Springer theses


entropies of condensed phases and co...
multicomponent interfacial transport
copper-catalyzed multi-component rea...
photonic structures inspired by nature
high speed vcsels for optical interc...
discovery of single top quark production
controlling light in optically induc...
targeting functional centers of the ...
catalytic microreactors for portable...
computational studies of transition ...
building the cape verde islands
model of the response function of cu...
optical binding phenomena
transient radio sky
topics in theoretical and computatio...
delay-coupled complex systems
how do spores select where to settle?
laser wakefield electron acceleration
copper zinc tin sulfide thin films f...
double [3+2] photocycloaddition reaction
lifetime controlling defects in tool...
theory of phase transitions in polyp...
phase transitions in two-dimensional...
transits of extrasolar planets with ...
control of complex nonlinear systems...
design and realization of novel gaas...
life cycle assessment (lca) of light...
surface patterning with colloidal mo...
quantum opto-mechanics with micromirrors
colloidal dispersions under slit-por...
new discoveries on the b-hydride eli...
visualization of hydrogen-bond dynamics
plasmons as sensors
mesoscopic quantum hall effect
advances in k-means clustering
coarse-grained modelling of dna and ...
nonlinear optics in the filamentatio...
self-assembly of flat organic molecu...
on the formation of the most massive...
optical cooling using the dipole force
photomodulated optical reflectance
self-organized arrays of gold nanopa...
nonlinear optics and laser emission ...
molecular conformation and organic p...
metallocorroles for attenuation of a...
power scaling of enhancement cavitie...
structured light fields
simulations of dark energy cosmologies
evolutionary games in complex topologies
energetic materials at extreme condi...
dynamic land use/cover change modelling
two studies in gas-phase ion spectro...
design and impact of water treaties
optical properties of nanostructured...
charm production in deep inelastic s...
dijet angular distributions in proto...
late transition metal-carboryne comp...
heteroaromatic lipoxin a4 analogues
ultrasonic coal-wash for de-ashing a...
active tectonics of the hellenic sub...
landslide analysis and early warning...
studying atomic dynamics with cohere...
gan-based laser diodes
noncovalent functionalization of car...
system theory in geomorphology
nonlinear optics and laser emission ...
photomodulated optical reflectance :
low threshold organic semiconductor ...
crystallization of nanoscaled colloids /
complexity in financial markets
tackling the inverse problem for non...
standard model measurements with the...
swarm planning
towards autonomous soft matter systems
beyond standard model phenomenology ...
observation of cp violation in b [ri...
charge dynamics in 122 iron-based su...
deterministic abelian sandpile model...
precision interferometry in a new shape
towards a compact thin-disk-based fe...
self-organized quantum dots for memories
algorithms for sparsity-constrained ...
time-dependent cp violation measurements
mathematical modelling of the cell c...
scattering amplitudes and wilson loo...
b-l phase transition
superconductivity in graphene and ca...
low threshold organic semiconductor ...
top quark pair production
physics of galaxy formation
optical properties of bismuth-based ...
coherent control of nuclei and x-rays
catalysis with supported size-select...
rheological and seismic properties o...
on the device-independent approach t...
mechanisms of atrial arrhythmias
electronic structure of metal phthal...
heavy neutral particle decays to tau...
symmetries and dynamics of star clusters
dynamics of quantum dot lasers
finite sample analysis in quantum es...
total synthesis of (+-)-maoecrystal v
stereoselective syntheses of tetrahy...
polarization and cp violation measur...
optical metamaterials by block copol...
tunneling dynamics in open ultracold...
magnetic nanoparticles
laser assisted nuclear decay spectro...
relativistic electron mirrors
cp violation in b0s -> j/[psi][phi] ...
investigation of staged laser-plasma...
interactive multimedia learning
investigating the a-type stars using...
multi-wavelength studies of pulsars ...
high-precision studies of compact va...
road to discovery
spectral evolution in blazars
study on climate change in southwest...
