Springer series in statistics,


permutation, parametric and bootstra...
statistical demography and forecasting
models for discrete longitudinal data
functional data analysis
inference in hidden markov models
modern multidimensional scaling
linear models and generalizations
statistical learning from a regressi...
forecasting with exponential smoothing
statistical decision theory
semiparametric and nonparametric met...
dynamic mixed models for familial lo...
statistics for high-dimensional data
targeted learning
information criteria and statistical...
bayesian reliability
markov bases in algebraic statistics
inference for functional data with a...
introduction to nonparametric estimation
monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo sa...
elements of statistical learning
statistical analysis of network data
analysis of neural data
regression modeling strategies
vector generalized linear and additi...
linear model and hypothesis
gini methodology
sequential experimentation in clinic...
bayesian and frequentist regression ...
smoothing spline anova models
modeling discrete time-to-event data
prior processes and their applications
functional and shape data analysis
multivariate analysis with lisrel
elements of nonlinear time series an...
mathematical statistics
dynamic data analysis
targeted learning in data science
applied compositional data analysis
shrinkage estimation
design and analysis of computer expe...
bayesian nonparametric data analysis
linear model and hypothesis
vector generalized linear and additi...
regression modeling strategies
prior processes and their applications
modeling discrete time-to-event data
functional and shape data analysis
multivariate analysis with lisrel
design and analysis of computer expe...
applied compositional data analysis
shrinkage estimation
targeted learning in data science
design of observational studies
introduction to sequential monte carlo
statistical foundations, reasoning a...