes of graphs
from hahn-banach to monotonicity
representation theory and complex an...
spde in hydrodynamic: recent progres...
tutorials in mathematical biosciences iv
structured population models in biol...
mathematical models of granular matter
symplectic 4-manifolds and algebraic...
multiscale problems in the life sciences
arithmetical investigations
algebraic groups and lie groups with...
mathematical epidemiology
mathematical theory of feynman path ...
point estimation of root finding methods
method of intrinsic scaling
nonlinear and optimal control theory
stability of queueing networks
information geometry
compactifying moduli spaces for abel...
quantum transport
pseudo-differential operators
theory of shape identification
matrix convolution operators on groups
seminaire de probabilites xli
quantum potential theory
alternative pseudodifferential analysis
differential geometry in the large
similarity problems and completely b...
smooth ergodic theory for endomorphisms
stochastic analysis in discrete and ...
partial inner product spaces
paris-princeton lectures on mathemat...
topics in algebraic and topological ...
arithmetic geometry
seminaire de probabilites xliii
mathematical models in the manufactu...
ricci flow in riemannian geometry
some mathematical models from popula...
fatou, julia, montel
computational approach to riemann su...
random perturbation of pdes and flui...
blow-up theories for semilinear para...
spherical tube hypersurfaces
lebesgue and sobolev spaces with var...
nonlinear pde's and applications
markov paths, loops and fields
damped oscillations of linear systems
asymptotic stability of steady compr...
from objects to diagrams for ranges ...
factors and factorizations of graphs
topological complexity of smooth ran...
vector fields on singular varieties
blocks and families for cyclotomic h...
mathematical modeling in biomedical ...
penalising brownian paths
methods of contemporary mathematical...
geometric analysis and pdes
pseudo-periodic maps and degeneratio...
supersymmetry in mathematics and physics
quantum potential theory
inverse problems and imaging
parameter estimation in stochastic d...
seminaire de probabilites xxxviii
q-fractional calculus and equations
prime divisors and noncommutative va...
diffeomorphisms of elliptic 3-manifolds
a1-algebraic topology over a field
geometric aspects of functional analysis
quantum many body systems
seiminaire de probabilitels xliv
degenerate nonlinear diffusion equations
mathematical modeling in biomedical ...
topics in noncommutative algebra
spectral analysis on graph-like spaces
intersections of hirzebruch-zagier d...
multiscale and adaptivity
approximate deconvolution models of ...
spherical harmonics and approximatio...
control of partial differential equa...
combinations of complex dynamical sy...
diophantine approximation
adiabatic perturbation theory in qua...
bifurcations in hamiltonian systems
c [infinity]-differentiable spaces
convex variational problems
deformations of singularities
derived functors in functional analysis
discrete-event control of stochastic...
dynamical systems
geometric aspects of functional analysis
grobner bases and the computation of...
improved bonferroni inequalities via...
mathematical aspects of evolving int...
means of hilbert space operators
measures with symmetry properties
multiscale problems and methods in n...
operator functions and localization ...
optimal transportation and applications
orthogonal polynomials and special f...
paris-princeton lectures on mathemat...
topics in spatial stochastic processes
seminaire de probabilites xxxvii
geometric curve evolution and image ...
mathematical problems in semiconduct...
k3 projective models in scrolls
big queues
functional analytic methods for evol...
geometric aspects of functional
mixed automorphic forms, torus bundl...
noncommutative stationary processes
paris-princeton lectures on mathemat...
real methods in complex and cr geometry
spectral properties of noncommuting ...
statistical learning theory and stoc...
stochastic methods in finance
tame geometry with application in sm...
principle of least action in geometr...
valuative tree
topology of singular fibers of diffe...
heegner modules and elliptic curves
lectures on probability theory and s...
lectures on probability theory and s...
optimal transportation networks
nonlinear transfer technique for ren...
optimal urban networks via mass tran...
lower central and dimension series o...
minicourse on stochastic partial dif...
local lyapunov exponents
harmonic analysis on spaces of homog...
large random matrices
modules over operads and functors
hydrodynamic limits of the boltzmann...
donaldson type invariants for algebr...
random polymers
lectures on topological fluid mechanics
dirac spectrum
modal interval analysis
hyperbolic systems with analytic coe...
cohomological aspects in complex non...
spatial fleming-viot models with sel...
multiple wiener-ito integrals
random walks on disordered media and...
lectures on mappings of finite disto...
twisted teichmiuller curves
manis valuations and prufer extensio...
stochastic geometry, spatial statist...
bifurcation without parameters
stabilization of elastic systems by ...
berkovich spaces and applications
levy matters iv
mathematical models of viscous friction
minimum action curves in degenerate ...
computational electromagnetism
mixed twistor d-modules
nonlinear optical and atomic systems
in memoriam marc yor - seminaire de ...
random walks, random fields, and dis...
infinity properads and infinity whee...
quantum quadratic operators and proc...
levy matters v
constructive commutative algebra
quantum lie theory
branching random walks
rational points and arithmetic of fu...