critical phenomena in loop models
chemistry of zirconacycles and 2,6-d...
design of experiments for reinforcem...
solutions of nonlinear schrodinger s...
surprises in theoretical casimir physics
high-resolution extreme ultraviolet ...
novel lidar ceilometer
earliest stages of massive clustered...
holographic sensors
xuv pump-probe experiments on diatom...
complex structure and dynamics of th...
tidal disruption of stars by superma...
dynamics of complex autonomous boole...
smartphone-based human activity reco...
double chooz and reactor neutrino os...
land rights and expropriation in eth...
evapotranspiration over heterogeneou...
semi-autonomous networks
grate-fired energy crop conversion
production yield of muon-induced neu...
extracting physics from gravitationa...
optical beam characterization via ph...
stochastic dynamics of crystal defects
fast variables in stochastic populat...
binding energy of strongly deformed ...
coherent atomic manipulation and cooling
ultrafast dynamics of phospholipid-w...
high-tc squids for biomedical applic...
novel synthetic chemistry of ureas a...
biodiversity and evolutionary ecolog...
theory of bilayer graphene spectroscopy
thermodynamics of information proces...
novel selenium-mediated rearrangemen...
agent-based simulation of vulnerabil...
privacy-preserving machine learning ...
response of flood events to land use...
photon physics at the lhc
decoding complexity
dirac spectra in dense qcd
coupled dynamics in soil
plate deformation from cradle to grave
rediscovering the world
from atom optics to quantum simulation
detection of trapped antihydrogen
development of novel hydrogen-bond d...
community structure of complex networks
modelling tropospheric volcanic aerosol
multi-component acoustic characteriz...
statistical methods for spoken dialo...
rare earth elements
transition-metal defects in silicon
interacting boson model from energy ...
characterization of an upper permian...
bayesian analysis of qcd sum rules
future of thermal comfort in an ener...
stability to the incompressible navi...
towards solid-state quantum repeaters
temporal patterns of communication i...
non-linear data analysis on the sphere
crystallization of nanoscaled colloids
how free cationic polymer chains pro...
non-ergodic nature of internal conve...
double-gyroid-structured functional ...
ionic liquid bulk and interface prop...
inorganic nanoarchitectures by organ...
electrohydrodynamic patterning of fu...
fluorescence in bio-inspired nanotec...
gps stochastic modelling
beam diagnostics in superconducting ...
ion correlations at electrified soft...
purification of peptides in high-com...
organotrifluoroborate preparation, c...
kinetic simulations of ion transport...
factors governing tin whisker growth
topological microfluidics
biomimetic dye aggregate solar cells
extensions to the no-core shell model
siamese-twin porphyrin and its coppe...
improving the stability of meshed po...
asymptotic safety and black holes
gap heteroepitaxy on si(100)
group 2 mediated dehydrocoupling
viscoelastic interfaces driven in di...
hadron structure in electroweak prec...
magnetic cloud boundary layers and m...
third-generation femtosecond technology
intrinsic bispectrum of the cosmic m...
study of double parton scattering us...
search for exotic mono-jet events
molecular spintronics
dynamic wetting by nanofluids
intelligent scheduling of robotic fl...
harmonics in offshore wind power plants
gravitational wave astrophysics with...
complexity and control in quantum ph...
constraining supersymmetric models
quantum entanglement of complex stru...
magnetically activated and guided is...
energy-efficient vcsels for optical ...
temporal quantum correlations and hi...
automated design of materials far fr...
controlling synchronization patterns...
stochastic dynamics and energetics o...
qcd higher-order effects and search ...
search for scalar top quarks and hig...
first example of a lyotropic smectic...
study of the isoscalar giant monopol...
diffuse radio foregrounds
observation of vu-->ve oscillation i...
classical pendulum feels quantum bac...
quantum dynamics and laser control f...
tunable microwave metamaterial struc...
exploring the strategy space of nego...
field-effect self-mixing terahertz d...
excitation spectra of square lattice...
atomic diffusion in glasses studied ...
