Sage Publications


Research design : qualitative, quant...
Creswell, John W
Multilevel modeling
Luke, Douglas A
by: Luke, Douglas A
Employment law for business students
Upex, R. V
Developing voice through the languag...
Henn-Reinke, Kathryn
Handbook of science and technology s...
Jasanoff, Sheila
Urban planning and the African Ameri...
Ritzdorf, Marsha
Postgraduate research in business : ...
Smallbone, Teresa
Work motivation : history, theory, r...
Latham, Gary P.
Managing service operations : design...
Hollins, Bill
Managing innovation and change
Mayle, David
Managerial Ethics : Dilemmas and Dec...
Bhal, Kanika T (1964)
Managing quality : a practical guide...
Murthy, D. B. N
Knowledge-based marketing : the twen...
Chaston, Ian
McGuigan, Jim
by: McGuigan, Jim
Handbook of global supply chain mana...
Mentzer, John T.
Systems analysis & design fundamenta...
Kock, Ned F.
Creative management and development
Henry, Jane
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