

Applied stochastic system modeling
Osaki, Shunji
Continuum mechanics and theory of ma...
Haupt, Peter
Soft computing methods in human sciences
Niskanen, Vesa A
Calculus of several variables
Lang, Serge
Engineering optics
by: Keigo.Iizuka
Measure, topology, and fractal geometry
Edgar, Gerald A. (1949-)
by: Edgar, Gerald A. (1949-)
Partial differential equations
Rauch, Jeffrey
Einfuhrung in die differential geometrie
Blaschke, Wilhelm
A first course in real analysis
Berberian, Sterling K
by: Berberian, Sterling K
Encyclopedia of physics
Flugge, S
The Linear algebra through geometry
Banchoff, Thomas
Functions of several variables
Fleming, Wendell
Interferomtry by holography
Ostrovsky, Yu I
by: Ostrovsky, Yu I
Nonlinear Control Systems : An Intro...
Isidori, Alberts
Chaos : a program collection for the PC
Jodl, H.-J (1943)
Partial differential equations
John, Fritz
Laser material processing
Steen, W. M
Statistics of Financial Markets : An...
Hardle, Wolfgang
Intelligent data mining : techniques...
Ruan, Da.
Computer graphics programming : GKS-...
Kansy, K
Integrated Optics : Theory and Techn...
Hunsperger, Robert G
Intelligent CAD systems II
Akman, V
by: A.M.Mumford
Hagen, P.J.W.ten
by: Hagen, P.J.W.ten
Simulation of Semiconductor Devices ...
Stippel, H
Classification and Clustering for Kn...
Wang, Lipo
Composite Materials : Properties as ...
Nielsen, Lauge Fuglsang
Catalysis : science and technology
Anderson, John R.
Handbook for automatic computation
A. A. Grau, U. Hill
by: A. A. Grau, U. Hill
The design of well-structured correc...
Arbib, Michael A
Laser spectroscopy
Demtroder, Wolfgang
by: Demtroder, Wolfgang
Heat and Mass Transfer
Lecture notes in control and informa...
Isidori, A
Encyclopedia of physics
Flugge, S
Flugge, Wilhelm
by: Flugge, Wilhelm
Multiple integrals in the calculus o...
Morrey, Charles B
Mathematics today twelve informal es...
Steen, Lynn Arthur
Compiler construction
Eickel, J
Thin shell theory new trends and app...
Olszak, W
Linear algebra : an introductory app...
Curtis, Charles W
Experimental robotics I : the first ...
Wyner, A
Lecture Notes in Physics
), S. Reynaud(Eds
by: ), S. Reynaud(Eds
Hagen, P.J.W.ten
by: Hagen, P.J.W.ten
Bono, P.R
The temporal logic of reactive and c...
Pnueli, A
The best approximation method in com...
Hromadka, Theodore V
Recent advances in formal languages ...
Martin Vide, Carlos
Stigmergic optimization
Grosan, Crina
by: Grosan, Crina
A course on integral equations
Pipkin, A. C
Linear algebra
Janich, Klaus
by: Janich, Klaus
Optical data processing : applications
Casasent, D
Fluid-structure interaction : modell...
Schafer, Michael (1960 Jan. 15)
Linux : unleashing the workstation i...
Uhl, Thomas
Surface analysis methods in material...
Sexton, B. A (1950)
An introduction to analysis
Pearcy, Carl M (1935)
by: Pearcy, Carl M (1935)
Ion implantation and synthesis of ma...
Nastasi, Michael Anthony (1950-)
by: Nastasi, Michael Anthony (1950-)
Mathematical Methods Of Classical Me...
Weinstein, A
International Economics
Gandolfo, Giancarlo
by: Gandolfo, Giancarlo
Spacecraft navigation and guidance
Noton, Maxwell
Computational geometry : an introduction
Shamos, Michael Ian
Theory of Vibration. Volume I. ⋅An i...