novel (trans)dermal drug delivery st...
control and prediction of solid-stat...
super el nino
landscape of free fermionic gauge models
heavy wimp effective theory
single piles in liquefiable ground
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
biomedical research and integrated b...
infrared non-local modifications of ...
towards ultrasound-guided spinal fus...
new perspectives on surface passivation
dynamics of a quantum spin liquid
optical characterization of plasmoni...
soil erosion and sediment flux in no...
aerodynamics of a container freight ...
far-infrared spectro-spatial space i...
structure formation in modified grav...
intraoperative beta−probe for cancer...
functionalization of carborane via c...
spin and charge ordering in the quan...
grating-based x-ray phase-contrast m...
topological interactions in ring pol...
search for dark matter with atlas
spin glasses
carbon emissions in china
thermochemical heat storage system f...
nanoscale imaging and characterisati...
form versus function
ultrafast strong field dynamics in d...
statistical physics of wave interactions
radial-velocity searches for planets...
extracellular potentials in the hipp...
high jet multiplicity physics at the lhc
multi-species systems in optical lat...
superconformal index on rp2 × s1 and...
coaxial lithography
well-organized inorganic nanowire films
dynamics of nanoparticles in stagnat...
dual-polarization two-port fiber-opt...
heteronuclear efimov scenario in ult...
exotic nuclear excitations
tests of lorentz invariance with an ...
piezoresistive effect of p-type sing...
decoding the antibody repertoire
ti-sb-te phase change materials
understanding-oriented multimedia co...
nature of dusty star-forming galaxies
high-fidelity quantum logic in ca+
reactivity of nitric oxide on copper...
passively mode-locked semiconductor ...
rapid cell magnetisation using catio...
metastable glassy states under exter...
classical statistical mechanics with...
statistical mechanics for athermal f...
dual-mode electro-photonic silicon b...
single-molecule metal-induced energy...
condensed matter applications of ads/cft
cooperative interactions in lattices...
weak-coupling theory of topological ...
phase diagram and magnetic excitatio...
network-based approach to cell metab...
disc winds matter
bms particles in three dimensions
higgs properties at the lhc
emission of radio waves in particle ...
particle interactions in high-temper...
experiments on thermodynamics of inf...
exploring quantum foundations with s...
nonlinear photonics in mid-infrared ...
not-so-simple stellar populations in...
fluorescent tools for imaging oxidat...
molecular recognition of dna double ...
multifunctional gold nanostars for c...
blade-pitch control for wind turbine...
negative frequency at the horizon
fire retardancy behavior of polymer/...
physics of turbulent jet ignition
exomoons to galactic structure
application of fpga to real-time mac...
polymer cochlear electrode array
rethinking platinum anticancer drug ...
geometrical theory of satellite orbi...
rail crack monitoring using acoustic...
scalar fields in numerical general r...
enhancing the light output of solid-...
applications of the gauge/gravity du...
thermal transport in semiconductors
theorising institutional change
thermodynamics and synchronization i...
cosmological implications of quantum...
search for dark matter with the atla...
exploring the size of the proton
helium nano-bubble formation in tungsten
colored discrete spaces
real-time quantum dynamics of electr...
ion tracks in apatite and quartz
beyond λcdm
theory of one-dimensional vlasov-max...
imaging, manipulation and optogeneti...
topological quantum matter
narrow plasmon resonances in hybrid ...
zeptosecond dynamics of transfer-tri...
chiral and topological nature of mag...
narrowband single photons for light-...
searches for dijet resonances
topological formations in chiral nem...
spin dynamics in radical pairs
ion-irradiation-induced damage in nu...
infrared photodetectors based on low...
asymptotically safe gravity
saturation of the f-mode instability...
solving a 3d structural puzzle
alkyne-based nanostructures on silve...
quantum confined excitons in 2-dimen...
gyroid optical metamaterials
graphs in perturbation theory
emergent superconductivity in low di...
lithium intercalation in bilayer gra...
