Springer-Praxis books in space exploration


paving the way for apollo 11
selecting the mercury seven
doing the impossible
at home in space
interplanetary outpost
astronauts for hire
robotic exploration of the solar system.
first soviet cosmonaut team
lunar outpost
to orbit and back again :
to orbit and back again
freedom 7
partnership in space
liberty bell 7
iranian space endeavor
robotic exploration of the solar system.
bigelow aerospace
solar sails
spectroscopic instrumentation
twenty-first century in space
virgin galactic
countdown to a moon launch
making starships and stargates
moon bound
china in space
manned spaceflight log ii - 2006-2012
aurora 7
xcor, developing the next generation...
birth of nasa
in the footsteps of columbus
faith 7
canadian space program
assembling and supplying the iss
star ark
next stop mars
pillars of creation