Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics ;


realizability :
cylindric algebras /
abstract set theory
handbook of proof theory
study in the philosophy of science
survey of mathematical logic
admissibility of logical inference rules
algebra of proofs
aristotle's modal syllogisms
aspects of inductive logic
axiomatic set theory
boole's logic and probability
classical recursion theory
combinatorial set theory
combinatorial set theory
combinatory logic
computability, complexity, logic
computable structures and the hypera...
contributions to mathematical logic
contributions to non-standard analysis
cylindric algebras
descriptive set theory
elementary induction on abstract str...
equivalents of the axiom of choice, ii
formal systems and recursive functions
foundations of infinitesimal stochas...
foundations of set theory
fundamentals of generalized recursio...
generalized recursion theory ii
handbook of computability theory
handbook of mathematical logic
handbook of the logic of argument an...
hausdorff gaps and limits
intentional mathematics
language in action
languages with expressions of infini...
large infinitary languages
lectures on the curry-howard isomorphism
logic colloquium '69
logic colloquium '73
logic colloquium 76
logic colloquium '77
logic colloquium '78
logic colloquium '80
logic colloquium '82
logic colloquium '84
logic colloquium '85
logic colloquium '86
logic colloquium '88
logic colloquium '87
logic in algebraic form
logic, methodology and philosophy of...
logic, methodology and philosophy of...
logic, methodology, and philosophy o...
logic, methodology, and philosophy o...
logic, methodology, and philosophy o...
logic, methodology, and philosophy o...
logical frameworks for truth and abs...
many-dimensional modal logics
many-values logics
mathematical logic in latin america
model theory /
model theory for infinitary logic
nomological statements and admissibl...
non-classical logics, model theory, ...
on the metamathematics of algebra
outlines of a formalist philosophy o...
patras logic symposion
logic, methodology and philosophy of...
proceedings of the herbrand symposium
proceedings of the second scandinavi...
proceedings of the third scandinavia...
proof theory
quantification in nonclassical logic
recursive analysis
recursive functionals
relation algebras by games
residuated lattices
rudiments of [mu]-calculus
selected papers on automath
sentences undecidable in formalized ...
set theory
set theory
set theory
sets and classes
sets, models and recursion theory
southeast asian conference on logic
classical recursion theory
essay in modal logic
axiom of choice
axiomatic method
collected papers of gerhard gentzen
kleene symposium
l.e.j. brouwer centenary symposium
metamathematics of algebraic systems...
problem of inductive logic
theory of semisets
theory of relations
tools and techniques in modal logic
truth, syntax and modality
undecidable theories
word problems
word problems ii