magnetic field effects in low-dimens...
explaining lithium enriched red gian...
electroweak baryogenesis and its phe...
correlations in low-dimensional quan...
machine learning at the belle ii exp...
hydropower plants and power systems
2011 fukushima daiichi nuclear power...
charming new physics in beautiful pr...
gravitational theories beyond genera...
characterisation of turbulent duct flows
non-equilibrium dynamics beyond deph...
nanomechanics in van der waals heter...
ice microfluidics
nanomechanics of graphene and design...
active robust optimization
structures and dynamics of interfaci...
disorder-free localization
excursions in ill-condensed quantum ...
detectors, reference frames, and time
quantum correlations
physics with photons using the atlas...
electro-optic photonic circuits
topological orders with spins and fe...
relativistically intense laser-micro...
points, lines, and surfaces at criti...
nanoscale fluid transport
integrated solution based irregular ...
travel plans for new residential dev...
diffractive optics for thin-film sil...
high field plasmonics
quantum-enhanced nonlinear spectroscopy
from qcd flux tubes to gravitational...
universal coefficient theorem and qu...
insar observations of ground deformation
novel sofc tri-generation system for...
dynamics and characterization of com...
euclidean matching problem
impact of food processing on anthocy...
clean energy from waste
searching for dark matter with the a...
cosmology beyond einstein
active plasmonic devices
analysis of quantised vortex tangle
quantum dots for quantum information...
near-saturn magnetic field environment
shock-cloud interaction in rx j1713....
optimal trajectory tracking of nonli...
hyper-velocity impacts on rubble pil...
fiber solar cells
role of sdn in broadband networks
electron mass and calcium isotope shifts
higgs potential and naturalness afte...
electro-osmosis of polymer solutions
chromatin architecture
combustible solid waste thermochemic...
fractional-order modeling and contro...
separation logic for high-level synt...
multi-wave electromagnetic-acoustic ...
lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals
quantum systems under gravitational ...
study on climate change in southwest...
ultrafast dynamics of phospholipid-w...
investigation of staged laser-plasma...
129 xe relaxation and rabi oscillations
dynamics of the milky way
spin correlations in tt events from ...
extracting physics from gravitationa...
nonlinear mode decomposition
interactive multimedia learning
dynamics of complex autonomous boole...
large-scale quantum-mechanical enzym...
land rights and expropriation in eth...
high-resolution extreme ultraviolet ...
relativistic electron mirrors
optical beam characterization via ph...
floating strip micromegas detector
solutions of nonlinear schrӧdinger s...
xuv pump-probe experiments on diatom...
high-precision studies of compact va...
conduction in carbon nanotube networks
smart nanohybrids of raft polymers a...
complex structure and dynamics of th...
computing the optical properties of ...
spectral evolution in blazars
stochastic dynamics of crystal defects
trajectory anomalies in interplaneta...
topological states on interfaces pro...
production yield of muon-induced neu...
non-equilibrium dynamics of one-dime...
exploring the early universe with gr...
smartphone-based human activity reco...
dynamics near quantum criticality in...
evapotranspiration over heterogeneou...
design of experiments for reinforcem...
search for supersymmetry in hadronic...
qcd radiation in top-antitop and z+j...
cp violation in {b_s}^0 -> j/psi.phi...
grate-fired energy crop conversion
high-resolution profiling of protein...
quantum microscopy of biological systems
novel lidar ceilometer
hyperbranched polydendrons
multi-wavelength studies of pulsars ...
semi-autonomous networks
surprises in theoretical casimir physics
tunneling dynamics in open ultracold...
tidal disruption of stars by superma...
road to discovery
critical phenomena in loop models
short-channel organic thin-film tran...
neutrino astrophysics with the antar...
fast variables in stochastic populat...
ubiquitin chains: degradation and beyond
magnetic nanoparticles
optical metamaterials by block copol...
holographic sensors
chemistry of zirconacycles and 2,6-d...
investigating the a-type stars using...
