

The fall of advertising and the rise...
Ries, Al
Management challenges for the 21st c...
Drucker, Peter F
Clicking : 17 trends that drive your...
Popcorn, Faith
The cycle of leadership : how great ...
Cardwell, Nancy
What really works : the 4+2 formula ...
Roberson, Bruce
Who says elephants can't dance? : le...
International Business Machines Corporation
The practice of management
Drucker, Peter F
by: Drucker, Peter F
Nation of rebels : why countercultur...
Heath, Joseph
The daily Drucker : 366 days of insi...
Maciariello, Joseph A
Reengineering the corporation : a ma...
Champy, James (1942)
Giants of enterprise : seven busines...
Tedlow, Richard S