Springer Optimization and Its Applications,


stochastic global optimization
optimization in medicine
pareto optimality, game theory and e...
country risk evaluation
handbook of financial engineering
nonlinear optimization with engineer...
optimization and control of bilinear...
approximation and computation
hybrid optimization
minisum hyperspheres
topics in nonconvex optimization
fuzzy multi-criteria decision making :
introduction to applied optimization
data mining in agriculture
transportation systems analysis
variational analysis and aerospace e...
mathematical aspects of network rout...
fuzzy multi-criteria decision making
financial decision making using comp...
nonlinear analysis
multicriteria portfolio management
functional equations in mathematical...
regression analysis under a priori p...
regularity concepts in nonsmooth ana...
deterministic global optimization
sustainable environmental design in ...
handbook of optimization in complex ...
just-in-time systems
topological aspects of nonsmooth opt...
design and analysis of approximation...
handbook of optimization in complex ...
data mining for biomarker discovery
pyomo - optimization modeling in python
variational analysis and aerospace e...
parallel scientific computing and op...
advances in modeling agricultural sy...
path player games
handbook of optimization in medicine
optimal quadratic programming algorithms
analysis and design of discrete part...
introduction to traffic flow theory
constructive nonsmooth analysis and ...
statistical decision problems
modern stochastics and applications
optimized packings with applications
introduction to optimal satellite ra...
modeling and optimization in space e...
connected dominating set
multidimensional data visualization
optimization, simulation, and control
systems analysis tools for better he...
stochastic differential inclusions a...
nonconvex optimal control and variat...
cell formation in industrial engineering
stability of functional equations in...
numerical optimization with computat...
approximate solutions of common fixe...
optimization and applications in con...
convex analysis and global optimization
space engineering
variational analysis and aerospace e...
operations research, engineering, an...
spatial interaction models
discrete-time optimal control and ga...
pyomo - optimization modeling in python
smart city networks
optimization and management in manuf...
linear programming using matlab
optimization in engineering
city networks
sustainable logistics and transportation
optimization methods and applications
fractional and multivariable calculus
non-convex multi-objective optimization
developments in functional equations...
algorithms for solving common fixed ...
practical mathematical optimization
current research in nonlinear analysis
applications of nonlinear analysis
modern discrete mathematics and analysis
recent advances in constructive appr...
multiple criteria decision aid
dynamics of disasters
optimization problems in graph theory
lectures on convex optimization
open problems in optimization and da...
modeling and optimization in space e...
approximation and optimization
analysis and operator theory
nonlinear combinatorial optimization
introduction to optimal satellite ra...
selected applications of convex opti...
future city architecture for optimal...
optimized packings with applications
approximate solutions of common fixe...
numerical optimization with computat...
variational analysis and aerospace e...
convex analysis and global optimization
space engineering
lectures on convex optimization
recent advances in constructive appr...
modern discrete mathematics and analysis
open problems in optimization and da...
optimization problems in graph theory
dynamics of disasters
multiple criteria decision aid
algorithms for solving common fixed ...
practical mathematical optimization
current research in nonlinear analysis
applications of nonlinear analysis
analysis and operator theory
mathematical analysis and applications
modeling and optimization in space e...
soc functions and their applications
optimization in large scale problems
nonlinear combinatorial optimization
advanced optimization and operations...
differential and integral inequalities
approximation and optimization
convex optimization with computation...
introduction to applied optimization
aerospace system analysis and optimi...
discrete mathematics and applications
bilevel optimization
computational mathematics and variat...
integrated optimization in public tr...
set-valued stochastic integrals and ...
optimal coverage in wireless sensor ...
shape optimization problems
multicriteria portfolio construction...
turnpike theory for the robinson–sol...
nonlinear analysis and global optimi...
advances in matrix inequalities
dynamics of disasters
applied and computational optimal co...
harmonic analysis and applications
introduction to continuous optimization
synthetic data for deep learning
pyomo — optimization modeling in python
separable optimization
mathematical analysis in interdiscip...
numerical methods and optimization
elements of the general theory of op...