
calcolo stocastico per la finanza
meccanica quantistica: problemi scelti
qualita dei dati
curves and surfaces
problems in quantum mechanics
from special relativity to feynman d...
solved problems in quantum and stati...
solving numerical pdes
financial mathematics
introduction to thermodynamics and s...
primer on hilbert space theory
basics of plasma astrophysics
mathematical analysis ii
learning matlab
real algebraic geometry
spectral theory and quantum mechanics
primer on pdes
mathematical finance
reduced basis methods for partial di...
concepts in quantum field theory
introduction to particle cosmology
from special relativity to feynman d...
lectures in quantum mechanics
elements of probability and statistics
note di fotonica
partial differential equations in action
calculus problems
introduction to special functions
discrete calculus
projective geometry
problems in quantum mechanics
probability and statistics for parti...
from ordinary to partial differentia...
twenty-first century quantum mechanics
spectral theory and quantum mechanics
optimization and approximation
primer of analytical mechanics
mathematical primer on quantum mechanics
theory and simulation of random phen...
lecture notes in cosmology
classical electrodynamics
lagrangian and hamiltonian analytica...
solved problems in quantum mechanics
calorimetry for collider physics, an...
problems and solutions in nuclear an...
elements of classical and quantum in...
statistical physics
theory of gravitational interactions
high energy astrophysical techniques
optical, infrared and radio astronomy
quantum physics of light and matter
introduction to thermodynamics and s...
meccanica statistica elementare
metodi matematici della fisica
atomi, molecole e solidi
structure of matter
basics of plasma astrophysics
primer on hilbert space theory
relatività generale e teoria della g...
from special relativity to feynman d...
introduction to particle cosmology
lectures in quantum mechanics
concepts in quantum field theory
note di fotonica
lecture notes in cosmology
mathematical primer on quantum mechanics
elements of classical and quantum ph...
classical electrodynamics
primer of analytical mechanics
solid state physics
selected exercises in particle and n...
theory and simulation of random phen...
introductory quantum mechanics
meccanica quantistica
calorimetry for collider physics, an...
solved problems in quantum mechanics
physical optics
classical newtonian gravity
problems and solutions in nuclear an...
elements of classical and quantum in...
mathematical journey to relativity
probability and stochastic processes...
primer on hilbert space theory
mathematical journey to quantum mech...
modern nuclear physics
astrophysics of the interstellar medium