introduction to stokes structures
stochastic biomathematical models
stochastic calculus with infinitesimals
modelling and optimisation of flows ...
mathematical modeling and validation...
guts of surfaces and the colored jon...
composite asymptotic expansions
probabilistic group theory, combinat...
multi-layer potentials and boundary ...
stochastic geometry, spatial statist...
dispersal, individual movement and s...
nonabelian jacobian of projective su...
topics in mathematical fluid mechanics
pluripotential theory
hamilton-jacobi equations
seminaire de probabilites xlv
paris-princeton lectures on mathemat...
lefschetz properties
monomial ideals, computations and ap...
introduction to the kahler-ricci flow
local times and excursion theory for...
invariance entropy for deterministic...
level set and pde based reconstructi...
coarse geometry and randomness
levy matters iii
nonautonomous dynamical systems in t...
separably injective banach spaces
minimal free resolutions over comple...
neron models and base change
divergent series, summability and re...
divergent series, summability and re...
callias index formula revisited
nonlinear water waves
estimation and testing under sparsity
extensions of positive definite func...
divergent series, summability and re...
what is the genus?
stochastic porous media equations
local features in natural images via...
ricci flow and geometric applications
isogeometric analysis
mathematical models and methods for ...
seminaire de probabilites xlviii
quadratic residues and non-residues
rationality problems in algebraic ge...
pseudodifferential equations over no...
equivariant ordinary homology and co...
exploiting hidden structure in matri...
computations and combinatorics in co...
geometric aspects of functional analysis
selberg zeta functions and transfer ...
real-variable theory of musielak-orl...
modern approaches to discrete curvature
levy matters.
nonlocal and nnonlinear diffusions a...
quantum symmetries
painleve iii
leavitt path algebras
metrical and dynamical aspects in co...
mathematical thermodynamics of compl...
ergodic theory and negative curvature
algebraic topology
series of bessel and kummer-type fun...
optimal control
ramanujan summation of divergent series
shadowing and hyperbolicity
nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems
hyponormal quantization of planar do...
large deviations for random graphs
spear operators between banach spaces
unbounded weighted composition opera...
relational topology
rotation sets and complex dynamics
non-newtonian fluid mechanics and co...
holomorphic curves in low dimensions
generic coarse geometry of leaves
seminaire de probabilites xlix
operads of wiring diagrams
gaussian capacity analysis
free boundary problems
multi-agent optimization
large-scale and distributed optimization
fredholm and local spectral theory ii
orlicz spaces and generalized orlicz...
siegel modular forms
lipschitz functions
lectures on probability theory and s...
directed polymers in random environments
random obstacle problems
random walks, random fields, and dis...
nonlinear optical and atomic systems
mathematical models of viscous friction
berkovich spaces and applications
multiplication operators on the berg...
quantum lie theory
hardy spaces on ahlfors-regular quas...
stabilization of elastic systems by ...
correlated random systems: five diff...
quantum quadratic operators and proc...
minimum action curves in degenerate ...
constructive commutative algebra
stochastic geometry, spatial statist...
infinity properads and infinity whee...
mixed twistor d-modules
bifurcation without parameters
divergent series, summability and re...
minimal free resolutions over comple...
separably injective banach spaces
callias index formula revisited
local features in natural images via...
pseudodifferential equations over no...
néron models and base change
equivariant ordinary homology and co...
divergent series, summability and re...
extensions of positive definite func...
quadratic residues and non-residues
stochastic porous media equations
divergent series, summability and re...
spear operators between banach spaces
generic coarse geometry of leaves
gaussian capacity analysis
fredholm and local spectral theory ii
holomorphic curves in low dimensions
unbounded weighted composition opera...
free boundary problems
operads of wiring diagrams
large-scale and distributed optimization
relational topology
rotation sets and complex dynamics
geometrical themes inspired by the n...
lipschitz functions
multilinear operator integrals
introduction to ℓ²-invariants
introduction to a renormalisation gr...
siegel modular forms
flexibility of group actions on the ...
orlicz spaces and generalized orlicz...
stochastic geometry
stationary diffraction by wedges
higher segal spaces
geometric aspects of functional analysis
arakelov geometry over adelic curves
homotopy theory with bornological co...
boundary value problems and markov p...
linear differential equations in the...
locally convex quasi *-algebras and ...
potential theory on sierpiński carpets
profinite semigroups and symbolic dy...
case studies in applied bayesian dat...
geometric aspects of functional analysis
desingularization: invariants and st...
gelfand triples and their hecke algebras
involutive category theory
lectures in algebraic combinatorics
introduction to lipschitz geometry o...
arithmetic and geometry over local f...
arakelov geometry and diophantine ap...
tomita's lectures on observable alge...
laplacian growth on branched riemann...
calabi–yau landscape
liouville-riemann-roch theorems on a...
spread of almost simple classical groups
thermodynamic formalism
beyond sobolev and besov
equivariant poincaré duality on g-ma...
theory of near-rings
equivariant cohomology of configurat...