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Works: 0 works in 25 publications in 1 languages
微波浪型鰭片散熱效能分析與研究 = A study of thermal enhancement of micro-undulation-type fins by: 翁豊在; Feng-TasiWeng; Wen-Hon Chen; 陳文宏 (Language materials, printed)
磨床機結構之優化設計 = Topology optimization design of grinding machine by: Chang- Cyuan Syu; 許昌權; 翁豊在; Feng-Tsai Weng (Language materials, printed)
超音波輔助複合電鍍之研究 = Ultrasound-assisted study of composite plating by: Chong-Ren Jhang; 張崇仁; 翁豊在; Feng-Tasi Weng (Language materials, printed)
提升發光二極體照明光學效率之研究 = The study of improving optical efficiency for LED lighting by: Feng-Tsai Weng; 翁豊在; 陳孟群; Meng-Chiun Chen (Language materials, printed)
車輛艙溫分析與抑制研究 = The Temperature Analysis and The Suppression Studies of Vehicles Cabin by: Chang-Heng Yen; Weng Feng-Tsai; 翁豊在; 葉昶亨 (Language materials, printed)
微處理器之散熱鰭片冷卻效能分析與研究 = A study of cooling efficiency from the fin of the cpu heat sink by: Yao-Kuei Ciou; 邱耀逵; 翁豊在; Feng-TasiWeng (Language materials, printed)
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溫室效應 蝕刻 磨床機 Monte Carlo ray tracing method COMSOL 有限元素 微管型散熱鰭片 分子動力學 自組裝分子膜 Ultrasonic Aided Machining 熱浸筆 日光燈管 電鑄 machining of micro-holes E85 fuel Molecular Dynamics 浸筆奈米微影術 Heat sink LIGA製程 Holographic interferometry technique 電鍍 ABAQUS X-ray Diffraction ultrasonic Finite elements 二氧化鈦 AFM 最佳化設計 Thermal convection Air Blower mechanical property Vegetable dyest 原子力顯微鏡 化學氣相沉積法 微接觸 TiO2 太陽輻射 光柵 instrument board Comsol finite elements micro-tube radiator 超音波,表面粗糙度,田口氏實驗設計 Driving Simulator 鎳金屬 Frequency analysis D-shaped optical fiber 銀膠 生質酒精 Monte etching Silver epoxy ANSYS 發光二極體 印刷電路板 COMSOL LIGA process MD Structural design G95 unleaded gasoline 刮刀成膜法 graphene Air blower Optimization design 共振頻率 Light guides Computational fluid dynamics Grinding machine Optical lens CVD Micro-undulation-type radiator resonator frequency 高定向石墨 Printed Circuit Board Greenhouse Effect array 奈米碳管 Doctor Blade Technique self-assembly monolayers LED nanoindentation Solar Radiation E85燃料 模擬器 結構設計頻率分析 electroforming X光繞射儀 有限元素 無電鍍 finite elements 陣列 超音波 bioethanol 螢光光譜儀 electroless 無電鍍製程 Photoluminescence 蒙地卡羅光線追跡法 electroplating Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Greenhouse effect dip-pen nanolithography Surface roughness 鰭片 Micro-Electrodes 儀表板 carbon nanotube HOPG fine microelectrode 機械特性 電鍍製程 grating Micro Drilling Light emitting diode molecular dynamics 陽極解離 染料敏化太陽能電池 奈米壓痕 微波浪型鰭片 微型鑽頭 Computer Numerical Control Electrochemical Anodic Etching, 95無鉛汽油 TOSCA Self-Assembly Monolayer microelectrodes D型光纖光柵 致冷晶片 微小孔加工 electroplating process 導光元件 fluorescent lamps coin hopper ZnO 植物染料 Chromium ultrasonic aided machining 改良 Batwing Thermal Convection fin 全像術干涉技術 石墨烯 Solar radiation 超微細電極 鼓風機 超音波輔助加工 散熱器 熱對流 Dip-Pen Nanolithography 氧化鋅 計算流體力學 微電極 nickel coating
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