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Works: 1 works in 13 publications in 1 languages
具精密複製功能之工具機開發研究 = The Study on Machine Tools with Precision Duplication Performance by: 王永成; Yung-Cheng Wang; 邱達翔; 林瑞璋; Jui-Chang Lin; Da-Siang Ciou (Language materials, printed)
IC晶片表面黏著載帶快速成型機之系統整合分析 = System combination and Analyse of IC Carrier Tape Machine by: 林瑞璋; Jui-Chang Lin; 廖安清; 國立虎尾科技大學; An-ching Liao (Language materials, printed)
多模穴非球面鏡片成型分析與模具設計 = Study on injection of non-spherical lens of multi-cavity mold and design by: 張健興; 林瑞璋; Jui-Chang Lin; Chien-Hsing Chang; 國立虎尾科技大學 (Language materials, printed)
機器視覺應用於射出件檢驗之研究 = The study of machine vision for inspection of plastic injection parts by: 林瑞璋; 林俊廷; Jui-Cheng Lin (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
手機平面顯示器玻璃基板量測系統開發 = The development of measurement system for flat panel display glass of a mobile phone by: 盧威任; Jui-Chang Lin; 林瑞璋; 王永成; Yung-Cheng Wang; Wei-Jen Lu (Language materials, printed)
逆向工程軟體Surfacer使用手冊 by: 陳文賢; 林瑞璋; 王萬強 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
鋸條成形銑刀參數之動態量測系統建置 = The development of dynamic measurement system for parameters of saw cutters by: 林瑞璋; 邱世豐; Jui-Chang Lin; Shih-Fong Ciou; Yung-Cheng Wang (Language materials, printed)
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