SpringerBriefs in population studies,
cemaf as a census method
cemaf as a census method
estimating characteristics of the fo...
estimating characteristics of the foreign-born by legal status
responding to immigrants' settlement...
responding to immigrants' settlement needs
social protection and social development
social protection and social development
managing population decline in europ...
managing population decline in europe's urban and rural areas
shrinking society
shrinking society
comparative analysis of european tim...
comparative analysis of european time transfers between generations and genders
applied multiregional demography
applied multiregional demography
decisions to have children in late 2...
decisions to have children in late 20th and early 21st century australia
immigrants in regional labour market...
immigrants in regional labour markets of host nations
fertility decline and background ind...
fertility decline and background independence
washington state census board and it...
washington state census board and its demographic legacy
urbanisation and inequalities in a p...
urbanisation and inequalities in a post-malthusian context
empirical analysis of population and...
empirical analysis of population and technological progress
boomerang kids
boomerang kids
economic lifecycle, gender and inter...
economic lifecycle, gender and intergenerational support
limits to the european union's norma...
limits to the european union's normative power in a post-conflict society
sociodemographic questionnaire modul...
sociodemographic questionnaire modules for comparative social surveys
fertility control in a risk society
fertility control in a risk society
undercount of young children in the ...
undercount of young children in the u.s. decennial census
applied multiregional demography: mi...
applied multiregional demography: migration and population redistribution
managing population decline in europ...
managing population decline in europe's urban and rural areas
comparative analysis of european tim...
comparative analysis of european time transfers between generations and genders
urbanisation and inequalities in a p...
urbanisation and inequalities in a post-malthusian context
boomerang kids: the demography of pr...
boomerang kids: the demography of previously launched adults
washington state census board and it...
washington state census board and its demographic legacy
population aging and international h...
population aging and international health-caregiver migration to japan
limits to the european union’s norma...
limits to the european union’s normative power in a post-conflict society
sociodemographic questionnaire modul...
sociodemographic questionnaire modules for comparative social surveys
lexis in demography
lexis in demography
regional cities and city regions in ...
regional cities and city regions in rural australia
differential undercounts in the u.s....
differential undercounts in the u.s. census
pathways to health
pathways to health
sexuality-reproduction nexus and the...
sexuality-reproduction nexus and the three demographic transitions
microsimulation population projectio...
microsimulation population projections with sas
changing migrant composition of aust...
changing migrant composition of australia’s population
fertility transition in the developing world
population dynamics in the mediterranean