laser assisted nuclear decay spectro...
microstructure-property optimization...
binding energy of strongly deformed ...
double chooz and reactor neutrino os...
coherent atomic manipulation and cooling
landscape of free fermionic gauge models
functionalization of carborane via c...
magnetically activated and guided is...
automated design of materials far fr...
topological interactions in ring pol...
complexity and control in quantum ph...
tunable microwave metamaterial struc...
intelligent scheduling of robotic fl...
molecular spintronics
superconformal index on rp2 × s1 and...
novel (trans)dermal drug delivery st...
structure formation in modified grav...
quantum dynamics and laser control f...
infrared non-local modifications of ...
energy-efficient vcsels for optical ...
controlling synchronization patterns...
hadron structure in electroweak prec...
radial-velocity searches for planets...
aerodynamics of a container freight ...
thermochemical heat storage system f...
qcd higher-order effects and search ...
statistical physics of wave interactions
extracellular potentials in the hipp...
soil erosion and sediment flux in no...
constraining supersymmetric models
stochastic dynamics and energetics o...
search for exotic mono-jet events
classical pendulum feels quantum bac...
viscoelastic interfaces driven in di...
control and prediction of solid-stat...
multi-species systems in optical lat...
towards ultrasound-guided spinal fus...
search for dark matter with atlas
study of the isoscalar giant monopol...
third-generation femtosecond technology
quantum entanglement of complex stru...
grating-based x-ray phase-contrast m...
super el niño
study of double parton scattering us...
magnetic cloud boundary layers and m...
diffuse radio foregrounds
single piles in liquefiable ground
dynamic wetting by nanofluids
spin and charge ordering in the quan...
search for scalar top quarks and hig...
heavy wimp effective theory
far-infrared spectro-spatial space i...
exploring the strategy space of nego...
excitation spectra of square lattice...
observation of ν_μ→ν_e oscillation i...
group 2 mediated dehydrocoupling
intraoperative beta−probe for cancer...
nanoscale imaging and characterisati...
field-effect self-mixing terahertz d...
harmonics in offshore wind power plants
carbon emissions in china
coaxial lithography
first example of a lyotropic smectic...
atomic diffusion in glasses studied ...
spin glasses
ultrafast strong field dynamics in d...
temporal quantum correlations and hi...
gravitational wave astrophysics with...
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
intrinsic bispectrum of the cosmic m...
dynamics of a quantum spin liquid
high jet multiplicity physics at the lhc
correlations in low-dimensional quan...
theory of one-dimensional vlasov-max...
on the direct detection of 229m th
imaging, manipulation and optogeneti...
quantum confined excitons in 2-dimen...
thermodynamics and synchronization i...
electroweak baryogenesis and its phe...
colored discrete spaces
real-time quantum dynamics of electr...
neutral atom imaging using a pulsed ...
emergent superconductivity in low di...
inkjet-configurable gate array
searches for dijet resonances
asymptotically safe gravity
spin dynamics in radical pairs
beyond λcdm
exomoons to galactic structure
topological quantum matter
molecular recognition of dna double ...
ion-irradiation-induced damage in nu...
magnetic field effects in low-dimens...
explaining lithium enriched red gian...
voltage control in the future power ...
narrowband single photons for light-...
ion tracks in apatite and quartz
chiral and topological nature of mag...
search for dark matter with the atla...
helium nano-bubble formation in tungsten
gyroid optical metamaterials
exciton transport phenomena in gaas ...
zeptosecond dynamics of transfer‐tri...
alkyne‐based nanostructures on silve...
graphs in perturbation theory
lithium intercalation in bilayer gra...
infrared photodetectors based on low...
solving a 3d structural puzzle
saturation of the f-mode instability...
topological formations in chiral nem...
machine learning at the belle ii exp...
cosmological implications of quantum...
narrow plasmon resonances in hybrid ...
ultra low noise cmos image sensors
physics of turbulent jet ignition
negative frequency at the horizon
fire retardancy behavior of polymer/...
