倒車影像超廣角鏡頭最佳化設計之分析與探討 = The best desi...


  • 倒車影像超廣角鏡頭最佳化設計之分析與探討 = The best design for ultra wide - angle lens of car rear image by analysis and conference .
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The best design for ultra wide - angle lens of car rear image by analysis and conference .
    作者: 陳慶成,
    其他團體作者: 國立虎尾科技大學
    出版地: [雲林縣]
    出版者: 撰者; 撰者;
    出版年: 民96[2007]
    面頁冊數: 81面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: design
    標題: 倒車影像
    摘要註: 本論文是利用Zemax光學模擬軟體,將工作上既有的倒車影像超廣角鏡頭設計案,藉由對設計背景的分析比較後,歸納出在設定的設計參數範圍內,一方面既可確保光學品質、另一方面並能滿足玻璃加工的量產性要求下,建立一套提供公司在相關鏡頭組設計上參考的資料庫。在如此競爭的市場中,需要面對歐、美、日已開發國家對採購價格的低減需求,更需要拉開與中國日益壯大的經濟及技術力的追趕距離,藉由將現有設計的倒車影像超廣角鏡頭資料庫建立,以模組化的方式統合,不僅可以讓公司的技術能有效的紮根及傳承,更可以在脈絡可尋中,透過專利申請的方式宣告相關技術,限制商場上對手的競爭。在論文中,並將此超廣角鏡頭與歷年相關專利的結構相比較。 This thesis utilizes the Zemax optics program to sum up the ultra-wide-angle lens design procedure and tendency from the data bank of past design cases for car rear image. To compare and analyze these design backgrounds, we could find the optical design locus and sum up the best design rule. The work is very important and necessary for optical design companies to establish their design procedure and propose their education training program. The design rule must give consideration to the manufacturing feasibility and the cost down demand. Certainly, it could also meet the image quality requirement of customers. The study based on group model classification to simplify the car rear image system design procedure. So, the idea can shorten the design period and save a lot of money. That promotes the competitive power to us in the face of the world competitors, for example, Europe, the United States, Japan, and China. We will apply for a patent to claim the relevant technique of ultra wide-angle-lens group design to limit the rival's competition on the market..