Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics,


robotics and cognitive approaches to...
advances in human-robot interaction
robotics research
intelligent mobile robot navigation
algorithmic foundations of robotics vi
multi-point interaction with real an...
control of single wheel robots
underactuated robotic hands
robot navigation from nature
experimental robotics
3d-position tracking and control for...
european robotics symposium 2008
spatial representation and reasoning...
field and service robotics
algorithmic foundation of robotics.
sense of touch and its rendering
motion planning in medicine
cells and robots :
visual perception and robotic manipu...
3d robotic mapping :
exoskeletons in rehabilitation robotics
robotics research
musical robots and interactive multi...
random finite sets for robot mapping...
darpa urban challenge
robotics, vision and control
multi-locomotion robotic systems
structure from motion using the exte...
self-organizing robots
towards service robots for everyday ...
tree climbing robot
advanced bimanual manipulation
interaction control of robot manipul...
mobile robots in rough terrain
nonholonomic manipulators
3d robotic mapping
modeling and control for efficient b...
sharing a vision
experimental robotics
robotic mapping and exploration
probabilistic approaches to robotic ...
experimental robotics
towards safe robots
stochastic reactive distributed robo...
underwater robots
learning motor skills
mechanics of localized slippage in t...
field and service robotics
human hand as an inspiration for rob...
approaching human performance
visual control of wheeled mobile robots
introduction to autonomous manipulation
field and service robotics
distributed autonomous robotic systems
semantic 3d object maps for everyday...
algorithmic foundations of robotics x
efficient 3d scene modeling and mosa...
experimental robotics
advanced robotics for medical rehabi...
experimental robotics
transferring human impedance regulat...
dance notations and robot motion
distributed autonomous robotic systems
field and service robotics
robotics research
whole-body impedance control of whee...
geometric and numerical foundations ...
robotics, vision and control
underwater robots
cable-driven parallel robots
methods for appearance-based loop cl...
shoaling with fish
aerial robotic manipulation
wording robotics
visual guidance of unmanned aerial m...
field and service robotics
robotics research
field and service robotics
algorithmic foundations of robotics xi
intelligent assistive robots
robotics research
whole-body impedance control of whee...
experimental robotics
distributed autonomous robotic systems
advanced robotics for medical rehabi...
field and service robotics
transferring human impedance regulat...
dance notations and robot motion
methods for appearance-based loop cl...
cable-driven parallel robots
underwater robots
mapping, planning and exploration wi...
disaster robotics
visual guidance of unmanned aerial m...
wording robotics
cognitive reasoning for compliant ro...
route to patient safety in robotic s...
aerial robotic manipulation
biomechanics of anthropomorphic systems
indoor scene recognition by 3-d obje...
reinforcement learning of bimanual r...
advances in robotics research: from ...
applied guidance methodologies for o...