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Works: 1 works in 38 publications in 1 languages
介觀機具線性軸性能檢測系統之建立 = The development of the linear axis measurement system of Meso-Scale machining by: 周敬棠; Rong-Feng Tsai; Wen-Yuh Jywe; Ching-Tang Chou; 蔡榮鋒; 覺文郁 (Language materials, printed) , [指導]
應用於壓印設備之奈米級對位系統開發 = Development of a Nano-Positioning alignment stage for the nano imprint device by: 覺文郁; 陳世欣; 陳柏宇; Wen-Yuh Jywe; Po-Yu Chen; Shih-Hsin Chen (Language materials, printed)
多軸奈米級微動平台之順滑同動循跡控制 = Sliding-Mode Tracking Control of a Multi-Axis Nanopositioner by: Wen-Yuh Jywe; 翁豐在; 覺文郁; 簡裕特 (Language materials, printed) , [指導]
鏟花工件表面鏟花技術開發 = Development of a Scraping and Measuring Method for the Scraping-Workpiece by: 覺文郁; Ming-Chi Chiang; 邱國慶; Kuo-Ching Chiu; Wen-Yuh Jywe; 江明冀 (Language materials, printed)
新型三自由度繞射雷射光學尺系統 = A novel three-degree-of-freedom diffraction type laser linear encoder by: Wen-Yuh Jywe; Chien-Hung Liu; 劉建宏; 覺文郁; Hsin-Hao Teng; 鄧信豪信豪 (Language materials, printed)
三自由度光學尺量測系統 = A Novel Diffraction Type Three-degree-of-Freedom Laser Linear Encoder by: Wen-Yuh Jywe; 吳星助; 覺文郁 (Language materials, printed) , [指導]
以電容嵌入法應用於三自由度Z-tilts微動平台之控制 = Tracking control of the three degrees of freedom Z-tilts micropositioning stage using the capacitor insertion method by: 覺文郁; 劉建宏; 陳財源; 國立虎尾科技大學; Wen-Yuh Jywe; Chien-hung Liu; Tsai-Yuan Chen (Language materials, printed)
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travel parallelism Scraping measurement 位置感測器 CNC五軸工具機 precision positioning 雷射位移計 interferometer Laser encoder confocal DVD optical pickup piezoelectric stage Five axis machines piezoelectric actuated Dynamic Test 4 DOF 四象感測器 DVD pickup motion accuracy H型定位平台 光學尺 二維光學尺 Bio-detection 哥德式螺紋 the ISO 10791-6 reflectors nano-positioning alignment system 角隅稜鏡 PI-like fuzzy control 線性軸 幾何誤差 運動軌跡曲線 Volume error Machine tools Quadrant detector 微動平台,壓電致動器,直度誤差,四象限檢測器 角度誤差 automatic scraping 壓電平台 linear encoder 長{EFA888} laser displacement meter 多軸微動平台 Interferometer 直度誤差 DVD讀頭 the static error 壓電致動器 光柵 linear axis and rotary axis DVD Pickup 三維空間定位檢測 cross-coupled control non–contact optical measurement 光學非接觸式檢測 雷射干涉儀 squareness error geometric error 操作介面 PSD 田口式品質工程方法 nano-imprint Linear motor 三角雷射探頭 生物檢測 geometric tracking control & Three-degrees-of-freedom Scraping 鏟花 five-axis CNC machine tool quadrant detector Magnetic Telescoping Ball Bar 精密平台 X-Y定位平台 3Dspatial position test 晶圓 幾何誤差檢測 繞射 quadrantdetector 控制解析度 control resolution 鏟花檢測 the dynamic error 角度量測 共焦DVD雷射讀取頭 動態檢測 6-degree of freedom measurement system. Five-degree-of freedom 21 Errors QD 對位 ball screw nano-stage Polarization method 精密定位 Freedom Long stroke 多自由度 Linear stage 角隅菱鏡 Diffractive method Multi-degrees-of-freedom triangulation laser 工具機 flexible Hinges 運動準確度 旋轉軸 線性馬達平台 線性滑軌 行走平行度 Meso-scale machining PI型模糊控制 Lithography Instrument 繞射光柵 Angular 磁性伸縮球桿 雙光束雷射干涉儀 自動鏟花 Three Dimension Measurement PZT 精密機具校正 position sensing detection 微動平台 Nanostage 振動 scraping 機電整合 四自由度 DVD& 三軸移動平台 電容式探頭 3-axis moving stage 奈米級對位系統 X-Y stage 步進馬達 微凹面鏡 Taguchi method Thermal Effect machine tool 誤差分析 Plane Encoder 二十一個誤差 dual-beam laser interferometer 線性馬達 wafer Diffraction grating 三軸同動 stepping motor grating corner-cube 循跡控制 Nano-Stage Ultra-precision micro machining three-degrees-of freedom 三自由{EFA881} precision-stage 有限元素法 垂直度誤差 體積誤差 3-DOF H-type stage machine tool calibration 平面反射鏡 error analysis encoder 交叉耦合控制 Air Bearing 六自由度量測系統 angular error indexing rotation error Geometry Error Test calibration of precision machine tools Nanometer-Sctage 四象限感測器 alignment Hysteresis User Interface interference vibrameter linear guide Ball Screw 四象限檢測器 旋轉軸誤差 三自由度 corner cube 三維檢測 奈米壓印 干涉量 空氣軸承 MEMS, Micro-concave Mirror quarter detector capacitive position sensors 微機電系統 線性平台 straightness error
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