application of fpga to real‐time mac...
scalar fields in numerical general r...
enhancing the light output of solid-...
rail crack monitoring using acoustic...
applications of the gauge/gravity du...
thermal transport in semiconductors
multifunctional gold nanostars for c...
blade-pitch control for wind turbine...
fluorescent tools for imaging oxidat...
geometrical theory of satellite orbi...
multifunctional nanoprobes
nanoscale optical properties of comp...
exploring the size of the proton
physics with electrons in the atlas ...
biomimetics through nanoelectronics
scalar boson decays to tau leptons
advancing development of synthetic g...
quantum correlations
detectors, reference frames, and time
behavior of unbounded post- tensione...
gravitational theories beyond genera...
physics with photons using the atlas...
single trapped rydberg ion
hydropower plants and power systems
rethinking causality in quantum mech...
cosmological probes of light relics
non-equilibrium dynamics beyond deph...
nanomechanics in van der waals heter...
charming new physics in beautiful pr...
relativistically intense laser–micro...
synchronization and waves in active ...
structure of nucleon excited states ...
photoinduced molecular dynamics in s...
jamming and glass transitions
mechanism transitions in publish/sub...
dna systems under internal and exter...
structures and dynamics of interfaci...
hardware track-trigger for cms
electro-optic photonic circuits
sirt6 activities in dna damage repai...
joint training for neural machine tr...
polymer-mediated phase stability of ...
integration of low carbon technologi...
electronic transitions of molecular ...
toward inertial-navigation-on-chip
2011 fukushima daiichi nuclear power...
colloidal nanoparticles for heteroge...
characterisation of turbulent duct flows
soft probes for bio-electrochemical ...
disorder-free localization
ice microfluidics
manipulation of surface waves throug...
energy transfer and dissipation in p...
topological orders with spins and fe...
excursions in ill-condensed quantum ...
turbulent heating and anisotropy in ...
points, lines, and surfaces at criti...
inclusive b jet production in proton...
ads3/cft2 and holographic entangleme...
task-space separation principle
magnetic laser scanner for endoscopi...
modeling the fate of chemicals in pr...
novel embedded metal-mesh transparen...
polaritonic chemistry
dynamics of non-spherical particles ...
device-independent quantum informati...
development and testing of hand exos...
ab initio theory of magnetic ordering
weigh them all!
imaging light with photoelectrons on...
studies of proton driven plasma wake...
non-equilibrium dynamics of tunnel-c...
atomic-scale insights into emergent ...
water snowline in protoplanetary disks
microphysics of magnetic reconnectio...
temporal modelling of customer behaviour
searching for squarks
analytic solutions for flows through...
artificial assemblies with cooperati...
power system loads and power system ...
x-ray phase-contrast tomography
planetary giant impacts
mechanochemical processes in energet...
development of selective dna-interac...
quantum thermodynamics and optomechanics
total synthesis of indole alkaloids
caustic light in nonlinear photonic ...
search for tt̄h production in the h ...
magnetic monopole noise
towards infrared finite s-matrix in ...
reactive power support using photovo...
enhanced polarisation control and ex...
dynamically structured flow in pulse...
flax-trm composite systems for stren...
stochastic systems with time delay
accretion and obscured growth of sup...
modern classification theory of supe...
structured singular light fields
digital signal processor for particl...
morphology and dynamics of bottlebru...
experimental research of cavity opto...
acoustic levitation-based trace-leve...
applied laser spectroscopy for nucle...
thermal stability of metastable magn...
x-ray phase-contrast imaging using n...
cartographic analysis of soviet mili...
exciton dynamics in lead halide pero...
interior modelling of massive stars ...
geometric approaches to quantum fiel...
higgs boson decays into a pair of bo...
electronic properties of rhombohedra...
effects of non-locality in gravity a...
study of excess electronic recoil ev...
methods of the alignment-relay techn...
realizing an andreev spin qubit
first measurement of the running of ...
demographics of the cold universe wi...