車用清洗機直流馬達之設計改良與自動化監測平台之研發 = Design I...


  • 車用清洗機直流馬達之設計改良與自動化監測平台之研發 = Design Improvement of DC Motor and Development of Automatic ExaminationPlatform for Portable Washing Machine
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Design Improvement of DC Motor and Development of Automatic ExaminationPlatform for Portable Washing Machine
    Author: 張家維,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 鄭健隆,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立虎尾科技大學
    Place of Publication: 雲林縣
    Published: 國立虎尾科技大學;
    Year of Publication: 民96[2007]
    Edition: 初版
    Description: 64面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: LabVIEW
    Subject: DAQ
    Online resource:
    Summary: 本論文內容主要有兩大部份,一為永磁式直流馬達之設計改良,另一部份則為直流馬達自動化檢測平台之研究發展。永磁式直流馬達的用途廣泛,具有簡單價廉優點,因此也應用在車用洗車機上提供動力,組成水泵(pump)汲水輸出強力水柱。車用洗車機馬達設計不良不僅出力下降,使用期間的暫穩態電流過大也常造成嚴重安全問題。本文針對車用清洗機之直流永磁式馬達進行設計改良,維持設定出力,有效降低暫態、穩態電流,同時評估保險絲規格確保其保護功能。為了確保車用清洗機品質無虞,進一步運用具有強大資料擷取與監控功能的LabVIEW程式軟體,設計出清洗機馬達自動化檢測平台,能夠量測馬達暫穩態電流、溫度、轉速等相關重要參數。應用LabVIEW記錄馬達各項參能,同時予以分析研判,以虛擬儀表模式呈現,達到自動化檢測的效果。 This thesis contains two main parts including the design of permanent magnet dc motor and the development of automatic examination platform for portable washing machine. Permanent magnet (PM) dc motor is widely used in industry today. It has advantage of both simple structure and low cost. The dc motor is also applied to portable washing machine. A strong water stream is outputted by pump, mainly constituted by PM dc motor. Improper motor design of portable washing machine causes less power output and large transient and steady state current. The larger current easily causes overheat problem to threaten electrical safety seriously. In this thesis, the design improvement of dc motor can keep the desired power output and obviously decrease motor current. The specification of fuse is also estimated to check its fitness. The motor design improvement is examined with good performance by experiments. In this paper, an automatic examination platform based on powerful LabVIEW is developed. LabVIEW is easy for monitoring and data acquisition. Motor parameters are recorded and analyzed simultaneously by LabVIEW. By applying virtual instrument mode, the automatic examination of dc motor is reached.
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