Shabana, A. A
Quantum mechanics. Special chapters
Greiner, Walter (1935)
by: Greiner, Walter (1935)
Advances In Computer Craphics V
Computational geometry and its appli...
Noltemeier, Hartmut
Computer integrated manufacturing : ...
Turksen, I. Burhan
Synthetic Actors : In Computer-Gener...
Thalmann, Danied
Advances in computer graphics hardware
Kuijk, A.A.M
Numerical modeling in materials scie...
Bellet, Michel (1960)
Linear algebra
Lang, Serge
by: Lang, Serge
Three-dimensional computer vision
Shirai, Yoshiaki
Classical dynamics and its quantum a...
Park, David
Automotive control systems : [for en...
Kiencke, U
Robust multivariable flight control
Banda, Siva S
Chaos and fractals : new frontiers o...
Saupe, Dietmar (1954)
Classical and quantum dynamics = fro...
Dittrich, W
Electrical engineering : a pocket re...
Schmidt-Walter, Heinz
Analysis by its history
Hairer, E
Springer handbook of nanotechnology
Bhushan, Bharat (1949)
by: Bhushan, Bharat (1949)
Lecture notes in computer science
Theoharis, T
CAD based programming for sensory robots
Ravani, Bahram
Digital control systems
Isermann, Rolf
by: Isermann, Rolf
Digital Control Systems
Isermann, Rolf
by: Isermann, Rolf
A First course in calculus
Lang, Serge
Interferometry By Holography
Butusov, M. M
Eurographic Seminars
by: L.R.A.Kessener
New advances in computer graphics
Neural computers
Eckmiller, Rolf
by: Eckmiller, Rolf
Advanced Information Technologies fo...
Nof, Shimon y
Measure, topology, and fractal geometry
Edgar, Gerald A
Linux universe
Strobel, Stefan
by: Strobel, Stefan
The atomistic nature of crystal growth
Mutaftschiev, Boyan
Elementary topics in differential ge...
Thorpe, John A
Differential equations and their app...
Braun, Martin
An introduction to complex function ...
Palka, Bruce P
Fermat's theorem
Edwards, Harold M
by: Edwards, Harold M
Boundary element techniques : theory...
Wrobel, L. C
Automotive control systems
Quantum optics
Milburn, G. J
by: Milburn, G. J
Parallel and distributed logic progr...
Bhattacharya, Alakananda
Java and object orientation : an int...
Hunt, John
Electronic circuits : handbook for d...
Gamm, E.
Fundamentals of mathematical statistics
Nguyen, H. T
Sampled-data Control Systems : Analy...
Ackermann, Jurgen
Principles of magnetic resonance
Slichter, Charles P
by: Slichter, Charles P
Introduction to programming with Mat...
Wellin, Paul R
Linux : unleashing the workstation i...
Strobel, Stefan
Genetic algorithms + data structures...
Michalewicz, Zbigniew
Introduction to mathematics for life...
Batschelet, Edward
Photonic analog-to-digital conversion
Shoop, Barry
The higher calculus : a history of r...
Egmond, Waren Van
Linear algebra through geometry
Wermer, John
PASCAL : user manual and report
Wirth, Niklaus
Measure theory
Doob, J. L
by: Doob, J. L
Probability, stochastic processes, a...
Nelson, Randolph
Functional structures in networks : ...
Muth, Thomas G.
Tables of spectral data for structur...
, Erno Pretsch
International Economics
Gandolfo, Giancarlo
by: Gandolfo, Giancarlo
Knowledge representation and organiz...
Morik, K
Monte Carlo : concepts, algorithms, ...
Fishman, George S.
Optical data processing
Modern optics, electronics, and high...
Isenberg, G (1951)
An Introduction to TCP/IP
An introduction to tensor calc
by: An introduction to tensor calc
Heat and mass transfer in porous media /
Delgado, J. M. P. Q.